import userHelper import serverPackets import exceptions import glob import consoleHelper import bcolors import locationHelper import countryHelper import time import generalFunctions import channelJoinEvent def handle(flaskRequest): # Data to return responseTokenString = "ayy" responseData = bytes() # Get IP from flask request requestIP = flaskRequest.headers.get('X-Real-IP') if requestIP == None: requestIP = flaskRequest.remote_addr # Console output print("> Accepting connection from {}...".format(requestIP)) # Split POST body so we can get username/password/hardware data # 2:-3 thing is because requestData has some escape stuff that we don't need loginData = str([2:-3].split("\\n") # Process login print("> Processing login request for {}...".format(loginData[0])) try: # If true, print error to console err = False # Try to get the ID from username userID = userHelper.getID(str(loginData[0])) if userID == False: # Invalid username raise exceptions.loginFailedException() if userHelper.checkLogin(userID, loginData[1]) == False: # Invalid password raise exceptions.loginFailedException() # Make sure we are not banned userAllowed = userHelper.getAllowed(userID) if userAllowed == 0: # Banned raise exceptions.loginBannedException() # No login errors! # Delete old tokens for that user and generate a new one glob.tokens.deleteOldTokens(userID) responseToken = glob.tokens.addToken(userID) responseTokenString = responseToken.token # Get silence end userSilenceEnd = max(0, userHelper.getSilenceEnd(userID)-int(time.time())) # Get supporter/GMT userRank = userHelper.getRankPrivileges(userID) userGMT = False userSupporter = True if userRank >= 3: userGMT = True # Server restarting check if glob.restarting == True: raise exceptions.banchoRestartingException() # Maintenance check if glob.banchoConf.config["banchoMaintenance"] == True: if userGMT == False: # We are not mod/admin, delete token, send notification and logout glob.tokens.deleteToken(responseTokenString) raise exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException() else: # We are mod/admin, send warning notification and continue responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Bancho is in maintenance mode. Only mods/admins have full access to the server.\nType !system maintenance off in chat to turn off maintenance mode.")) # Send all needed login packets responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.silenceEndTime(userSilenceEnd)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userID(userID)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.protocolVersion()) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(userSupporter, userGMT)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(userID)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(userID)) # Channel info end (before starting!?! wtf bancho?) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.channelInfoEnd()) # Default opened channels # TODO: Configurable default channels channelJoinEvent.joinChannel(responseToken, "#osu") channelJoinEvent.joinChannel(responseToken, "#announce") if userRank >= 3: # Join admin chanenl if we are mod/admin # TODO: Separate channels for mods and admins channelJoinEvent.joinChannel(responseToken, "#admin") # Output channels info for key, value in glob.channels.channels.items(): if value.publicRead == True: responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.channelInfo(key)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.friendList(userID)) # Send main menu icon and login notification if needed if glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"] != "": responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.mainMenuIcon(glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"])) if glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"] != "": responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification(glob.banchoConf.config["loginNotification"])) # Get everyone else userpanel # TODO: Better online users handling for key, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items(): responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(value.userID)) responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(value.userID)) # Send online users IDs array responseToken.enqueue(serverPackets.onlineUsers()) # Get location and country from or database if generalFunctions.stringToBool(glob.conf.config["server"]["localizeusers"]): # Make sure this user has not disabled his country flag if userHelper.getShowCountry(userID) == False: location = [0,0] countryLetters = "XX" country = 0 else: # Get location and country from IP location = locationHelper.getLocation(requestIP) countryLetters = locationHelper.getCountry(requestIP) country = countryHelper.getCountryID(countryLetters) else: # Set location to 0,0 and get country from db print("[!] Location skipped") location = [0,0] countryLetters = "XX" country = countryHelper.getCountryID(userHelper.getCountry(userID)) # Set location and country responseToken.setLocation(location) responseToken.setCountry(country) # Set country in db if user has no country (first bancho login) if userHelper.getCountry(userID) == "XX": userHelper.setCountry(userID, countryLetters) # Send to everyone our userpanel and userStats (so they now we have logged in) glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.userPanel(userID)) glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.userStats(userID)) # Set reponse data to right value and reset our queue responseData = responseToken.queue responseToken.resetQueue() # Print logged in message consoleHelper.printColored("> {} logged in ({})".format(loginData[0], responseToken.token), bcolors.GREEN) except exceptions.loginFailedException: # Login failed error packet # (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed) err = True responseData += serverPackets.loginFailed() except exceptions.loginBannedException: # Login banned error packet err = True responseData += serverPackets.loginBanned() except exceptions.banchoMaintenanceException: # Bancho is in maintenance mode responseData += serverPackets.notification("Our bancho server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later.") responseData += serverPackets.loginError() except exceptions.banchoRestartingException: # Bancho is restarting responseData += serverPackets.notification("Bancho is restarting. Try again in a few minutes.") responseData += serverPackets.loginError() finally: # Print login failed message to console if needed if err == True: consoleHelper.printColored("> {}'s login failed".format(loginData[0]), bcolors.YELLOW) return (responseTokenString, responseData)