447 lines
12 KiB
447 lines
12 KiB
from helpers import passwordHelper
from constants import gameModes
from helpers import generalFunctions
from objects import glob
from helpers import logHelper as log
import time
from constants import privileges
def getID(username):
Get username's user ID
db -- database connection
username -- user
return -- user id or False
# Get user ID from db
userID = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s", [username])
# Make sure the query returned something
if userID == None:
return False
# Return user ID
return userID["id"]
def checkLogin(userID, password):
Check userID's login with specified password
db -- database connection
userID -- user id
password -- plain md5 password
return -- True or False
# Get password data
passwordData = glob.db.fetch("SELECT password_md5, salt, password_version FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
# Make sure the query returned something
if passwordData == None:
return False
# Return valid/invalid based on the password version.
if passwordData["password_version"] == 2:
return passwordHelper.checkNewPassword(password, passwordData["password_md5"])
if passwordData["password_version"] == 1:
ok = passwordHelper.checkOldPassword(password, passwordData["salt"], passwordData["password_md5"])
if not ok: return False
newpass = passwordHelper.genBcrypt(password)
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET password_md5=%s, salt='', password_version='2' WHERE id = %s", [newpass, userID])
def exists(userID):
Check if userID exists
userID -- user ID to check
return -- bool
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result == None:
return False
return True
def getSilenceEnd(userID):
Get userID's **ABSOLUTE** silence end UNIX time
Remember to subtract time.time() to get the actual silence time
userID -- userID
return -- UNIX time
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT silence_end FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["silence_end"]
def silence(userID, seconds, silenceReason, author = 999):
Silence someone
userID -- userID
seconds -- silence length in seconds
silenceReason -- Silence reason shown on website
author -- userID of who silenced the user. Default: 999
# db qurey
silenceEndTime = int(time.time())+seconds
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET silence_end = %s, silence_reason = %s WHERE id = %s", [silenceEndTime, silenceReason, userID])
# Loh
targetUsername = getUsername(userID)
# TODO: exists check im drunk rn i need to sleep (stampa piede ubriaco confirmed)
if seconds > 0:
log.rap(author, "has silenced {} for {} seconds for the following reason: \"{}\"".format(targetUsername, seconds, silenceReason), True)
log.rap(author, "has removed {}'s silence".format(targetUsername), True)
def getRankedScore(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's ranked score relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- ranked score
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT ranked_score_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["ranked_score_"+modeForDB]
def getTotalScore(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's total score relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- total score
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT total_score_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["total_score_"+modeForDB]
def getAccuracy(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's average accuracy relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- accuracy
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB]
def getGameRank(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's **in-game rank** (eg: #1337) relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- game rank
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT position FROM leaderboard_"+modeForDB+" WHERE user = %s", [userID])
if result == None:
return 0
return result["position"]
def getPlaycount(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's playcount relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- playcount
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT playcount_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["playcount_"+modeForDB]
def getUsername(userID):
Get userID's username
userID -- userID
return -- username
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["username"]
def getFriendList(userID):
Get userID's friendlist
userID -- userID
return -- list with friends userIDs. [0] if no friends.
# Get friends from db
friends = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s", [userID])
if friends == None or len(friends) == 0:
# We have no friends, return 0 list
return [0]
# Get only friends
friends = [i["user2"] for i in friends]
# Return friend IDs
return friends
def addFriend(userID, friendID):
Add friendID to userID's friend list
userID -- user
friendID -- new friend
# Make sure we aren't adding us to our friends
if userID == friendID:
# check user isn't already a friend of ours
if glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s", [userID, friendID]) != None:
# Set new value
glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_relationships (user1, user2) VALUES (%s, %s)", [userID, friendID])
def removeFriend(userID, friendID):
Remove friendID from userID's friend list
userID -- user
friendID -- old friend
# Delete user relationship. We don't need to check if the relationship was there, because who gives a shit,
# if they were not friends and they don't want to be anymore, be it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s", [userID, friendID])
def getCountry(userID):
Get userID's country **(two letters)**.
