import json import random import re import threading import requests import time from common import generalUtils from common.constants import mods from common.log import logUtils as log from common.ripple import userUtils from constants import exceptions, slotStatuses from common.constants import gameModes from common.constants import privileges from constants import serverPackets from helpers import systemHelper from objects import fokabot from objects import glob from helpers import chatHelper as chat from common.web import cheesegull """ Commands callbacks Must have fro, chan and messages as arguments :param fro: username of who triggered the command :param chan: channel"(or username, if PM) where the message was sent :param message: list containing arguments passed from the message [0] = first argument [1] = second argument . . . return the message or **False** if there's no response by the bot TODO: Change False to None, because False doesn't make any sense """ def instantRestart(fro, chan, message): glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.notification("We are restarting Bancho. Be right back!")) systemHelper.scheduleShutdown(0, True, delay=1) return False def faq(fro, chan, message): # TODO: Unhardcode this if message[0] == "rules": return "Please make sure to check (Ripple's rules)[]." elif message[0] == "swearing": return "Please don't abuse swearing" elif message[0] == "spam": return "Please don't spam" elif message[0] == "offend": return "Please don't offend other players" elif message[0] == "github": return "(Ripple's Github page!)[]" elif message[0] == "discord": return "(Join Ripple's Discord!)[]" elif message[0] == "blog": return "You can find the latest Ripple news on the (blog)[]!" elif message[0] == "changelog": return "Check the (changelog)[] !" elif message[0] == "status": return "Check the server status (here!)[]" elif message[0] == "english": return "Please keep this channel in english." elif message[0] == "topic": return "Can you please drop the topic and talk about something else?" elif message[0] == "lines": return "Please try to keep your sentences on a single line to avoid getting silenced." else: return False def roll(fro, chan, message): maxPoints = 100 if len(message) >= 1: if message[0].isdigit() == True and int(message[0]) > 0: maxPoints = int(message[0]) points = random.randrange(0,maxPoints) return "{} rolls {} points!".format(fro, str(points)) #def ask(fro, chan, message): # return random.choice(["yes", "no", "maybe"]) def alert(fro, chan, message): glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.notification(' '.join(message[:]))) return False def alertUser(fro, chan, message): target = message[0].lower() targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target, safe=True) if targetToken is not None: targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.notification(' '.join(message[1:]))) return False else: return "User offline." def moderated(fro, chan, message): try: # Make sure we are in a channel and not PM if not chan.startswith("#"): raise exceptions.moderatedPMException # Get on/off enable = True if len(message) >= 1: if message[0] == "off": enable = False # Turn on/off moderated mode glob.channels.channels[chan].moderated = enable return "This channel is {} in moderated mode!".format("now" if enable else "no longer") except exceptions.moderatedPMException: return "You are trying to put a private chat in moderated mode. Are you serious?!? You're fired." def kickAll(fro, chan, message): # Kick everyone but mods/admins toKick = [] for key, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items(): if not value.admin: toKick.append(key) # Loop though users to kick (we can't change dictionary size while iterating) for i in toKick: if i in glob.tokens.tokens: glob.tokens.tokens[i].kick() return "Whoops! Rip everyone." def kick(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters target = message[0].lower() if target == "fokabot": return "Nope." # Get target token and make sure is connected tokens = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target, safe=True, _all=True) if len(tokens) == 0: return "{} is not online".format(target) # Kick users for i in tokens: i.kick() # Bot response return "{} has been kicked from the server.".format(target) def fokabotReconnect(fro, chan, message): # Check if fokabot is already connected if glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(999) is not None: return "Fokabot is already connected to Bancho" # Fokabot is not connected, connect it fokabot.connect() return False def silence(fro, chan, message): for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] amount = message[1] unit = message[2] reason = ' '.join(message[3:]) # Get target user ID targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) # Make sure the user exists