from objects import glob from constants import clientPackets from constants import serverPackets from helpers import userHelper from helpers import logHelper as log from constants import actions def handle(userToken, packetData): # Get usertoken data userID = userToken.userID username = userToken.username # Make sure we are not banned if userHelper.getAllowed(userID) == 0: userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.loginBanned()) return # Change action packet packetData = clientPackets.userActionChange(packetData) # Update our action id, text and md5 userToken.actionID = packetData["actionID"] userToken.actionText = packetData["actionText"] userToken.actionMd5 = packetData["actionMd5"] userToken.actionMods = packetData["actionMods"] userToken.gameMode = packetData["gameMode"] # Send osu!direct alert if needed # NOTE: Remove this when osu!direct will be fixed if userToken.actionID == actions.osuDirect and userToken.osuDirectAlert == False: userToken.osuDirectAlert = True userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.sendMessage("FokaBot", userToken.username, "Sup! osu!direct works, kinda. To download a beatmap, you have to click the \"View listing\" button (the last one) instead of \"Download\". However, if you are on the stable (fallback) branch, it should work also with the \"Download\" button. We'll fix that bug as soon as possibleTM.")) # Enqueue our new user panel and stats to everyone glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.userPanel(userID)) glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.userStats(userID)) # Console output"{} changed action: {} [{}][{}]".format(username, str(userToken.actionID), userToken.actionText, userToken.actionMd5))