from objects import glob from constants import serverPackets import psutil import os import sys import threading import signal from helpers import logHelper as log import time import math def runningUnderUnix(): """ Get if the server is running under UNIX or NT return --- True if running under UNIX, otherwise False """ return True if == "posix" else False def scheduleShutdown(sendRestartTime, restart, message = "", delay=20): """ Schedule a server shutdown/restart sendRestartTime -- time (seconds) to wait before sending server restart packets to every client restart -- if True, server will restart. if False, server will shudown message -- if set, send that message to every client to warn about the shutdown/restart """ # Console output" will {} in {} seconds!".format("restart" if restart else "shutdown", sendRestartTime+delay))"Sending server restart packets in {} seconds...".format(sendRestartTime)) # Send notification if set if message != "": glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.notification(message)) # Schedule server restart packet threading.Timer(sendRestartTime, glob.tokens.enqueueAll, [serverPackets.banchoRestart(delay*2*1000)]).start() glob.restarting = True # Restart/shutdown if restart: action = restartServer else: action = shutdownServer # Schedule actual server shutdown/restart some seconds after server restart packet, so everyone gets it threading.Timer(sendRestartTime+delay, action).start() def restartServer(): """Restart script""""Restarting") os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) def shutdownServer(): """Shutdown""""Shutting down") sig = signal.SIGKILL if runningUnderUnix() else signal.CTRL_C_EVENT os.kill(os.getpid(), sig) def getSystemInfo(): """ Get a dictionary with some system/server info return -- ["unix", "connectedUsers", "webServer", "cpuUsage", "totalMemory", "usedMemory", "loadAverage"] """ data = {} # Get if server is running under unix/nt data["unix"] = runningUnderUnix() # General stats data["connectedUsers"] = len(glob.tokens.tokens) data["matches"] = len(glob.matches.matches) delta = time.time()-glob.startTime days = math.floor(delta/86400) delta -= days*86400 hours = math.floor(delta/3600) delta -= hours*3600 minutes = math.floor(delta/60) delta -= minutes*60 seconds = math.floor(delta) data["uptime"] = "{}d {}h {}m {}s".format(days, hours, minutes, seconds) data["cpuUsage"] = psutil.cpu_percent() memory = psutil.virtual_memory() data["totalMemory"] = "{0:.2f}".format( data["usedMemory"] = "{0:.2f}".format( # Unix only stats if data["unix"] == True: data["loadAverage"] = os.getloadavg() else: data["loadAverage"] = (0,0,0) return data