Nyo 653303831b IRC Support for username with spaces
BATs with Donor have bright yellow username in chat
General performance improvements
Code cleaning
Multiplayer improvements and fixes
Fixed some spectator bugs
2016-09-02 12:41:19 +02:00

67 lines
1.8 KiB

from constants import bcolors
from objects import glob
def printServerStartHeader(asciiArt):
Print server start header with optional ascii art
asciiArt -- if True, will print ascii art too
if asciiArt == True:
print("{} _ __".format(bcolors.GREEN))
print(" (_) / /")
print(" ______ __ ____ ____ / /____")
print(" / ___/ / _ \\/ _ \\/ / _ \\")
print(" / / / / /_) / /_) / / ____/")
print("/__/ /__/ .___/ .___/__/ \\_____/")
print(" / / / /")
print(" /__/ /__/\r\n")
print(" .. o .")
print(" o.o o . o")
print(" oo...")
print(" __[]__")
print(" nyo --> _\\:D/_/o_o_o_|__ u wot m8")
print(" \\\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"/")
print(" \\ . .. .. . /")
printColored("> Welcome to osu!bancho server v{}".format(glob.VERSION), bcolors.GREEN)
printColored("> Made by the Ripple team", bcolors.GREEN)
printColored("> {}".format(bcolors.UNDERLINE), bcolors.GREEN)
printColored("> Press CTRL+C to exit\n",bcolors.GREEN)
def printNoNl(string):
Print string without new line at the end
string -- string to print
print(string, end="")
def printColored(string, color):
Print colored string
string -- string to print
color -- see
print("{}{}{}".format(color, string, bcolors.ENDC))
def printError():
Print error text FOR LOADING
printColored("Error", bcolors.RED)
def printDone():
Print error text FOR LOADING
printColored("Done", bcolors.GREEN)
def printWarning():
Print error text FOR LOADING
printColored("Warning", bcolors.YELLOW)