PrivilegeReadConfidential// (eventual) private messages, reports... of self
PrivilegeWrite// change user information, write into confidential stuff...
PrivilegeManageBadges// can change various users' badges.
PrivilegeBetaKeys// can add, remove, upgrade/downgrade, make public beta keys.
PrivilegeManageSettings// maintainance, set registrations, global alerts, bancho settings
PrivilegeViewUserAdvanced// can see user email, and perhaps warnings in the future, basically.
PrivilegeManageUser// can change user email, allowed status, userpage, rank, username...
PrivilegeManageRoles// translates as admin, as they can basically assign roles to anyone, even themselves
PrivilegeManageAPIKeys// admin permission to manage user permission, not only self permissions. Only ever do this if you completely trust the application, because this essentially means to put the entire ripple database in the hands of a (potentially evil?) application.
PrivilegeBlog// can do pretty much anything to the blog, and the documentation.