from helpers import userHelper from constants import serverPackets from constants import exceptions from objects import glob from helpers import consoleHelper from constants import bcolors from helpers import locationHelper from helpers import countryHelper import time from helpers import generalFunctions import sys import traceback from helpers import requestHelper from helpers import discordBotHelper from helpers import logHelper as log from helpers import chatHelper as chat from constants import privileges def handle(tornadoRequest): # Data to return responseTokenString = "ayy" responseData = bytes() # Get IP from tornado request requestIP = tornadoRequest.getRequestIP() # Avoid exceptions clientData = ["unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"] osuVersion = "unknown" # Split POST body so we can get username/password/hardware data # 2:-3 thing is because requestData has some escape stuff that we don't need loginData = str(tornadoRequest.request.body)[2:-3].split("\\n") try: # If true, print error to console err = False # Make sure loginData is valid if len(loginData) < 3: raise exceptions.haxException() # Get HWID, MAC address and more # Structure (new line = "|", already split) # [0] osu! version # [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "." # [2] mac addresses hash set # [3] unique ID # [4] disk ID splitData = loginData[2].split("|") osuVersion = splitData[0] clientData = splitData[3].split(":")[:5] if len(clientData) < 4: raise exceptions.forceUpdateException() # Try to get the ID from username username = str(loginData[0]) userID = userHelper.getID(username) if userID == False: # Invalid username raise exceptions.loginFailedException() if userHelper.checkLogin(userID, loginData[1]) == False: # Invalid password raise exceptions.loginFailedException() # Make sure we are not banned priv = userHelper.getPrivileges(userID) if userHelper.isBanned(userID) == True and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0: raise exceptions.loginBannedException() # 2FA check if userHelper.check2FA(userID, requestIP) == True: log.warning("Need 2FA check for user {}".format(loginData[0])) raise exceptions.need2FAException() # No login errors! # Verify this user (if pending activation) firstLogin = False if priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION > 0 or userHelper.hasVerifiedHardware(userID) == False: if userHelper.verifyUser(userID, clientData) == True: # Valid account"Account {} verified successfully!".format(userID)) glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 1 firstLogin = True else: # Multiaccount detected"Account {} NOT verified!".format(userID)) glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 0 raise exceptions.loginBannedException() # Save HWID in db hwAllowed = userHelper.logHardware(userID, clientData, firstLogin) # This is false only if HWID is empty # if HWID is banned, we get restricted so there's no # need to deny bancho access if hwAllowed == False: raise exceptions.haxException() # Log user IP userHelper.IPLog(userID, requestIP) # Delete old tokens for that user and generate a new one glob.tokens.deleteOldTokens(userID) responseToken = glob.tokens.addToken(userID, requestIP) responseTokenString = responseToken.token # Check restricted mode (and eventually send message) responseToken.checkRestricted() # Set silence end UNIX time in token responseToken.silenceEndTime = userHelper.getSilenceEnd(userID) # Get only silence remaining seconds silenceSeconds = responseToken.getSilenceSecondsLeft() # Get supporter/GMT userGMT = False userSupporter = True if responseToken.admin == True: userGMT = True # Server restarting check if glob.restarting == True: raise exceptions.banchoRestartingException() # Send login notification before maintenance message if glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"] != "": responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification(glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"])) # Maintenance check if glob.banchoConf.config["banchoMaintenance"] == True: if userGMT == False: # We are not mod/admin, delete token, send notification and logout glob.tokens.deleteToken(responseTokenString) raise exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException() else: # We are mod/admin, send warning notification and continue responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Bancho is in maintenance mode. Only mods/admins have full access to the server.\nType !system maintenance off in chat to turn off maintenance mode.")) # Send all needed login packets responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.silenceEndTime(silenceSeconds)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userID(userID)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.protocolVersion()) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(userSupporter, userGMT)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(userID, True)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(userID, True)) # Channel info end (before starting!?! wtf bancho?) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.channelInfoEnd()) # Default opened channels # TODO: Configurable default channels chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#osu") chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#announce") # Join admin channel if we are an admin if responseToken.admin == True: chat.joinChannel(token=responseToken, channel="#admin") # Output channels info for key, value in glob.channels.channels.items(): if value.publicRead == True and value.hidden == False: responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.channelInfo(key)) # Send friends list responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.friendList(userID)) # Send main menu icon if glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"] != "": responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.mainMenuIcon(glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"])) # Send online users IDs array responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.onlineUsers()) # Get location and country from or database if glob.localize == True: # Get location and country from IP location = locationHelper.getLocation(requestIP) countryLetters = locationHelper.getCountry(requestIP) country = countryHelper.getCountryID(countryLetters) else: # Set location to 0,0 and get country from db log.warning("Location skipped") location = [0,0] countryLetters = "XX" country = countryHelper.getCountryID(userHelper.getCountry(userID)) # Set location and country responseToken.setLocation(location) responseToken.setCountry(country) # Set country in db if user has no country (first bancho login) if userHelper.getCountry(userID) == "XX": userHelper.setCountry(userID, countryLetters) # Send to everyone our userpanel if we are not restricted if responseToken.restricted == False: glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.userPanel(userID)) # Set reponse data to right value and reset our queue responseData = responseToken.queue responseToken.resetQueue() except exceptions.loginFailedException: # Login failed error packet # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed) err = True responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed() except exceptions.haxException: # Invalid POST data # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed) err = True responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed() responseData += serverPackets.notification("I see what you're doing...") except exceptions.loginBannedException: # Login banned error packet err = True responseData += serverPackets.loginBanned() except exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException: # Bancho is in maintenance mode responseData = responseToken.queue responseData += serverPackets.notification("Our bancho server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later.") responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed() except exceptions.banchoRestartingException: # Bancho is restarting responseData += serverPackets.notification("Bancho is restarting. Try again in a few minutes.") responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed() except exceptions.need2FAException: # User tried to log in from unknown IP responseData += serverPackets.needVerification() except exceptions.haxException: # Using oldoldold client, we can't check hw. Force update. # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed) err = True responseData += serverPackets.forceUpdate() responseData += serverPackets.notification("Hory shitto, your client is TOO old! Nice preistoria! Please turn off the switcher and update it.") except: log.error("Unknown error!\n```\n{}\n{}```".format(sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc())) finally: # Console and discord log if len(loginData) < 3: msg = "Invalid bancho login request from **{}** (insufficient POST data)".format(requestIP) else: msg = "Bancho login request from **{}** for user **{}** _({})_\n_Version: {}\nosu!.exe hash: {}\nMAC: {}\nUID: {}\nHWID: {}_\n".format(requestIP, loginData[0], "failed" if err == True else "success", osuVersion, clientData[0], clientData[2], clientData[3], clientData[4]), "bunker") # Return token string and data return (responseTokenString, responseData)