from objects import fokabot import random from objects import glob from constants import serverPackets from constants import exceptions from helpers import userHelper import time from helpers import systemHelper import re import requests import json from constants import mods from helpers import generalFunctions """ Commands callbacks Must have fro, chan and messages as arguments fro -- name of who triggered the command chan -- channel where the message was sent message -- list containing arguments passed from the message [0] = first argument [1] = second argument . . . return the message or **False** if there's no response by the bot """ def faq(fro, chan, message): if message[0] == "rules": return "Please make sure to check (Ripple's rules)[]." elif message[0] == "swearing": return "Please don't abuse swearing" elif message[0] == "spam": return "Please don't spam" elif message[0] == "offend": return "Please don't offend other players" elif message[0] == "github": return "(Ripple's Github page!)[]" elif message[0] == "discord": return "(Join Ripple's Discord!)[]" elif message[0] == "blog": return "You can find the latest Ripple news on the (blog)[]!" elif message[0] == "changelog": return "Check the (changelog)[] !" elif message[0] == "status": return "Check the server status (here!)[]" elif message[0] == "english": return "Please keep this channel in english." def roll(fro, chan, message): maxPoints = 100 if len(message) >= 1: if message[0].isdigit() == True and int(message[0]) > 0: maxPoints = int(message[0]) points = random.randrange(0,maxPoints) return "{} rolls {} points!".format(fro, str(points)) def ask(fro, chan, message): return random.choice(["yes", "no", "maybe"]) def alert(fro, chan, message): glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.notification(' '.join(message[:]))) return False def moderated(fro, chan, message): try: # Make sure we are in a channel and not PM if chan.startswith("#") == False: raise exceptions.moderatedPMException # Get on/off enable = True if len(message) >= 1: if message[0] == "off": enable = False # Turn on/off moderated mode glob.channels.channels[chan].moderated = enable return "This channel is {} in moderated mode!".format("now" if enable else "no longer") except exceptions.moderatedPMException: return "You are trying to put a private chat in moderated mode. Are you serious?!? You're fired." def kickAll(fro, chan, message): # Kick everyone but mods/admins toKick = [] for key, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items(): if value.rank < 3: toKick.append(key) # Loop though users to kick (we can't change dictionary size while iterating) for i in toKick: if i in glob.tokens.tokens: glob.tokens.tokens[i].kick() return "Whoops! Rip everyone." def kick(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters target = message[0].replace("_", " ") # Get target token and make sure is connected targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken == None: return "{} is not online".format(target) # Kick user targetToken.kick() # Bot response return "{} has been kicked from the server.".format(target) def fokabotReconnect(fro, chan, message): # Check if fokabot is already connected if glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(999) != None: return"Fokabot is already connected to Bancho" # Fokabot is not connected, connect it fokabot.connect() return False def silence(fro, chan, message): for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0].replace("_", " ") amount = message[1] unit = message[2] reason = ' '.join(message[3:]) # Get target user ID targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target) # Make sure the user exists if targetUserID == False: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Calculate silence seconds if unit == 's': silenceTime = int(amount) elif unit == 'm': silenceTime = int(amount)*60 elif unit == 'h': silenceTime = int(amount)*3600 elif unit == 'd': silenceTime = int(amount)*86400 else: return "Invalid time unit (s/m/h/d)." # Max silence time is 7 days if silenceTime > 604800: return "Invalid silence time. Max silence time is 7 days." # Calculate silence end time endTime = int(time.time())+silenceTime # Update silence end in db userHelper.silence(targetUserID, endTime, reason) # Send silence packet to target if he's connected targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken != None: targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.silenceEndTime(silenceTime)) return "{} has been silenced for the following reason: {}".format(target, reason) def