if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Calculate silence seconds if unit == 's': silenceTime = int(amount) elif unit == 'm': silenceTime = int(amount) * 60 elif unit == 'h': silenceTime = int(amount) * 3600 elif unit == 'd': silenceTime = int(amount) * 86400 else: return "Invalid time unit (s/m/h/d)." # Max silence time is 7 days if silenceTime > 604800: return "Invalid silence time. Max silence time is 7 days." # Send silence packet to target if he's connected targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken is not None: # user online, silence both in db and with packet targetToken.silence(silenceTime, reason, userID) else: # User offline, silence user only in db userUtils.silence(targetUserID, silenceTime, reason, userID) # Log message msg = "{} has been silenced for the following reason: {}".format(target, reason) return msg def removeSilence(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Send new silence end packet to user if he's online targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken is not None: # User online, remove silence both in db and with packet targetToken.silence(0, "", userID) else: # user offline, remove islene ofnlt from db userUtils.silence(targetUserID, 0, "", userID) return "{}'s silence reset".format(target) def ban(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Set allowed to 0 userUtils.ban(targetUserID) # Send ban packet to the user if he's online targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken is not None: targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.loginBanned()) log.rap(userID, "has banned {}".format(target), True) return "RIP {}. You will not be missed.".format(target) def unban(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Set allowed to 1 userUtils.unban(targetUserID) log.rap(userID, "has unbanned {}".format(target), True) return "Welcome back {}!".format(target) def restrict(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Put this user in restricted mode userUtils.restrict(targetUserID) # Send restricted mode packet to this user if he's online targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken is not None: targetToken.setRestricted() log.rap(userID, "has put {} in restricted mode".format(target), True) return "Bye bye {}. See you later, maybe.".format(target) def unrestrict(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0] # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Set allowed to 1 userUtils.unrestrict(targetUserID) log.rap(userID, "has removed restricted mode from {}".format(target), True) return "Welcome back {}!".format(target) def restartShutdown(restart): """Restart (if restart = True) or shutdown (if restart = False) safely""" msg = "We are performing some maintenance. Bancho will {} in 5 seconds. Thank you for your patience.".format("restart" if restart else "shutdown") systemHelper.scheduleShutdown(5, restart, msg) return msg def systemRestart(fro, chan, message): return restartShutdown(True) def systemShutdown(fro, chan, message): return restartShutdown(False) def systemReload(fro, chan, message): glob.banchoConf.reload() return "Bancho settings reloaded!" def systemMaintenance(fro, chan, message): # Turn on/off bancho maintenance maintenance = True # Get on/off if len(message) >= 2: if message[1] == "off": maintenance = False # Set new maintenance value in bancho_settings table glob.banchoConf.setMaintenance(maintenance) if maintenance: # We have turned on maintenance mode # Users that will be disconnected who = [] # Disconnect everyone but mod/admins for _, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items(): if not value.admin: who.append(value.userID) glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.notification("Our bancho server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later.")) glob.tokens.multipleEnqueue(serverPackets.loginError(), who) msg = "The server is now in maintenance mode!" else: # We have turned off maintenance mode # Send message if we have turned off maintenance mode msg = "The server is no longer in maintenance mode!" # Chat output return msg def systemStatus(fro, chan, message): # Print some server info data = systemHelper.getSystemInfo() # Final message letsVersion = glob.redis.get("lets:version") if letsVersion is None: letsVersion = "\_(xd)_/" else: letsVersion = letsVersion.decode("utf-8") msg = " bancho server v{}\n".format(glob.VERSION) msg += "LETS scores server v{}\n".format(letsVersion) msg += "made by the Ripple team\n" msg += "\n" msg += "=== BANCHO STATS ===\n" msg += "Connected users: {}\n".format(data["connectedUsers"]) msg += "Multiplayer matches: {}\n".format(data["matches"]) msg += "Uptime: {}\n".format(data["uptime"]) msg += "\n" msg += "=== SYSTEM STATS ===\n" msg += "CPU: {}%\n".format(data["cpuUsage"]) msg += "RAM: {}GB/{}GB\n".format(data["usedMemory"], data["totalMemory"]) if