import copy from common.log import logUtils as log from constants import dataTypes from constants import matchModModes from constants import matchScoringTypes from constants import matchTeamTypes from constants import matchTeams from constants import serverPackets from constants import slotStatuses from helpers import chatHelper as chat from objects import glob class slot: def __init__(self): self.status = = 0 self.userID = -1 self.user = None self.mods = 0 self.loaded = False self.skip = False self.complete = False class match: """Multiplayer match object""" def __init__(self, matchID, matchName, matchPassword, beatmapID, beatmapName, beatmapMD5, gameMode, hostUserID): """ Create a new match object matchID -- match progressive identifier matchName -- match name, string matchPassword -- match md5 password. Leave empty for no password beatmapID -- beatmap ID beatmapName -- beatmap name, string beatmapMD5 -- beatmap md5 hash, string gameMode -- game mode ID. See hostUserID -- user id of the host """ self.matchID = matchID self.streamName = "multi/{}".format(self.matchID) self.playingStreamName = "{}/playing".format(self.streamName) self.inProgress = False self.mods = 0 self.matchName = matchName self.matchPassword = matchPassword self.beatmapID = beatmapID self.beatmapName = beatmapName self.beatmapMD5 = beatmapMD5 self.hostUserID = hostUserID self.gameMode = gameMode self.matchScoringType = matchScoringTypes.score # default values self.matchTeamType = matchTeamTypes.headToHead # default value self.matchModMode = matchModModes.normal # default value self.seed = 0 self.matchDataCache = bytes() # Create all slots and reset them self.slots = [] for _ in range(0,16): self.slots.append(slot()) # Create streams glob.streams.add(self.streamName) glob.streams.add(self.playingStreamName) # Create #multiplayer channel glob.channels.addTempChannel("#multi_{}".format(self.matchID)) def getMatchData(self): """ Return binary match data structure for packetHelper """ # General match info # TODO: Test without safe copy, the error might have been caused by outdated python bytecode cache safeMatch = copy.deepcopy(self) struct = [ [safeMatch.matchID, dataTypes.UINT16], [int(safeMatch.inProgress), dataTypes.BYTE], [0, dataTypes.BYTE], [safeMatch.mods, dataTypes.UINT32], [safeMatch.matchName, dataTypes.STRING], [safeMatch.matchPassword, dataTypes.STRING], [safeMatch.beatmapName, dataTypes.STRING], [safeMatch.beatmapID, dataTypes.UINT32], [safeMatch.beatmapMD5, dataTypes.STRING], ] # Slots status IDs, always 16 elements for i in range(0,16): struct.append([safeMatch.slots[i].status, dataTypes.BYTE]) # Slot teams, always 16 elements for i in range(0,16): struct.append([safeMatch.slots[i].team, dataTypes.BYTE]) # Slot user ID. Write only if slot is occupied for i in range(0,16): if safeMatch.slots[i].user is not None and safeMatch.slots[i].user in glob.tokens.tokens: struct.append([glob.tokens.tokens[safeMatch.slots[i].user].userID, dataTypes.UINT32]) # Other match data struct.extend([ [safeMatch.hostUserID, dataTypes.SINT32], [safeMatch.gameMode, dataTypes.BYTE], [safeMatch.matchScoringType, dataTypes.BYTE], [safeMatch.matchTeamType, dataTypes.BYTE], [safeMatch.matchModMode, dataTypes.BYTE], ]) # Slot mods if free mod is enabled if safeMatch.matchModMode == matchModModes.freeMod: for i in range(0,16): struct.append([safeMatch.slots[i].mods, dataTypes.UINT32]) # Seed idk # TODO: Implement this, it should be used for mania "random" mod struct.append([safeMatch.seed, dataTypes.UINT32]) return struct def setHost(self, newHost): """ Set room host to newHost and send him host packet newHost -- new host userID """ slotID = self.getUserSlotID(newHost) if slotID is None or self.slots[slotID].user not in glob.tokens.tokens: return token = glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[slotID].user] self.hostUserID = newHost token.enqueue(serverPackets.matchTransferHost()) self.sendUpdates()"MPROOM{}: {} is now the host".format(self.matchID, token.username)) def setSlot(self, slotID, status = None, team = None, user = "", mods = None, loaded = None, skip = None, complete = None): #self.setSlot(i, slotStatuses.notReady, 0, user, 0) if status is not None: self.slots[slotID].status = status if team is not None: self.slots[slotID].team = team if user is not "": self.slots[slotID].user = user if mods is not None: self.slots[slotID].mods = mods if loaded is not None: self.slots[slotID].loaded = loaded if skip is not None: self.slots[slotID].skip = skip if complete is not None: self.slots[slotID].complete = complete def setSlotMods(self, slotID, mods): """ Set slotID mods. Same as calling setSlot and then sendUpdate slotID -- slot number mods -- new mods """ # Set new slot data and send update self.setSlot(slotID, mods=mods) self.sendUpdates()"MPROOM{}: Slot{} mods changed to {}".format(self.matchID, slotID, mods)) def toggleSlotReady(self, slotID): """ Switch slotID ready/not ready status Same as calling setSlot and then sendUpdate slotID -- slot number """ # Update ready status and setnd update oldStatus = self.slots[slotID].status if oldStatus == slotStatuses.ready: newStatus = slotStatuses.notReady else: newStatus = slotStatuses.ready self.setSlot(slotID, newStatus) self.sendUpdates()"MPROOM{}: Slot{} changed ready status to {}".format(self.matchID, slotID, self.slots[slotID].status)) def toggleSlotLock(self, slotID): """ Lock a slot Same as calling setSlot and then sendUpdate slotID -- slot number """ # Check if slot is already locked if