import threading import time import uuid from common.constants import gameModes, actions from common.log import logUtils as log from common.ripple import userUtils from constants import serverPackets from events import logoutEvent from helpers import chatHelper as chat from objects import glob class token: def __init__(self, userID, token_ = None, ip ="", irc = False, timeOffset = 0, tournament = False): """ Create a token object and set userID and token userID -- user associated to this token token -- if passed, set token to that value if not passed, token will be generated ip -- client ip. optional. irc -- if True, set this token as IRC client. optional. timeOffset -- the time offset from UTC for this user. optional. """ # Set stuff self.userID = userID self.username = userUtils.getUsername(self.userID) self.privileges = userUtils.getPrivileges(self.userID) self.admin = userUtils.isInPrivilegeGroup(self.userID, "developer") or userUtils.isInPrivilegeGroup(self.userID, "community manager") self.irc = irc self.restricted = userUtils.isRestricted(self.userID) self.loginTime = int(time.time()) self.pingTime = self.loginTime self.timeOffset = timeOffset self.lock = threading.Lock() # Sync primitive self.streams = [] self.tournament = tournament # Default variables self.spectators = [] # TODO: Move those two vars to a class self.spectating = None self.spectatingUserID = 0 # we need this in case we the host gets DCed self.location = [0,0] self.joinedChannels = [] self.ip = ip = 0 self.location = [0,0] self.awayMessage = "" self.matchID = -1 self.tillerino = [0,0,-1.0] # beatmap, mods, acc self.silenceEndTime = 0 self.queue = bytes() # Spam protection self.spamRate = 0 # Stats cache self.actionID = actions.IDLE self.actionText = "" self.actionMd5 = "" self.actionMods = 0 self.gameMode = gameModes.STD self.beatmapID = 0 self.rankedScore = 0 self.accuracy = 0.0 self.playcount = 0 self.totalScore = 0 self.gameRank = 0 self.pp = 0 # Generate/set token if token_ is not None: self.token = token_ else: self.token = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Set stats self.updateCachedStats() # If we have a valid ip, save bancho session in DB so we can cache LETS logins if ip != "": userUtils.saveBanchoSession(self.userID, self.ip) # Join main stream self.joinStream("main") def enqueue(self, bytes_): """ Add bytes (packets) to queue bytes -- (packet) bytes to enqueue """ if not self.irc: if len(bytes_) < 10 * 10 ** 6: self.queue += bytes_ else: log.warning("{}'s packets buffer is above 10M!! Lost some data!".format(self.username)) def resetQueue(self): """Resets the queue. Call when enqueued packets have been sent""" self.queue = bytes() def joinChannel(self, channel): """ Add channel to joined channels list channel -- channel name """ if channel not in self.joinedChannels: self.joinedChannels.append(channel) def partChannel(self, channel): """ Remove channel from joined channels list channel -- channel name """ if channel in self.joinedChannels: self.joinedChannels.remove(channel) def setLocation(self, location): """ Set location (latitude and longitude) location -- [latitude, longitude] """ self.location = location def getLatitude(self): """ Get latitude return -- latitude """ return self.location[0] def getLongitude(self): """ Get longitude return -- longitude """ return self.location[1] def startSpectating(self, host): """ Set the spectating user to userID user -- user object """ # Stop spectating old client self.stopSpectating() # Set new spectator host self.spectating = host.token self.spectatingUserID = host.userID # Add us to host's spectator list host.spectators.append(self.token) # Create and join spectator stream streamName = "spect/{}".format(host.userID) glob.streams.add(streamName) self.joinStream(streamName) host.joinStream(streamName) # Send spectator join packet to host host.enqueue(serverPackets.addSpectator(self.userID)) # Create and join #spectator (#spect_userid) channel glob.channels.addTempChannel("#spect_{}".format(host.userID)) chat.joinChannel(token=self, channel="#spect_{}".format(host.userID)) if len(host.spectators) == 1: # First spectator, send #spectator join to host too chat.joinChannel(token=host, channel="#spect_{}".format(host.userID)) # Send fellow spectator join to all clients glob.streams.broadcast(streamName, serverPackets.fellowSpectatorJoined(self.userID)) # Get current spectators list for i in host.spectators: if i != self.token and i in glob.tokens.tokens: self.enqueue(serverPackets.fellowSpectatorJoined(glob.tokens.tokens[i].userID)) # Log"{} is spectating {}".format(self.username, userUtils.getUsername(host.username))) def stopSpectating(self): # Remove our userID from host's spectators if self.spectating is None: return if self.spectating in glob.tokens.tokens: hostToken = glob.tokens.tokens[self.spectating] else: hostToken = None streamName = "spect/{}".format(self.spectatingUserID) # Remove us from host's spectators list, # leave spectator stream # and end the spectator left packet to host self.leaveStream(streamName) if hostToken is not None: hostToken.spectators.remove(self.token) hostToken.enqueue(serverPackets.removeSpectator(self.userID)) # and to all other spectators for i in hostToken.spectators: if i in glob.tokens.tokens: glob.tokens.tokens[i].enqueue(serverPackets.fellowSpectatorLeft(self.userID)) # If nobody is spectating the host anymore, close #spectator