data["unix"]: msg += "Load average: {}/{}/{}\n".format(data["loadAverage"][0], data["loadAverage"][1], data["loadAverage"][2]) return msg def getPPMessage(userID, just_data = False): try: # Get user token token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID) if token is None: return False currentMap = token.tillerino[0] currentMods = token.tillerino[1] currentAcc = token.tillerino[2] # Send request to LETS api resp = requests.get("{}&m={}".format(currentMap, currentMods), timeout=10).text data = json.loads(resp) # Make sure status is in response data if "status" not in data: raise exceptions.apiException # Make sure status is 200 if data["status"] != 200: if "message" in data: return "Error in LETS API call ({}).".format(data["message"]) else: raise exceptions.apiException if just_data: return data # Return response in chat # Song name and mods msg = "{song}{plus}{mods} ".format(song=data["song_name"], plus="+" if currentMods > 0 else "", mods=generalUtils.readableMods(currentMods)) # PP values if currentAcc == -1: msg += "95%: {pp95}pp | 98%: {pp98}pp | 99% {pp99}pp | 100%: {pp100}pp".format(pp100=data["pp"][0], pp99=data["pp"][1], pp98=data["pp"][2], pp95=data["pp"][3]) else: msg += "{acc:.2f}%: {pp}pp".format(acc=token.tillerino[2], pp=data["pp"][0]) originalAR = data["ar"] # calc new AR if HR/EZ is on if (currentMods & mods.EASY) > 0: data["ar"] = max(0, data["ar"] / 2) if (currentMods & mods.HARDROCK) > 0: data["ar"] = min(10, data["ar"] * 1.4) arstr = " ({})".format(originalAR) if originalAR != data["ar"] else "" # Beatmap info msg += " | {bpm} BPM | AR {ar}{arstr} | {stars:.2f} stars".format(bpm=data["bpm"], stars=data["stars"], ar=data["ar"], arstr=arstr) # Return final message return msg except requests.exceptions.RequestException: # RequestException return "API Timeout. Please try again in a few seconds." except exceptions.apiException: # API error return "Unknown error in LETS API call." #except: # Unknown exception # TODO: print exception # return False def tillerinoNp(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False playWatch = message[1] == "playing" or message[1] == "watching" # Get URL from message if message[1] == "listening": beatmapURL = str(message[3][1:]) elif playWatch: beatmapURL = str(message[2][1:]) else: return False modsEnum = 0 mapping = { "-Easy": mods.EASY, "-NoFail": mods.NOFAIL, "+Hidden": mods.HIDDEN, "+HardRock": mods.HARDROCK, "+Nightcore": mods.NIGHTCORE, "+DoubleTime": mods.DOUBLETIME, "-HalfTime": mods.HALFTIME, "+Flashlight": mods.FLASHLIGHT, "-SpunOut": mods.SPUNOUT } if playWatch: for part in message: part = part.replace("\x01", "") if part in mapping.keys(): modsEnum += mapping[part] # Get beatmap id from URL beatmapID =[0] # Update latest tillerino song for current token token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is not None: token.tillerino = [int(beatmapID), modsEnum, -1.0] userID = token.userID # Return tillerino message return getPPMessage(userID) except: return False def tillerinoMods(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False # Get token and user ID token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is None: return False userID = token.userID # Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command if token.tillerino[0] == 0: return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command." # Check passed mods and convert to enum modsList = [message[0][i:i+2].upper() for i in range(0, len(message[0]), 2)] modsEnum = 0 for i in modsList: if i not in ["NO", "NF", "EZ", "HD", "HR", "DT", "HT", "NC", "FL", "SO"]: return "Invalid mods. Allowed mods: NO, NF, EZ, HD, HR, DT, HT, NC, FL, SO. Do not use spaces for multiple mods." if i == "NO": modsEnum = 0 break elif i == "NF": modsEnum += mods.NOFAIL elif i == "EZ": modsEnum += mods.EASY elif i == "HD": modsEnum += mods.HIDDEN elif i == "HR": modsEnum += mods.HARDROCK elif i == "DT": modsEnum += mods.DOUBLETIME elif i == "HT": modsEnum += mods.HALFTIME elif i == "NC": modsEnum += mods.NIGHTCORE elif i == "FL": modsEnum += mods.FLASHLIGHT elif i == "SO": modsEnum += mods.SPUNOUT # Set mods token.tillerino[1] = modsEnum # Return tillerino message for that beatmap with mods return getPPMessage(userID) except: return False def tillerinoAcc(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False # Get token and user ID token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is None: return False userID = token.userID # Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command if token.tillerino[0] == 0: return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command." # Convert acc to float acc = float(message[0]) # Set new tillerino list acc value token.tillerino[2] = acc # Return tillerino message for that beatmap with mods return getPPMessage(userID) except ValueError: return "Invalid acc value" except: return False def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False data = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT beatmaps.song_name as sn, scores.