2016-05-18 19:12:46 +02:00

61 lines
2.3 KiB

from constants import clientPackets
from constants import serverPackets
from objects import glob
from helpers import consoleHelper
from constants import bcolors
from constants import exceptions
def handle(userToken, packetData):
# read packet data
packetData = clientPackets.joinMatch(packetData)
# Get match from ID
joinMatch(userToken, packetData["matchID"], packetData["password"])
def joinMatch(userToken, matchID, password):
# TODO: leave other matches
# TODO: Stop spectating
# get usertoken data
userID = userToken.userID
username = userToken.username
# Make sure the match exists
if matchID not in glob.matches.matches:
raise exceptions.matchNotFoundException
# Match exists, get object
match = glob.matches.matches[matchID]
# Check password
# TODO: Admins can enter every match
if match.matchPassword != "":
if match.matchPassword != password:
raise exceptions.matchWrongPasswordException
# Password is correct, join match
result = match.userJoin(userID)
# Check if we've joined the match successfully
if result == False:
raise exceptions.matchJoinErrorException
# Match joined, set matchID for usertoken
# Send packets
userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.channelJoinSuccess(userID, "#multiplayer"))
#userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.sendMessage("FokaBot", "#multiplayer", "Hi {}, and welcome to Ripple's multiplayer mode! This feature is still WIP and might have some issues. If you find any bugs, please report them (by clicking here)[].".format(username)))
except exceptions.matchNotFoundException:
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] {} has tried to join a mp room, but it doesn't exist".format(userToken.username), bcolors.RED)
except exceptions.matchWrongPasswordException:
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] {} has tried to join a mp room, but he typed the wrong password".format(userToken.username), bcolors.RED)
except exceptions.matchJoinErrorException:
consoleHelper.printColored("[!] {} has tried to join a mp room, but an error has occured".format(userToken.username), bcolors.RED)