250 lines
5.1 KiB
250 lines
5.1 KiB
import struct
import dataTypes
def uleb128Encode(num):
Encode int -> uleb128
num -- int to encode
return -- bytearray with encoded number
arr = bytearray()
length = 0
if num == 0:
return bytearray(b"\x00")
while num > 0:
arr.append(num & 127)
num = num >> 7
if num != 0:
arr[length] = arr[length] | 128
return arr
def uleb128Decode(num):
Decode uleb128 -> int
num -- encoded uleb128
return -- list. [total, length]
shift = 0
arr = [0,0] #total, length
while True:
b = num[arr[1]]
arr[0] = arr[0] | (int(b & 127) << shift)
if b & 128 == 0:
shift += 7
return arr
def unpackData(__data, __dataType):
Unpacks data according to dataType
__data -- bytes array to unpack
__dataType -- data type. See dataTypes.py
return -- unpacked bytes
# Get right pack Type
if __dataType == dataTypes.uInt16:
unpackType = "<H"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt16:
unpackType = "<h"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt32:
unpackType = "<L"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt32:
unpackType = "<l"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt64:
unpackType = "<Q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt64:
unpackType = "<q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.string:
unpackType = "<s"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.ffloat:
unpackType = "<f"
unpackType = "<B"
# Unpack
return struct.unpack(unpackType, bytes(__data))[0]
def packData(__data, __dataType):
Packs data according to dataType
data -- bytes to pack
dataType -- data type. See dataTypes.py
return -- packed bytes
data = bytes() # data to return
pack = True # if True, use pack. False only with strings
# Get right pack Type
if __dataType == dataTypes.bbytes:
# Bytes, do not use pack, do manually
pack = False
data = __data
elif __dataType == dataTypes.string:
# String, do not use pack, do manually
pack = False
if len(__data) == 0:
# Empty string
data += b"\x00"
# Non empty string
data += b"\x0B"
data += uleb128Encode(len(__data))
data += str.encode(__data, "latin_1")
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt16:
packType = "<H"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt16:
packType = "<h"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt32:
packType = "<L"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt32:
packType = "<l"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt64:
packType = "<Q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt64:
packType = "<q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.string:
packType = "<s"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.ffloat:
packType = "<f"
packType = "<B"
# Pack if needed
if pack == True:
data += struct.pack(packType, __data)
return data
# TODO: Wat dangerous
def buildPacket(__packet, __packetData = []):
Build a packet
packet -- packet id (int)
packetData -- list [[data, dataType], [data, dataType], ...]
return -- packet bytes
# Set some variables
packetData = bytes()
packetLength = 0
packetBytes = bytes()
# Pack packet data
for i in __packetData:
packetData += packData(i[0], i[1])
# Set packet length
packetLength = len(packetData)
# Return packet as bytes
packetBytes += struct.pack("<h", __packet) # packet id (int16)
packetBytes += bytes(b"\x00") # unused byte
packetBytes += struct.pack("<l", packetLength) # packet lenght (iint32)
packetBytes += packetData # packet data
return packetBytes
def readPacketID(__stream):
Read packetID from __stream (0-1 bytes)
__stream -- data stream
return -- packet ID (int)
return unpackData(__stream[0:2], dataTypes.uInt16)
def readPacketLength(__stream):
Read packet length from __stream (3-4-5-6 bytes)
__stream -- data stream
return -- packet length (int)
return unpackData(__stream[3:7], dataTypes.uInt32)
def readPacketData(__stream, __structure = [], __hasFirstBytes = True):
Read packet data from __stream according to __structure
__stream -- data stream
__structure -- [[name, dataType], [name, dataType], ...]
__hasFirstBytes -- if True, __stream has packetID and length bytes.
if False, __stream has only packetData.
Optional. Default: True
return -- dictionary. key: name, value: read data
# Read packet ID (first 2 bytes)
data = {}
# Skip packet ID and packet length if needed
if __hasFirstBytes == True:
end = 7
start = 7
end = 0
start = 0
# Read packet
for i in __structure:
start = end
unpack = True
if i[1] == dataTypes.string:
# String, don't unpack
unpack = False
# Check empty string
if __stream[start] == 0:
# Empty string
data[i[0]] = ""
end = start+1
# Non empty string
# Read length and calculate end
length = uleb128Decode(__stream[start+1:])
end = start+length[0]+length[1]+1
# Read bytes
data[i[0]] = ''.join(chr(j) for j in __stream[start+1+length[1]:end])
elif i[1] == dataTypes.byte:
end = start+1
elif i[1] == dataTypes.uInt16 or i[1] == dataTypes.sInt16:
end = start+2
elif i[1] == dataTypes.uInt32 or i[1] == dataTypes.sInt32:
end = start+4
elif i[1] == dataTypes.uInt64 or i[1] == dataTypes.sInt64:
end = start+8
# Unpack if needed
if unpack == True:
data[i[0]] = unpackData(__stream[start:end], i[1])
return data