removeSilence(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0].replace("_", " ") # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target) if targetUserID == False: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Reset user silence time and reason in db userHelper.silence(targetUserID, 0, "") # Send new silence end packet to user if he's online targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken != None: targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.silenceEndTime(0)) return "{}'s silence reset".format(target) def ban(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0].replace("_", " ") # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target) if targetUserID == False: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Set allowed to 0 userHelper.setAllowed(targetUserID, 0) # Send ban packet to the user if he's online targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target) if targetToken != None: targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.loginBanned()) return "RIP {}. You will not be missed.".format(target) def unban(fro, chan, message): # Get parameters for i in message: i = i.lower() target = message[0].replace("_", " ") # Make sure the user exists targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target) if targetUserID == False: return "{}: user not found".format(target) # Set allowed to 1 userHelper.setAllowed(targetUserID, 1) return "Welcome back {}!".format(target) def restartShutdown(restart): """Restart (if restart = True) or shutdown (if restart = False) safely""" msg = "We are performing some maintenance. Bancho will {} in 5 seconds. Thank you for your patience.".format("restart" if restart else "shutdown") systemHelper.scheduleShutdown(5, restart, msg) return msg def systemRestart(fro, chan, message): return restartShutdown(True) def systemShutdown(fro, chan, message): return restartShutdown(False) def systemReload(fro, chan, message): #Reload settings from bancho_settings glob.banchoConf.loadSettings() # Reload channels too glob.channels.loadChannels() # Send new channels and new bottom icon to everyone glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.mainMenuIcon(glob.banchoConf.config["menuIcon"])) glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.channelInfoEnd()) for key, _ in glob.channels.channels.items(): glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.channelInfo(key)) return "Bancho settings reloaded!" def systemMaintenance(fro, chan, message): # Turn on/off bancho maintenance maintenance = True # Get on/off if len(message) >= 2: if message[1] == "off": maintenance = False # Set new maintenance value in bancho_settings table glob.banchoConf.setMaintenance(maintenance) if maintenance == True: # We have turned on maintenance mode # Users that will be disconnected who = [] # Disconnect everyone but mod/admins for _, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items(): if value.rank < 3: who.append(value.userID) glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.notification("Our bancho server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later.")) glob.tokens.multipleEnqueue(serverPackets.loginError(), who) msg = "The server is now in maintenance mode!" else: # We have turned off maintenance mode # Send message if we have turned off maintenance mode msg = "The server is no longer in maintenance mode!" # Chat output return msg def systemStatus(fro, chan, message): # Print some server info data = systemHelper.getSystemInfo() # Final message msg = "=== PEP.PY STATS ===\n" msg += "Running server\n" msg += "Webserver: {}\n".format(data["webServer"]) msg += "\n" msg += "=== BANCHO STATS ===\n" msg += "Connected users: {}\n".format(str(data["connectedUsers"])) msg += "\n" msg += "=== SYSTEM STATS ===\n" msg += "CPU: {}%\n".format(str(data["cpuUsage"])) msg += "RAM: {}GB/{}GB\n".format(str(data["usedMemory"]), str(data["totalMemory"])) if data["unix"] == True: msg += "Load average: {}/{}/{}\n".format(str(data["loadAverage"][0]), str(data["loadAverage"][1]), str(data["loadAverage"][2])) return msg def getPPMessage(beatmapID, mods = 0): try: # Send request to LETS api resp = requests.get("{}&m={}".format(beatmapID, mods), timeout=5).text data = json.loads(resp) # Make sure status is in response data if "status" not in data: raise exceptions.apiException # Make sure status is 200 if data["status"] != 200: if "message" in data: return "Error in LETS API call ({}). Please tell this to a dev.".format(data["message"]) else: raise exceptions.apiException # Make sure we have 4 pp values if len(data["pp"]) < 4: return "Error in LETS API call (expected 4 pp values, got {}). Please