from common.constants import mods from constants import clientPackets from constants import matchModModes from objects import glob def handle(userToken, packetData): # Get token data userID = userToken.userID # Get packet data packetData = clientPackets.changeMods(packetData) # Make sure the match exists matchID = userToken.matchID if matchID not in glob.matches.matches: return match = glob.matches.matches[matchID] # Set slot or match mods according to modType if match.matchModMode == matchModModes.freeMod: # Freemod # Host can set global DT/HT if userID == match.hostUserID: # If host has selected DT/HT and Freemod is enabled, set DT/HT as match mod if (packetData["mods"] & mods.DOUBLETIME) > 0: match.changeMods(mods.DOUBLETIME) # Nightcore if (packetData["mods"] & mods.NIGHTCORE) > 0: match.changeMods(match.mods + mods.NIGHTCORE) elif (packetData["mods"] & mods.HALFTIME) > 0: match.changeMods(mods.HALFTIME) else: # No DT/HT, set global mods to 0 (we are in freemod mode) match.changeMods(0) # Set slot mods slotID = match.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is not None: match.setSlotMods(slotID, packetData["mods"]) else: # Not freemod, set match mods match.changeMods(packetData["mods"])