*, beatmaps.beatmap_id as bid, beatmaps.difficulty_std, beatmaps.difficulty_taiko, beatmaps.difficulty_ctb, beatmaps.difficulty_mania, beatmaps.max_combo as fc FROM scores LEFT JOIN beatmaps ON beatmaps.beatmap_md5=scores.beatmap_md5 LEFT JOIN users ON = scores.userid WHERE users.username = %s ORDER BY scores.time DESC LIMIT 1""", [fro]) if data is None: return False diffString = "difficulty_{}".format(gameModes.getGameModeForDB(data["play_mode"])) rank = generalUtils.getRank(data["play_mode"], data["mods"], data["accuracy"], data["300_count"], data["100_count"], data["50_count"], data["misses_count"]) ifPlayer = "{0} | ".format(fro) if chan != "FokaBot" else "" ifFc = " (FC)" if data["max_combo"] == data["fc"] else " {0}x/{1}x".format(data["max_combo"], data["fc"]) beatmapLink = "[{1} {0}]".format(data["sn"], data["bid"]) hasPP = data["play_mode"] == gameModes.STD or data["play_mode"] == gameModes.MANIA msg = ifPlayer msg += beatmapLink if data["play_mode"] != gameModes.STD: msg += " <{0}>".format(gameModes.getGameModeForPrinting(data["play_mode"])) if data["mods"]: msg += ' +' + generalUtils.readableMods(data["mods"]) if not hasPP: msg += " | {0:,}".format(data["score"]) msg += ifFc msg += " | {0:.2f}%, {1}".format(data["accuracy"], rank.upper()) msg += " {{ {0} / {1} / {2} / {3} }}".format(data["300_count"], data["100_count"], data["50_count"], data["misses_count"]) msg += " | {0:.2f} stars".format(data[diffString]) return msg msg += " ({0:.2f}%, {1})".format(data["accuracy"], rank.upper()) msg += ifFc msg += " | {0:.2f}pp".format(data["pp"]) stars = data[diffString] if data["mods"]: token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is None: return False userID = token.userID token.tillerino[0] = data["bid"] token.tillerino[1] = data["mods"] token.tillerino[2] = data["accuracy"] oppaiData = getPPMessage(userID, just_data=True) if "stars" in oppaiData: stars = oppaiData["stars"] msg += " | {0:.2f} stars".format(stars) return msg except Exception as a: log.error(a) return False def mm00(fro, chan, message): random.seed() return random.choice(["meme", "MA MAURO ESISTE?"]) def pp(fro, chan, message): if chan.startswith("#"): return False gameMode = None if len(message) >= 1: gm = { "standard": 0, "std": 0, "taiko": 1, "ctb": 2, "mania": 3 } if message[0].lower() not in gm: return "What's that game mode? I've never heard of it :/" else: gameMode = gm[message[0].lower()] token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is None: return False if gameMode is None: gameMode = token.gameMode if gameMode == gameModes.TAIKO or gameMode == gameModes.CTB: return "PP for your current game mode is not supported yet." pp = userUtils.getPP(token.userID, gameMode) return "You have {:,} pp".format(pp) def updateBeatmap(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False # Get token and user ID token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is None: return False # Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command if token.tillerino[0] == 0: return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command." # Send the request to cheesegull ok, message = cheesegull.updateBeatmap(token.tillerino[0]) if ok: return "An update request for that beatmap has been queued. Check back in a few minutes and the beatmap should be updated!" else: return "Error in beatmap mirror API request: {}".format(message) except: return False def report(fro, chan, message): msg = "" try: # TODO: Rate limit # Regex on message reportRegex = re.compile("^(.+) \((.+)\)\:(?: )?(.+)?$") result =" ".join(message)) # Make sure the message matches the regex if result is None: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException() # Get username, report reason and report info target, reason, additionalInfo = result.groups() target = chat.fixUsernameForBancho(target) # Make sure the target is not foka if target.lower() == "fokabot": raise exceptions.invalidUserException() # Make sure the user exists targetID = userUtils.getID(target) if targetID == 0: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException() # Make sure that the user has specified additional info if report reason is 'Other' if reason.lower() == "other" and additionalInfo is None: raise exceptions.missingReportInfoException() # Get the token if possible chatlog = "" token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if token is not None: chatlog = token.getMessagesBufferString() # Everything is fine, submit report glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO reports (id, from_uid, to_uid, reason, chatlog, time) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [userUtils.getID(fro), targetID, "{reason} - ingame {info}".format(reason=reason, info="({})".format(additionalInfo) if additionalInfo is not None else ""), chatlog, int(time.time())]) msg = "You've reported {target} for {reason}{info}. A Community Manager will check your report as soon as possible. Every !report message you may see in chat wasn't sent to anyone, so nobody in chat, but admins, know about your report. Thank you for reporting!".format(target=target, reason=reason, info="" if additionalInfo is None else " (" + additionalInfo + ")") adminMsg = "{user} has reported {target} for {reason} ({info})".format(user=fro, target=target, reason=reason, info=additionalInfo) # Log report in #admin and on discord chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", "#admin", adminMsg) log.warning(adminMsg, discord="cm") except exceptions.invalidUserException: msg = "Hello, FokaBot here! You can't report me. I won't forget what you've tried to do. Watch out." except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException: msg = "Invalid report command syntax. To report an user, click on it and select 'Report user'." except exceptions.userNotFoundException: msg = "The user you've tried to report doesn't exist." except exceptions.missingReportInfoException: msg = "Please specify the reason of your report." except: raise finally: if msg != "": token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token is not None: if token.irc: chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", fro, msg) else: token.enqueue(serverPackets.notification(msg)) return False def multiplayer(fro, chan, message): def getMatchIDFromChannel(chan): if not chan.lower().startswith("#multi_"): raise exceptions.wrongChannelException() parts = chan.lower().split("_") if len(parts) < 2 or not parts[1].isdigit(): raise exceptions.wrongChannelException() matchID = int(parts[1]) if matchID not in glob.matches.matches: raise exceptions.matchNotFoundException() return matchID def mpMake(): if len(message) < 2: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp make ") matchID = glob.matches.createMatch(" ".join(message[1:]), generalUtils.stringMd5(generalUtils.randomString(32)), 0, "Tournament", "", 0, -1, isTourney=True) return "Tourney match #{} created!".format(matchID) def mpJoin(): if len(message) < 2 or not message[1].isdigit(): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp join ") matchID = int(message[1]) userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro, ignoreIRC=True) userToken.joinMatch(matchID) return "Attempting to join match #{}!".format(matchID) def mpClose(): myToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if myToken.matchID == -1: return "You're not in a multiplayer match" glob.matches.disposeMatch(myToken.matchID) return "Multiplayer match #{} disposed successfully".format(myToken.matchID) def mpLock(): matchID = getMatchIDFromChannel(chan) glob.matches.matches[matchID].isLocked = True return "This match has been locked" def mpUnlock(): matchID = getMatchIDFromChannel(chan) glob.matches.matches[matchID].isLocked = False return "This match has been unlocked" def mpSize(): if len(message) < 2 or not message[1].isdigit() or int(message[1]) < 2 or int(message[1]) > 16: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp size ") matchSize = int(message[1]) _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.forceSize(matchSize) return "Match size changed to {}".format(matchSize) def mpMove(): if len(message) < 3 or not message[2].isdigit() or int(message[2]) < 0 or int(message[2]) > 16: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp move ") username = message[1] newSlotID = int(message[2]) userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username) if userID is None: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] success = _match.userChangeSlot(userID, newSlotID) if success: result = "Player {} moved to slot {}".format(username, newSlotID) else: result = "You can't use that slot: it's either already occupied by someone else or locked" return result def mpHost(): if len(message) < 2: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp host ") username = message[1] userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username) if userID is None: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] success = _match.setHost(userID) return "{} is now the host".format(username) if success else "Couldn't give host to {}".format(username) def mpClearHost(): matchID = getMatchIDFromChannel(chan) glob.matches.matches[matchID].removeHost() def mpStart(): def _start(): matchID = getMatchIDFromChannel(chan) success = glob.matches.matches[matchID].start() if not success: chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", chan, "Couldn't start match. Make sure there are enough players and " "teams are valid. The match has been unlocked.") else: chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", chan, "Have fun!") def _decreaseTimer(t): if t <= 0: _start() else: if t % 10 == 0 or t <= 5: chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", chan, "Match starts in {} seconds.".format(t)) threading.Timer(1.00, _decreaseTimer, [t - 1]).start() if len(message) < 2 or not message[1].isdigit(): startTime = 0 else: startTime = int(message[1]) _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] # Force everyone to ready for i, slot in enumerate(_match.slots): if slot.status != slotStatuses.READY and slot.user is not None: _match.toggleSlotReady(i) if startTime == 0: _start() return "Starting match" else: _match.isStarting = True threading.Timer(1.00, _decreaseTimer, [startTime - 1]).start() return "Match starts in {} seconds. The match has been locked. " \ "Please don't leave the match during the countdown " \ "or you might receive a penalty.".format(startTime) def mpInvite(): if len(message) < 2: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp invite ") username = message[1] userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username) if userID is None: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user") token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID, ignoreIRC=True) if token is None: raise exceptions.invalidUserException("That user is not connected to bancho right now.") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.invite(999, userID) token.enqueue(serverPackets.notification("Please accept the invite you've just received from FokaBot to " "enter your tourney match.")) return "An invite to this match has been sent to {}".format(username) def mpMap(): if len(message) < 2 or not message[1].isdigit() or (len(message) == 3 and not message[2].isdigit()): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp map []") beatmapID = int(message[1]) gameMode = int(message[2]) if len(message) == 3 else 0 if gameMode < 0 or gameMode > 3: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Gamemode must be 0, 1, 2 or 3") beatmapData = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM beatmaps WHERE beatmap_id = %s LIMIT 1", [beatmapID]) if beatmapData is None: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("The beatmap you've selected couldn't be found in the database." "If the beatmap id is valid, please load the scoreboard first in " "order to cache it, then try again.") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.beatmapID = beatmapID _match.beatmapName = beatmapData["song_name"] _match.beatmapMD5 = beatmapData["beatmap_md5"] _match.gameMode = gameMode _match.sendUpdates() return "Match map has been updated" def mpSet(): if len(message) < 2 or not message[1].isdigit() or \ (len(message) >= 3 and not message[2].isdigit()) or \ (len(message) >= 4 and not message[3].isdigit()): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp set [] []") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] matchTeamType = int(message[1]) matchScoringType = int(message[2]) if len(message) >= 3 else _match.matchScoringType if not 0 <= matchTeamType <= 3: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Match team type must be between 0 and 3") if not 0 <= matchScoringType <= 3: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Match scoring type must be between 0 and 3") _match.matchTeamType = matchTeamType _match.matchScoringType = matchScoringType if len(message) >= 4: _match.forceSize(int(message[3])) _match.sendUpdates() return "Match settings have been updated!" def mpAbort(): _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.abort() return "Match aborted!" def mpKick(): if len(message) < 2: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp kick ") username = message[1] userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username) if userID is None: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user") _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] slotID = _match.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("The specified user is not in this match") for i in range(0, 2): _match.toggleSlotLocked(slotID) return "{} has been kicked from the match.".format(username) def mpPassword(): password = "" if len(message) < 2 else message[1] _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.changePassword(password) return "Match password has been changed!" def mpRandomPassword(): password = generalUtils.stringMd5(generalUtils.randomString(32)) _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)] _match.changePassword(password) return "Match password has been changed to a random one" try: subcommands = { "make": mpMake, "close": mpClose, "join": mpJoin, "lock": mpLock, "unlock": mpUnlock, "size": mpSize, "move": mpMove, "host": mpHost, "clearhost": mpClearHost, "start": mpStart, "invite": mpInvite, "map": mpMap, "set": mpSet, "abort": mpAbort, "kick": mpKick, "password": mpPassword, "randompassword": mpRandomPassword, } requestedSubcommand = message[0].lower().strip() if requestedSubcommand not in subcommands: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Invalid subcommand") return subcommands[requestedSubcommand]() except (exceptions.invalidArgumentsException, exceptions.userNotFoundException) as e: return str(e) except exceptions.wrongChannelException: return "This command only works in multiplayer chat channels" except exceptions.matchNotFoundException: return "Match not found" except: raise def switchServer(fro, chan, message): # Get target user ID target = message[0] newServer = message[1] targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target) userID = userUtils.getID(fro) # Make sure the user exists if not targetUserID: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Connect the user to the end server userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID, ignoreIRC=True, _all=False) userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.switchServer(newServer)) # Disconnect the user from the origin server # userToken.kick() return "{} has been connected to {}".format(target, newServer) """ Commands list trigger: message that triggers the command callback: function to call when the command is triggered. Optional. response: text to return when the command is triggered. Optional. syntax: command syntax. Arguments must be separated by spaces (eg: ) privileges: privileges needed to execute the command. Optional. """ commands = [ { "trigger": "!roll", "callback": roll }, { "trigger": "!faq", "syntax": "", "callback": faq }, { "trigger": "!report", "callback": report }, { "trigger": "!help", "response": "Click (here)[] for FokaBot's full command list" }, #{ #"trigger": "!ask", #"syntax": "", #"callback": ask #}, { { "trigger": "!mm00", "callback": mm00 }, { "trigger": "!alert", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_SEND_ALERTS, "callback": alert }, { "trigger": "!alertuser", "syntax": " ", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_SEND_ALERTS, "callback": alertUser, }, { "trigger": "!moderated", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_CHAT_MOD, "callback": moderated }, { "trigger": "!kickall", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": kickAll }, { "trigger": "!kick", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_KICK_USERS, "callback": kick }, { "trigger": "!fokabot reconnect", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": fokabotReconnect }, { "trigger": "!silence", "syntax": " ", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_SILENCE_USERS, "callback": silence }, { "trigger": "!removesilence", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_SILENCE_USERS, "callback": removeSilence }, { "trigger": "!system restart", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": systemRestart }, { "trigger": "!system shutdown", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": systemShutdown }, { "trigger": "!system reload", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SETTINGS, "callback": systemReload }, { "trigger": "!system maintenance", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": systemMaintenance }, { "trigger": "!system status", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": systemStatus }, { "trigger": "!ban", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_BAN_USERS, "callback": ban }, { "trigger": "!unban", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_BAN_USERS, "callback": unban }, { "trigger": "!restrict", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_BAN_USERS, "callback": restrict }, { "trigger": "!unrestrict", "syntax": "", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_BAN_USERS, "callback": unrestrict }, { "trigger": "\x01ACTION is listening to", "callback": tillerinoNp }, { "trigger": "\x01ACTION is playing", "callback": tillerinoNp }, { "trigger": "\x01ACTION is watching", "callback": tillerinoNp }, { "trigger": "!with", "callback": tillerinoMods, "syntax": "" }, { "trigger": "!last", "callback": tillerinoLast }, { "trigger": "!ir", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "callback": instantRestart }, { "trigger": "!pp", "callback": pp }, { "trigger": "!update", "callback": updateBeatmap }, { "trigger": "!mp", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, # TODO: replace with admin tournament privilege "syntax": "", "callback": multiplayer }, { "trigger": "!switchserver", "privileges": privileges.ADMIN_MANAGE_SERVERS, "syntax": " ", "callback": switchServer } # # "trigger": "!acc", # "callback": tillerinoAcc, # "syntax": "" #} ] # Commands list default values for cmd in commands: cmd.setdefault("syntax", "") cmd.setdefault("privileges", None) cmd.setdefault("callback", None) cmd.setdefault("response", "u w0t m8?")