135 lines
4.4 KiB

from constants import bcolors
from helpers import discordBotHelper
from helpers import generalFunctions
from helpers.systemHelper import runningUnderUnix
from objects import glob
from helpers import userHelper
import time
ENDL = "\n" if runningUnderUnix() else "\r\n"
def logMessage(message, alertType = "INFO", messageColor = bcolors.ENDC, discord = False, alertDev = False, of = None, stdout = True):
Logs a message to stdout/discord/file
message -- message to log
alertType -- can be any string. Standard types: INFO, WARNING and ERRORS. Defalt: INFO
messageColor -- message color (see constants.bcolors). Default = bcolots.ENDC (no color)
discord -- if True, the message will be logged on #bunker channel on discord. Default: False
alertDev -- if True, devs will receive an hl on discord. Default: False
of -- if not None but a string, log the message to that file (inside .data folder). Eg: "warnings.txt" Default: None (don't log to file)
stdout -- if True, print the message to stdout. Default: True
# Get type color from alertType
if alertType == "INFO":
typeColor = bcolors.GREEN
elif alertType == "WARNING":
typeColor = bcolors.YELLOW
elif alertType == "ERROR":
typeColor = bcolors.RED
elif alertType == "CHAT":
typeColor = bcolors.BLUE
elif alertType == "DEBUG":
typeColor = bcolors.PINK
typeColor = bcolors.ENDC
# Message without colors
finalMessage = "[{time}] {type} - {message}".format(time=generalFunctions.getTimestamp(), type=alertType, message=message)
# Message with colors
finalMessageConsole = "{typeColor}[{time}] {type}{endc} - {messageColor}{message}{endc}".format(
# Log to console
if stdout == True:
# Log to discord if needed
if discord == True:
discordBotHelper.sendConfidential(message, alertDev)
# Log to file if needed
if of != None:
with open(".data/{}".format(of), "a") as f:
def warning(message, discord = False, alertDev = False):
Log a warning to stdout, warnings.log (always) and discord (optional)
message -- warning message
discord -- if True, send warning to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "WARNING", bcolors.YELLOW, discord, alertDev, "warnings.txt")
def error(message, discord = False, alertDev = True):
Log an error to stdout, errors.log (always) and discord (optional)
message -- error message
discord -- if True, send error to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "ERROR", bcolors.RED, discord, alertDev, "errors.txt")
def info(message, discord = False, alertDev = False):
Log an error to stdout (and info.log)
message -- info message
discord -- if True, send error to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "INFO", bcolors.ENDC, discord, alertDev, "info.txt")
def debug(message):
Log a debug message to stdout and debug.log if server is running in debug mode
message -- debug message
if glob.debug == True:
logMessage(message, "DEBUG", bcolors.PINK, of="debug.txt")
def chat(message):
Log public messages to stdout and chatlog_public.txt
message -- chat message
logMessage(message, "CHAT", bcolors.BLUE, of="chatlog_public.txt")
def pm(message):
Log private messages to stdout and chatlog_private.txt
message -- chat message
logMessage(message, "CHAT", bcolors.BLUE, of="chatlog_private.txt")
def rap(userID, message, discord=False, through="FokaBot"):
Log a private message to Admin logs
userID -- userID of who made the action
message -- message without subject (eg: "is a meme" becomes "user is a meme")
discord -- if True, send message to discord
through -- "through" thing string. Optional. Default: "FokaBot"
glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO rap_logs (id, userid, text, datetime, through) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [userID, message, int(time.time()), through])
if discord == True:
username = userHelper.getUsername(userID)
logMessage("{} {}".format(username, message), discord=True)