## pep.py - Origin: https://git.zxq.co/ripple/pep.py - Mirror: https://github.com/osuripple/pep.py This is Ripple's bancho server. It handles: - Client login - Online users listing and statuses - Public and private chat - Spectator - Multiplayer - Fokabot ## Requirements - Python 3.5 - Cython - C compiler - MySQLdb (`mysqlclient`) - Tornado - Bcrypt - Raven ## How to set up pep.py First of all, initialize and update the submodules ``` $ git submodule init && git submodule update ``` afterwards, install the required dependencies with pip ``` $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` then, compile all `*.pyx` files to `*.so` or `*.dll` files using `setup.py` (distutils file) ``` $ python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace ``` finally, run pep.py once to create the default config file and edit it ``` $ python3 pep.py ... $ nano config.ini ``` you can run pep.py by typing ``` $ python3 pep.py ``` ## License All code in this repository is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3 License. See the "LICENSE" file for more information This project contains code taken by reference from [miniircd](https://github.com/jrosdahl/miniircd) by Joel Rosdahl.