self.slots[slotID].status == slotStatuses.locked: newStatus = else: newStatus = slotStatuses.locked # Send updated settings to kicked user, so he returns to lobby if self.slots[slotID].user is not None and self.slots[slotID].user in glob.tokens.tokens: glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[slotID].user].enqueue(serverPackets.updateMatch(self.matchID)) # Set new slot status self.setSlot(slotID, status=newStatus, team=0, user=None, mods=0) # Send updates to everyone else self.sendUpdates()"MPROOM{}: Slot{} {}".format(self.matchID, slotID, "locked" if newStatus == slotStatuses.locked else "unlocked")) def playerLoaded(self, userID): """ Set a player loaded status to True userID -- ID of user """ slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return # Set loaded to True self.slots[slotID].loaded = True"MPROOM{}: User {} loaded".format(self.matchID, userID)) # Check all loaded total = 0 loaded = 0 for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].status == slotStatuses.playing: total+=1 if self.slots[i].loaded: loaded+=1 if total == loaded: self.allPlayersLoaded() def allPlayersLoaded(self): """Send allPlayersLoaded packet to every playing usr in match""" glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.allPlayersLoaded())"MPROOM{}: All players loaded! Match starting...".format(self.matchID)) def playerSkip(self, userID): """ Set a player skip status to True userID -- ID of user """ slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return # Set skip to True self.slots[slotID].skip = True"MPROOM{}: User {} skipped".format(self.matchID, userID)) # Send skip packet to every playing user #glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.playerSkipped(glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[slotID].user].userID)) glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.playerSkipped(slotID)) # Check all skipped total = 0 skipped = 0 for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].status == slotStatuses.playing: total+=1 if self.slots[i].skip: skipped+=1 if total == skipped: self.allPlayersSkipped() def allPlayersSkipped(self): """Send allPlayersSkipped packet to every playing usr in match""" glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.allPlayersSkipped())"MPROOM{}: All players have skipped!".format(self.matchID)) def playerCompleted(self, userID): """ Set userID's slot completed to True userID -- ID of user """ slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return self.setSlot(slotID, complete=True) # Console output"MPROOM{}: User {} has completed his play".format(self.matchID, userID)) # Check all completed total = 0 completed = 0 for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].status == slotStatuses.playing: total+=1 if self.slots[i].complete: completed+=1 if total == completed: self.allPlayersCompleted() def allPlayersCompleted(self): """Cleanup match stuff and send match end packet to everyone""" # Reset inProgress self.inProgress = False # Reset slots for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user is not None and self.slots[i].status == slotStatuses.playing: self.slots[i].status = slotStatuses.notReady self.slots[i].loaded = False self.slots[i].skip = False self.slots[i].complete = False # Send match update self.sendUpdates() # Send match complete glob.streams.broadcast(self.streamName, serverPackets.matchComplete()) # Destroy playing stream glob.streams.remove(self.playingStreamName) # Console output"MPROOM{}: Match completed".format(self.matchID)) def getUserSlotID(self, userID): """ Get slot ID occupied by userID return -- slot id if found, None if user is not in room """ for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user is not None and self.slots[i].user in glob.tokens.tokens and glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[i].user].userID == userID: return i return None def userJoin(self, user): """ Add someone to users in match userID -- user id of the user return -- True if join success, False if fail (room is full) """ # Make sure we're not in this match for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user == user.token: # Set bugged slot to free self.setSlot(i,, 0, None, 0) # Find first free slot for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].status == # Occupy slot self.setSlot(i, slotStatuses.notReady, 0, user.token, 0) # Send updated match data self.sendUpdates() # Console output"MPROOM{}: {} joined the room".format(self.matchID, user.username)) return True return False def userLeft(self, user): """ Remove someone from users in match userID -- user if of the user """ # Make sure the user is in room slotID = self.getUserSlotID(user.userID) if slotID is None: return # Set that slot to free self.setSlot(slotID,, 0, None, 0) # Check if everyone left if self.countUsers() == 0: # Dispose match glob.matches.disposeMatch(self.matchID)"MPROOM{}: Room disposed".format(self.matchID)) return # Check if host left if user.userID == self.hostUserID: # Give host to someone else for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user is not None and self.slots[i].user in glob.tokens.tokens: self.setHost(glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[i].user].userID) break # Send updated match data self.sendUpdates() # Console output"MPROOM{}: {} left the room".format(self.matchID, user.username)) def userChangeSlot(self, userID, newSlotID): """ Change userID slot to newSlotID userID -- user that changed slot newSlotID -- slot id of new slot """ # Make sure