channel # and remove host from spect stream too if len(hostToken.spectators) == 0: chat.partChannel(token=hostToken, channel="#spect_{}".format(hostToken.userID), kick=True) hostToken.leaveStream(streamName) # Part #spectator channel chat.partChannel(token=self, channel="#spect_{}".format(self.spectatingUserID), kick=True) # Console output"{} is no longer spectating {}".format(self.username, self.spectatingUserID)) # Set our spectating user to 0 self.spectating = None self.spectatingUserID = 0 def setCountry(self, countryID): """ Set country to countryID countryID -- numeric country ID. See """ = countryID def getCountry(self): """ Get numeric country ID return -- numeric country ID. See """ return def updatePingTime(self): """Update latest ping time""" self.pingTime = int(time.time()) def setAwayMessage(self, __awayMessage): """Set a new away message""" self.awayMessage = __awayMessage def joinMatch(self, matchID): """ Set match to matchID, join match stream and channel matchID -- new match ID """ # Make sure the match exists if matchID not in glob.matches.matches: return # Match exists, get object match = glob.matches.matches[matchID] # Stop spectating self.stopSpectating() # Leave other matches if self.matchID > -1 and self.matchID != matchID: self.leaveMatch() # Try to join match joined = match.userJoin(self) if not joined: self.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinFail()) return # Set matchID, join stream, channel and send packet self.matchID = matchID self.joinStream(match.streamName) chat.joinChannel(token=self, channel="#multi_{}".format(self.matchID)) self.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinSuccess(matchID)) def leaveMatch(self): """ Leave joined match, match stream and match channel :return: """ # Make sure we are in a match if self.matchID == -1: return # Part #multiplayer channel and streams (/ and /playing) chat.partChannel(token=self, channel="#multi_{}".format(self.matchID), kick=True) self.leaveStream("multi/{}".format(self.matchID)) self.leaveStream("multi/{}/playing".format(self.matchID)) # optional # Make sure the match exists if self.matchID not in glob.matches.matches: return # The match exists, get object match = glob.matches.matches[self.matchID] # Set slot to free match.userLeft(self) # Set usertoken match to -1 self.matchID = -1 def kick(self, message="You have been kicked from the server. Please login again."): """ Kick this user from the server message -- Notification message to send to this user. Optional. """ # Send packet to target"{} has been disconnected. (kick)".format(self.username)) if message != "": self.enqueue(serverPackets.notification(message)) self.enqueue(serverPackets.loginFailed()) # Logout event logoutEvent.handle(self, None) def silence(self, seconds, reason, author = 999): """ Silences this user (db, packet and token) seconds -- silence length in seconds reason -- silence reason author -- userID of who has silenced the target. Optional. Default: 999 (fokabot) """ # Silence in db and token self.silenceEndTime = int(time.time())+seconds userUtils.silence(self.userID, seconds, reason, author) # Send silence packet to target self.enqueue(serverPackets.silenceEndTime(seconds)) # Send silenced packet to everyone else glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.userSilenced(self.userID)) def spamProtection(self, increaseSpamRate = True): """ Silences the user if is spamming. increaseSpamRate -- pass True if the user has sent a new message. Optional. Default: True """ # Increase the spam rate if needed if increaseSpamRate: self.spamRate += 1 # Silence the user if needed if self.spamRate > 10: self.silence(1800, "Spamming (auto spam protection)") def isSilenced(self): """ Returns True if this user is silenced, otherwise False return -- True/False """ return self.silenceEndTime-int(time.time()) > 0 def getSilenceSecondsLeft(self): """ Returns the seconds left for this user's silence (0 if user is not silenced) return -- silence seconds left """ return max(0, self.silenceEndTime-int(time.time())) def updateCachedStats(self): """Update all cached stats for this token""" stats = userUtils.getUserStats(self.userID, self.gameMode) log.debug(str(stats)) if stats is None: log.warning("Stats query returned None") return self.rankedScore = stats["rankedScore"] self.accuracy = stats["accuracy"]/100 self.playcount = stats["playcount"] self.totalScore = stats["totalScore"] self.gameRank = stats["gameRank"] self.pp = stats["pp"] def checkRestricted(self, force=False): """ Check if this token is restricted. If so, send fokabot message force -- If True, get restricted value from db. If false, get the cached one. Optional. Default: False """ if force: self.restricted = userUtils.isRestricted(self.userID) if self.restricted: self.setRestricted() def setRestricted(self): """ Set this token as restricted, send FokaBot message to user and send offline packet to everyone """ self.restricted = True chat.sendMessage("FokaBot",self.username, "Your account is currently in restricted mode. Please visit ripple's website for more information.") def joinStream(self, name): glob.streams.join(name, token=self.token) if name not in self.streams: self.streams.append(name) def leaveStream(self, name): glob.streams.leave(name, token=self.token) if name in self.streams: self.streams.remove(name) def leaveAllStreams(self): for i in self.streams: self.leaveStream(i)