2016-05-18 19:12:46 +02:00

92 lines
2.6 KiB

from objects import glob
from constants import serverPackets
import psutil
import os
import sys
from helpers import consoleHelper
from constants import bcolors
import threading
import signal
def runningUnderUnix():
Get if the server is running under UNIX or NT
return --- True if running under UNIX, otherwise False
return True if == "posix" else False
def scheduleShutdown(sendRestartTime, restart, message = ""):
Schedule a server shutdown/restart
sendRestartTime -- time (seconds) to wait before sending server restart packets to every client
restart -- if True, server will restart. if False, server will shudown
message -- if set, send that message to every client to warn about the shutdown/restart
# Console output
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] will {} in {} seconds!".format("restart" if restart else "shutdown", sendRestartTime+20), bcolors.PINK)
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] Sending server restart packets in {} seconds...".format(sendRestartTime), bcolors.PINK)
# Send notification if set
if message != "":
# Schedule server restart packet
threading.Timer(sendRestartTime, glob.tokens.enqueueAll, [serverPackets.banchoRestart(50000)]).start()
glob.restarting = True
# Restart/shutdown
if restart:
action = restartServer
action = shutdownServer
# Schedule actual server shutdown/restart 20 seconds after server restart packet, so everyone gets it
threading.Timer(sendRestartTime+20, action).start()
def restartServer():
"""Restart script"""
print("> Restarting")
os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
def shutdownServer():
print("> Shutting down")
sig = signal.SIGKILL if runningUnderUnix() else signal.CTRL_C_EVENT
os.kill(os.getpid(), sig)
def getSystemInfo():
Get a dictionary with some system/server info
return -- ["unix", "connectedUsers", "webServer", "cpuUsage", "totalMemory", "usedMemory", "loadAverage"]
data = {}
# Get if server is running under unix/nt
data["unix"] = runningUnderUnix()
# General stats
data["connectedUsers"] = len(glob.tokens.tokens)
data["webServer"] = glob.conf.config["server"]["server"]
data["cpuUsage"] = psutil.cpu_percent()
data["totalMemory"] = "{0:.2f}".format(psutil.virtual_memory()[0]/1074000000)
data["usedMemory"] = "{0:.2f}".format(psutil.virtual_memory()[3]/1074000000)
# Unix only stats
if data["unix"] == True:
data["loadAverage"] = os.getloadavg()
data["loadAverage"] = (0,0,0)
return data