2016-05-18 19:12:46 +02:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

from constants import serverPackets
from constants import clientPackets
from objects import glob
from helpers import consoleHelper
from constants import bcolors
from events import joinMatchEvent
from constants import exceptions
def handle(userToken, packetData):
# get usertoken data
userID = userToken.userID
# Read packet data
packetData = clientPackets.createMatch(packetData)
# Create a match object
# TODO: Player number check
matchID = glob.matches.createMatch(packetData["matchName"], packetData["matchPassword"], packetData["beatmapID"], packetData["beatmapName"], packetData["beatmapMD5"], packetData["gameMode"], userID)
# Make sure the match has been created
if matchID not in glob.matches.matches:
raise exceptions.matchCreateError
# Get match object
match = glob.matches.matches[matchID]
# Join that match
joinMatchEvent.joinMatch(userToken, matchID, packetData["matchPassword"])
# Give host to match creator
# Send match create packet to everyone in lobby
for i in glob.matches.usersInLobby:
# Make sure this user is still connected
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(i)
if token != None:
# Console output
consoleHelper.printColored("> MPROOM{}: Room created!".format(matchID), bcolors.BLUE)
except exceptions.matchCreateError:
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] Error while creating match!", bcolors.RED)