349 lines
12 KiB

from objects import glob
from helpers import logHelper as log
from constants import exceptions
from constants import serverPackets
from objects import fokabot
from helpers import discordBotHelper
from helpers import userHelper
from events import logoutEvent
from constants import messageTemplates
def joinChannel(userID = 0, channel = "", token = None, toIRC = True):
Join a channel
userID -- user ID of the user that joins the channel. Optional.
token can be used instead.
token -- user token object of user that joins the channel. Optional.
userID can be used instead.
channel -- name of channe
toIRC -- if True, send this channel join event to IRC. Must be true if joining from bancho.
Optional. Defaukt: True
return -- returns 0 if joined or other IRC code in case of error. Needed only on IRC-side
# Get token if not defined
if token is None:
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID)
# Make sure the token exists
if token is None:
raise exceptions.userNotFoundException
token = token
userID = token.userID
# Get usertoken data
username = token.username
# Normal channel, do check stuff
# Make sure the channel exists
if channel not in glob.channels.channels:
raise exceptions.channelUnknownException
# Check channel permissions
channelObject = glob.channels.channels[channel]
if channelObject.publicRead == False and token.admin == False:
raise exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException
# Add our userID to users in that channel
# Add the channel to our joined channel
# Send channel joined (bancho). We use clientName here because of #multiplayer and #spectator channels
token.enqueue(serverPackets.channelJoinSuccess(userID, channelObject.clientName))
# Send channel joined (IRC)
if glob.irc == True and toIRC == True:
glob.ircServer.banchoJoinChannel(username, channel)
# Console output"{} joined channel {}".format(username, channel))
# IRC code return
return 0
except exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException:
log.warning("{} attempted to join channel {}, but they have no read permissions".format(username, channel))
return 403
except exceptions.channelUnknownException:
log.warning("{} attempted to join an unknown channel ({})".format(username, channel))
return 403
except exceptions.userNotFoundException:
log.warning("User not connected to IRC/Bancho")
return 403 # idk
def partChannel(userID = 0, channel = "", token = None, toIRC = True, kick = False):
Part a channel
userID -- user ID of the user that parts the channel. Optional.
token can be used instead.
token -- user token object of user that parts the channel. Optional.
userID can be used instead.
channel -- name of channel
toIRC -- if True, send this channel join event to IRC. Must be true if joining from bancho.
Optional. Defaukt: True
kick -- if True, channel tab will be closed on client. Used when leaving lobby. Optional. Default: False
return -- returns 0 if joined or other IRC code in case of error. Needed only on IRC-side
# Get token if not defined
if token is None:
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID)
# Make sure the token exists
if token is None:
raise exceptions.userNotFoundException
token = token
userID = token.userID
# Get usertoken data
username = token.username
# Determine internal/client name if needed
# (toclient is used clientwise for #multiplayer and #spectator channels)
channelClient = channel
if channel == "#spectator":
if token.spectating == 0:
s = userID
s = token.spectating
channel = "#spect_{}".format(s)
elif channel == "#multiplayer":
channel = "#multi_{}".format(token.matchID)
elif channel.startswith("#spect_"):
channelClient = "#spectator"
elif channel.startswith("#multi_"):
channelClient = "#multiplayer"
# Make sure the channel exists
if channel not in glob.channels.channels:
raise exceptions.channelUnknownException
# Part channel (token-side and channel-side)
channelObject = glob.channels.channels[channel]
# Force close tab if needed
# NOTE: Maybe always needed, will check later
if kick:
# IRC part
if glob.irc == True and toIRC == True:
glob.ircServer.banchoPartChannel(username, channel)
# Console output"{} parted channel {} ({})".format(username, channel, channelClient))
# Return IRC code
return 0
except exceptions.channelUnknownException:
log.warning("{} attempted to part an unknown channel ({})".format(username, channel))
return 403
except exceptions.userNotFoundException:
log.warning("User not connected to IRC/Bancho")
return 442 # idk
def sendMessage(fro = "", to = "", message = "", token = None, toIRC = True):
Send a message to osu!bancho and IRC server
fro -- sender username. Optional.
You can use token instead of this if you wish.
to -- receiver channel (if starts with #) or username
message -- text of the message
token -- sender token object.
You can use this instead of fro if you are sending messages from bancho.
toIRC -- if True, send the message to IRC. If False, send it to Bancho only.