the user is in room oldSlotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if oldSlotID is None: return # Make sure there is no one inside new slot if self.slots[newSlotID].user is not None and self.slots[newSlotID].status != return # Get old slot data #oldData = dill.copy(self.slots[oldSlotID]) oldData = copy.deepcopy(self.slots[oldSlotID]) # Free old slot self.setSlot(oldSlotID,, 0, None, 0, False, False, False) # Occupy new slot self.setSlot(newSlotID, oldData.status,, oldData.user, oldData.mods) # Send updated match data self.sendUpdates() # Console output"MPROOM{}: {} moved to slot {}".format(self.matchID, userID, newSlotID)) def changePassword(self, newPassword): """ Change match password to newPassword newPassword -- new password string """ self.matchPassword = newPassword #if newPassword != "": # self.matchPassword = generalUtils.stringMd5(newPassword) #else: # self.matchPassword = "" # Send password change to every user in match glob.streams.broadcast(self.streamName, serverPackets.changeMatchPassword(self.matchPassword)) # Send new match settings too self.sendUpdates() # Console output"MPROOM{}: Password changed to {}".format(self.matchID, self.matchPassword)) def changeMods(self, mods): """ Set match global mods mods -- mods bitwise int thing """ # Set new mods and send update self.mods = mods self.sendUpdates()"MPROOM{}: Mods changed to {}".format(self.matchID, self.mods)) def userHasBeatmap(self, userID, has = True): """ Set no beatmap status for userID userID -- ID of user has -- True if has beatmap, false if not """ # Make sure the user is in room slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return # Set slot self.setSlot(slotID, slotStatuses.noMap if not has else slotStatuses.notReady) # Send updates self.sendUpdates() def transferHost(self, slotID): """ Transfer host to slotID slotID -- ID of slot """ # Make sure there is someone in that slot if self.slots[slotID].user is None or self.slots[slotID].user not in glob.tokens.tokens: return # Transfer host self.setHost(glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[slotID].user].userID) # Send updates self.sendUpdates() def playerFailed(self, userID): """ Send userID's failed packet to everyone in match userID -- ID of user """ # Make sure the user is in room slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return # Send packet to everyone glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.playerFailed(slotID)) # Console output"MPROOM{}: {} has failed!".format(self.matchID, userID)) def invite(self, fro, to): """ Fro invites to in this match. fro -- sender userID to -- receiver userID """ # Get tokens froToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(fro) toToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(to) if froToken is None or toToken is None: return # FokaBot is too busy if to == 999: chat.sendMessage("FokaBot", froToken.username, "I would love to join your match, but I'm busy keeping ripple up and running. Sorry. Beep Boop.") # Send message message = "Come join my multiplayer match: \"[osump://{}/{} {}]\"".format(self.matchID, self.matchPassword.replace(" ", "_"), self.matchName) chat.sendMessage(token=froToken, to=toToken.username, message=message) def countUsers(self): """ Return how many players are in that match return -- number of users """ c = 0 for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user is not None: c+=1 return c def changeTeam(self, userID): """ Change userID's team userID -- id of user """ # Make sure the user is in room slotID = self.getUserSlotID(userID) if slotID is None: return # Update slot and send update newTeam = if self.slots[slotID].team == else self.setSlot(slotID, None, newTeam) self.sendUpdates() def sendUpdates(self): self.matchDataCache = serverPackets.updateMatch(self.matchID) if self.matchDataCache is not None: glob.streams.broadcast(self.streamName, self.matchDataCache) glob.streams.broadcast("lobby", self.matchDataCache) else: log.error("MPROOM{}: Can't send match update packet, match data is None!!!".format(self.matchID)) def checkTeams(self): """ Check if match teams are valid return -- True if valid, False if invalid """ if self.matchTeamType != matchTeamTypes.teamVs or self.matchTeamType != matchTeamTypes.tagTeamVs: # Teams are always valid if we have no teams return True # We have teams, check if they are valid firstTeam = -1 for i in range(0,16): if self.slots[i].user is not None and (self.slots[i].status & slotStatuses.noMap) == 0: if firstTeam == -1: firstTeam = self.slots[i].team elif firstTeam != self.slots[i].team:"MPROOM{}: Teams are valid".format(self.matchID)) return True log.warning("MPROOM{}: Invalid teams!".format(self.matchID)) return False def start(self): # Make sure we have enough players if self.countUsers() < 2 or not self.checkTeams(): return # Create playing channel glob.streams.add(self.playingStreamName) # Change inProgress value match.inProgress = True # Set playing to ready players and set load, skip and complete to False # Make clients join playing stream for i in range(0, 16): if (self.slots[i].status & slotStatuses.ready) > 0 and self.slots[i].user in glob.tokens.tokens: self.slots[i].status = slotStatuses.playing self.slots[i].loaded = False self.slots[i].skip = False self.slots[i].complete = False glob.tokens.tokens[self.slots[i].user].joinStream(self.playingStreamName) # Send match start packet glob.streams.broadcast(self.playingStreamName, serverPackets.matchStart(self.matchID)) # Send updates self.sendUpdates()