Use countryHelper.getCountryID with what that function returns
to get osu! country ID relative to that user
userID -- user
return -- country code (two letters)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["country"]
def getPP(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's PP relative to gameMode
userID -- user
return -- PP
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT pp_{} FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s".format(modeForDB), [userID])["pp_{}".format(modeForDB)]
def setCountry(userID, country):
Set userID's country (two letters)
userID -- userID
country -- country letters
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET country = %s WHERE id = %s", [country, userID])
def getShowCountry(userID):
Get userID's show country status
userID -- userID
return -- True if country is shown, False if it's hidden
country = glob.db.fetch("SELECT show_country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if country == None:
return False
return generalFunctions.stringToBool(country)
def IPLog(userID, ip):
Botnet the user
(log his ip for multiaccount detection)
glob.db.execute("""INSERT INTO ip_user (userid, ip, occurencies) VALUES (%s, %s, '1')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1""", [userID, ip])
def saveBanchoSession(userID, ip):
Save userid and ip of this token in bancho_sessions table.
Used to cache logins on LETS requests
log.debug("Saving bancho session ({}::{}) in db".format(userID, ip))
glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO bancho_sessions (id, userid, ip) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s)", [userID, ip])
def deleteBanchoSessions(userID, ip):
"""Delete this bancho session from DB"""
log.debug("Deleting bancho session ({}::{}) from db".format(userID, ip))
glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM bancho_sessions WHERE userid = %s AND ip = %s", [userID, ip])
log.warning("Token for user: {} ip: {} doesn't exist".format(userID, ip))
def is2FAEnabled(userID):
"""Returns True if 2FA is enable for this account"""
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM 2fa_telegram WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])
return True if result is not None else False
def check2FA(userID, ip):
"""Returns True if this IP is untrusted"""
if is2FAEnabled(userID) == False:
return False
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM ip_user WHERE userid = %s AND ip = %s", [userID, ip])
return True if result is None else False
def getUserStats(userID, gameMode):
Get all user stats relative to gameMode with only two queries
userID --
gameMode -- gameMode number
return -- dictionary with results
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
# Get stats
stats = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT
ranked_score_{gm} AS rankedScore,
avg_accuracy_{gm} AS accuracy,
playcount_{gm} AS playcount,
total_score_{gm} AS totalScore,
pp_{gm} AS pp
FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1""".format(gm=modeForDB), [userID])
# Get game rank
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT position FROM leaderboard_{} WHERE user = %s LIMIT 1".format(modeForDB), [userID])
if result == None:
stats["gameRank"] = 0
stats["gameRank"] = result["position"]
# Return stats + game rank
return stats
def isAllowed(userID):
Check if userID is not banned or restricted
userID -- id of the user
return -- True if not banned or restricted, otherwise false.
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result != None:
return (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL) and (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC)
return False
def isRestricted(userID):
Check if userID is restricted
userID -- id of the user
return -- True if not restricted, otherwise false.
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result != None:
return (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL) and not (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC)
return False
def isBanned(userID):
Check if userID is banned
userID -- id of the user
return -- True if not banned, otherwise false.
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result != None:
return not (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL) and not (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC)
return True
def ban(userID):
Ban userID
userID -- id of user
banDateTime = int(time.time())
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s", [ ~(privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC) , banDateTime, userID])
def unban(userID):
Unban userID
userID -- id of user
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges | %s, ban_datetime = 0 WHERE id = %s", [ (privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC) , userID])
def restrict(userID):
Put userID in restricted mode
userID -- id of user
banDateTime = int(time.time())
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s", [~privileges.USER_PUBLIC, banDateTime, userID])
def unrestrict(userID):
Remove restricted mode from userID.
Same as unban().
userID -- id of user
def getPrivileges(userID):
Return privileges for userID
userID -- id of user
return -- privileges number
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result != None:
return result["privileges"]
return 0
def isInPrivilegeGroup(userID, groupName):
groupPrivileges = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM privileges_groups WHERE name = %s", [groupName])
if groupPrivileges == None:
return False
groupPrivileges = groupPrivileges["privileges"]
userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID)
if userToken != None:
userPrivileges = userToken.privileges
userPrivileges = getPrivileges(userID)
return (userPrivileges == groupPrivileges) or (userPrivileges == (groupPrivileges | privileges.USER_DONOR))