69 lines
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69 lines
2.6 KiB
from common.constants import actions
from common.log import logUtils as log
from common.ripple import userUtils
from constants import clientPackets
from constants import serverPackets
from objects import glob
def handle(userToken, packetData):
# Get usertoken data
userID = userToken.userID
username = userToken.username
# Update privileges
# Make sure we are not banned
if userUtils.isBanned(priv=userToken.privileges):
# Send restricted message if needed
if not userToken.restricted:
if userUtils.isRestricted(priv=userToken.privileges):
# Change action packet
packetData = clientPackets.userActionChange(packetData)
# If we are not in spectate status but we're spectating someone, stop spectating
if userToken.spectating != 0 and userToken.actionID != actions.WATCHING and userToken.actionID != actions.IDLE and userToken.actionID != actions.AFK:
# If we are not in multiplayer but we are in a match, part match
if userToken.matchID != -1 and userToken.actionID != actions.MULTIPLAYING and userToken.actionID != actions.MULTIPLAYER and userToken.actionID != actions.AFK:
# Update cached stats if our pp changed if we've just submitted a score or we've changed gameMode
if (userToken.actionID == actions.PLAYING or userToken.actionID == actions.MULTIPLAYING) or (userToken.pp != userUtils.getPP(userID, userToken.gameMode)) or (userToken.gameMode != packetData["gameMode"]):
# Always update game mode, or we'll cache stats from the wrong game mode if we've changed it
userToken.gameMode = packetData["gameMode"]
# Always update action id, text, md5 and beatmapID
userToken.actionID = packetData["actionID"]
userToken.actionText = packetData["actionText"]
userToken.actionMd5 = packetData["actionMd5"]
userToken.actionMods = packetData["actionMods"]
userToken.beatmapID = packetData["beatmapID"]
# Enqueue our new user panel and stats to us and our spectators
recipients = [userToken]
if len(userToken.spectators) > 0:
for i in userToken.spectators:
if i in glob.tokens.tokens:
for i in recipients:
if i is not None:
# Force our own packet
force = True if i == userToken else False
i.enqueue(serverPackets.userPanel(userID, force))
i.enqueue(serverPackets.userStats(userID, force))
# Console output
log.info("{} changed action: {} [{}][{}][{}]".format(username, str(userToken.actionID), userToken.actionText, userToken.actionMd5, userToken.beatmapID))