tell this to a dev.".format(len(data["pp"])) # Return response in chat return "{song}{plus}{mods} 95%: {pp95}pp | 98%: {pp98}pp | 99% {pp99}pp | 100%: {pp100}pp | {bpm} BPM | AR {ar} | {stars:.2f} stars".format( song=data["song_name"], plus="+" if mods > 0 else "", mods=generalFunctions.readableMods(mods), pp100=data["pp"][0], pp99=data["pp"][1], pp98=data["pp"][2], pp95=data["pp"][3], bpm=data["bpm"], stars=data["stars"], ar=data["ar"] ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: # RequestException return "Error while contacting LETS API. Please tell this to a dev." except exceptions.apiException: # API error return "Unknown error in LETS API call. Please tell this to a dev." except: # Unknown exception # TODO: print exception return False def tillerinoNp(fro, chan, message): try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False # Get URL from message beatmapURL = str(message[3][1:]) # Get beatmap id from URL p = re.compile("https:\\/\\/osu\\.ppy\\.sh\\/b\\/(\\d*)") beatmapID =[0] # Update latest tillerino song for current token token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token != None: token.latestTillerino = int(beatmapID) # Return tillerino message return getPPMessage(beatmapID, 0) except: return False def tillerinoMods(fro, chan, message): #try: # Run the command in PM only if chan.startswith("#"): return False # Get token token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro) if token == None: return False # Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command if token.latestTillerino == 0: return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command." # Check passed mods and convert to enum modsList = [message[0][i:i+2].upper() for i in range(0, len(message[0]), 2)] modsEnum = 0 for i in modsList: if i not in ["NF", "EZ", "HD", "HR", "DT", "HT", "NC", "FL", "SO"]: return "Invalid mods. Allowed mods: NF, EZ, HD, HR, DT, HT, NC, FL, SO. Do not use spaces for multiple mods." if i == "NF": modsEnum += mods.NoFail elif i == "EZ": modsEnum += mods.Easy elif i == "HD": modsEnum += mods.Hidden elif i == "HR": modsEnum += mods.HardRock elif i == "DT": modsEnum += mods.DoubleTime elif i == "HT": modsEnum += mods.HalfTime elif i == "NC": modsEnum += mods.Nightcore elif i == "FL": modsEnum += mods.Flashlight elif i == "SO": modsEnum += mods.SpunOut # Return tillerino message for that beatmap with mods return getPPMessage(token.latestTillerino, modsEnum) #except: #return False """ Commands list trigger: message that triggers the command callback: function to call when the command is triggered. Optional. response: text to return when the command is triggered. Optional. syntax: command syntax. Arguments must be separated by spaces (eg: ) minRank: minimum rank to execute that command. Optional (default = 1) You MUST set trigger and callback/response, or the command won't work. """ commands = [ { "trigger": "!roll", "callback": roll }, { "trigger": "!faq", "syntax": "", "callback": faq }, { "trigger": "!report", "response": "Report command isn't here yet :c" }, { "trigger": "!help", "response": "Click (here)[] for FokaBot's full command list" }, { "trigger": "!ask", "syntax": "", "callback": ask }, { "trigger": "!mm00", "response": random.choice(["meme", "MA MAURO ESISTE?"]) }, { "trigger": "!alert", "syntax": "", "minRank": 4, "callback": alert }, { "trigger": "!moderated", "minRank": 3, "callback": moderated }, { "trigger": "!kickall", "minRank": 4, "callback": kickAll }, { "trigger": "!kick", "syntax": "", "minRank": 3, "callback": kick }, { "trigger": "!fokabot reconnect", "minRank": 3, "callback": fokabotReconnect }, { "trigger": "!silence", "syntax": " ", "minRank": 3, "callback": silence }, { "trigger": "!removesilence", "syntax": "", "minRank": 3, "callback": removeSilence }, { "trigger": "!system restart", "minRank": 4, "callback": systemRestart }, { "trigger": "!system shutdown", "minRank": 4, "callback": systemShutdown }, { "trigger": "!system reload", "minRank": 3, "callback": systemReload }, { "trigger": "!system maintenance", "minRank": 3, "callback": systemMaintenance }, { "trigger": "!system status", "minRank": 3, "callback": systemStatus }, { "trigger": "!ban", "syntax": "", "minRank": 3, "callback": ban }, { "trigger": "!unban", "syntax": "", "minRank": 3, "callback": unban }, { "trigger": "ACTION is listening to [", "callback": tillerinoNp }, { "trigger": "!with", "callback": tillerinoMods, "syntax": "" } ] # Commands list default values for cmd in commands: cmd.setdefault("syntax", "") cmd.setdefault("minRank", 1) cmd.setdefault("callback", None) cmd.setdefault("response", "u w0t m8?")