2016-07-31 11:11:38 +02:00

319 lines
8.1 KiB

from helpers import passwordHelper
from constants import gameModes
from helpers import generalFunctions
from objects import glob
from helpers import logHelper as log
import time
def getID(username):
Get username's user ID
db -- database connection
username -- user
return -- user id or False
# Get user ID from db
userID = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s", [username])
# Make sure the query returned something
if userID == None:
return False
# Return user ID
return userID["id"]
def checkLogin(userID, password):
Check userID's login with specified password
db -- database connection
userID -- user id
password -- plain md5 password
return -- True or False
# Get password data
passwordData = glob.db.fetch("SELECT password_md5, salt, password_version FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
# Make sure the query returned something
if passwordData == None:
return False
# Return valid/invalid based on the password version.
if passwordData["password_version"] == 2:
return passwordHelper.checkNewPassword(password, passwordData["password_md5"])
if passwordData["password_version"] == 1:
ok = passwordHelper.checkOldPassword(password, passwordData["salt"], passwordData["password_md5"])
if not ok: return False
newpass = passwordHelper.genBcrypt(password)
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET password_md5=%s, salt='', password_version='2' WHERE id = %s", [newpass, userID])
def exists(userID):
Check if userID exists
userID -- user ID to check
return -- bool
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if result == None:
return False
return True
def getAllowed(userID):
Get allowed status for userID
db -- database connection
userID -- user ID
return -- allowed int
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT allowed FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["allowed"]
def getRankPrivileges(userID):
This returns rank **(PRIVILEGES)**, not game rank (like #1337)
If you want to get that rank, user getUserGameRank instead
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT rank FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["rank"]
def getSilenceEnd(userID):
Get userID's **ABSOLUTE** silence end UNIX time
Remember to subtract time.time() to get the actual silence time
userID -- userID
return -- UNIX time
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT silence_end FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["silence_end"]
def silence(userID, seconds, silenceReason, author = 999):
Silence someone
userID -- userID
seconds -- silence length in seconds
silenceReason -- Silence reason shown on website
author -- userID of who silenced the user. Default: 999
# db qurey
silenceEndTime = int(time.time())+seconds
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET silence_end = %s, silence_reason = %s WHERE id = %s", [silenceEndTime, silenceReason, userID])
# Loh
targetUsername = getUsername(userID)
# TODO: exists check im drunk rn i need to sleep (stampa piede ubriaco confirmed)
if seconds > 0:
log.rap(author, "has silenced {} for {} seconds for the following reason: \"{}\"".format(targetUsername, seconds, silenceReason), True)
log.rap(author, "has removed {}'s silence".format(targetUsername), True)
def getRankedScore(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's ranked score relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- ranked score
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT ranked_score_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["ranked_score_"+modeForDB]
def getTotalScore(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's total score relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- total score
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT total_score_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["total_score_"+modeForDB]
def getAccuracy(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's average accuracy relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- accuracy
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB]
def getGameRank(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's **in-game rank** (eg: #1337) relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- game rank
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT position FROM leaderboard_"+modeForDB+" WHERE user = %s", [userID])
if result == None:
return 0
return result["position"]
def getPlaycount(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's playcount relative to gameMode
userID -- userID
gameMode -- int value, see gameModes
return -- playcount
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT playcount_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["playcount_"+modeForDB]
def getUsername(userID):
Get userID's username
userID -- userID
return -- username
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = %s", [userID])["username"]
def getFriendList(userID):
Get userID's friendlist
userID -- userID
return -- list with friends userIDs. [0] if no friends.
# Get friends from db
friends = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s", [userID])
if friends == None or len(friends) == 0:
# We have no friends, return 0 list
return [0]
# Get only friends
friends = [i["user2"] for i in friends]
# Return friend IDs
return friends
def addFriend(userID, friendID):
Add friendID to userID's friend list
userID -- user
friendID -- new friend
# Make sure we aren't adding us to our friends
if userID == friendID:
# check user isn't already a friend of ours
if glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s", [userID, friendID]) != None:
# Set new value
glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_relationships (user1, user2) VALUES (%s, %s)", [userID, friendID])
def removeFriend(userID, friendID):
Remove friendID from userID's friend list
userID -- user
friendID -- old friend
# Delete user relationship. We don't need to check if the relationship was there, because who gives a shit,
# if they were not friends and they don't want to be anymore, be it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s", [userID, friendID])
def getCountry(userID):
Get userID's country **(two letters)**.
Use countryHelper.getCountryID with what that function returns
to get osu! country ID relative to that user
userID -- user
return -- country code (two letters)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])["country"]
def getPP(userID, gameMode):
Get userID's PP relative to gameMode
userID -- user
return -- PP
modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)
return glob.db.fetch("SELECT pp_{} FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s".format(modeForDB), [userID])["pp_{}".format(modeForDB)]
def setAllowed(userID, allowed):
Set userID's allowed status
userID -- user
allowed -- allowed status. 1: normal, 0: banned
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET allowed = %s WHERE id = %s", [allowed, userID])
def setCountry(userID, country):
Set userID's country (two letters)
userID -- userID
country -- country letters
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET country = %s WHERE id = %s", [country, userID])
def getShowCountry(userID):
Get userID's show country status
userID -- userID
return -- True if country is shown, False if it's hidden
country = glob.db.fetch("SELECT show_country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s", [userID])
if country == None:
return False
return generalFunctions.stringToBool(country)
def IPLog(userID, ip):
Botnet the user
(log his ip for multiaccount detection)
glob.db.execute("""INSERT INTO ip_user (userid, ip, occurencies) VALUES (%s, %s, '1')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1""", [userID, ip])