Optional. Default: True
tokenString = ""
# Get token object if not passed
if token is None:
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro)
if token is None:
raise exceptions.userNotFoundException
# token object alredy passed, get its string and its username (fro)
fro = token.username
tokenString = token.token
# Set some variables
userID = token.userID
username = token.username
# Make sure the user is not in restricted mode
if token.restricted:
raise exceptions.userRestrictedException
# Make sure the user is not silenced
if token.isSilenced():
raise exceptions.userSilencedException
# Determine internal name if needed
# (toclient is used clientwise for #multiplayer and #spectator channels)
toClient = to
if to == "#spectator":
if token.spectating == 0:
s = userID
s = token.spectating
to = "#spect_{}".format(s)
elif to == "#multiplayer":
to = "#multi_{}".format(token.matchID)
elif to.startswith("#spect_"):
toClient = "#spectator"
elif to.startswith("#multi_"):
toClient = "#multiplayer"
# Truncate message if > 2048 characters
message = message[:2048]+"..." if len(message) > 2048 else message
# Check for word filters
message = glob.chatFilters.filterMessage(message)
# Build packet bytes
packet = serverPackets.sendMessage(username, toClient, message)
# Send the message
isChannel = to.startswith("#")
if isChannel:
# Make sure the channel exists
if to not in glob.channels.channels:
raise exceptions.channelUnknownException
# Make sure the channel is not in moderated mode
if glob.channels.channels[to].moderated == True and token.admin == False:
raise exceptions.channelModeratedException
# Make sure we have write permissions
if glob.channels.channels[to].publicWrite == False and token.admin == False:
raise exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException
# Everything seems fine, build recipients list and send packet
recipients = glob.channels.channels[to].getConnectedUsers()[:]
for key, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items():
# Skip our client and irc clients
if key == tokenString or value.irc == True:
# Send to this client if it's connected to the channel
if value.userID in recipients:
# Make sure recipient user is connected
recipientToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(to)
if recipientToken is None:
raise exceptions.userNotFoundException
# Make sure the recipient is not restricted or we are FokaBot
if recipientToken.restricted == True and fro.lower() != "fokabot":
raise exceptions.userRestrictedException
# TODO: Make sure the recipient has not disabled PMs for non-friends or he's our friend
# Check message templates (mods/admins only)
if message in messageTemplates.templates and token.admin == True:
sendMessage(fro, to, messageTemplates.templates[message])
# Everything seems fine, send packet
# Send the message to IRC
if glob.irc == True and toIRC == True:
glob.ircServer.banchoMessage(fro, to, message)
# Spam protection (ignore FokaBot)
if userID > 999:
# Fokabot message
if isChannel == True or to.lower() == "fokabot":
fokaMessage = fokabot.fokabotResponse(username, to, message)
if fokaMessage:
sendMessage("FokaBot", to if isChannel else fro, fokaMessage)
# File and discord logs (public chat only)
if to.startswith("#"):"{fro} @ {to}: {message}".format(fro=username, to=to, message=str(message.encode("utf-8"))))
discordBotHelper.sendChatlog("**{fro} @ {to}:** {message}".format(fro=username, to=to, message=str(message.encode("utf-8"))[2:-1]))
return 0
except exceptions.userSilencedException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message during silence".format(username))
return 404
except exceptions.channelModeratedException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to a channel that is in moderated mode ({})".format(username, to))
return 404
except exceptions.channelUnknownException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to an unknown channel ({})".format(username, to))
return 403
except exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to channel {}, but they have no write permissions".format(username, to))
return 404
except exceptions.userRestrictedException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message {}, but the recipient is in restricted mode".format(username, to))
return 404
except exceptions.userNotFoundException:
log.warning("User not connected to IRC/Bancho")
return 401
""" IRC-Bancho Connect/Disconnect/Join/Part interfaces"""
def fixUsernameForBancho(username):
# If there are no spaces or underscores in the name
# return it
if " " not in username and "_" not in username:
return username
# Exact match first
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s LIMIT 1", [username])
if result is not None:
return username
# Username not found, replace _ with space
return username.replace("_", " ")
def fixUsernameForIRC(username):
return username.replace(" ", "_")
def IRCConnect(username):
userID = userHelper.getID(username)
if not userID:
log.warning("{} doesn't exist".format(username))
glob.tokens.addToken(userID, irc=True)
glob.streams.broadcast("main", serverPackets.userPanel(userID))"{} logged in from IRC".format(username))
def IRCDisconnect(username):
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(username)
if token is None:
log.warning("{} doesn't exist".format(username))
logoutEvent.handle(token)"{} disconnected from IRC".format(username))
def IRCJoinChannel(username, channel):
userID = userHelper.getID(username)
if not userID:
log.warning("{} doesn't exist".format(username))
# NOTE: This should have also `toIRC` = False` tho,
# since we send JOIN message later on
# Will test this later
return joinChannel(userID, channel)
def IRCPartChannel(username, channel):
userID = userHelper.getID(username)
if not userID:
log.warning("{} doesn't exist".format(username))
return partChannel(userID, channel)