// Package v1 implements the first version of the Ripple API. package v1 import ( "database/sql" "strconv" "strings" "git.zxq.co/ripple/ocl" "git.zxq.co/ripple/rippleapi/common" ) type userData struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` UsernameAKA string `json:"username_aka"` RegisteredOn common.UnixTimestamp `json:"registered_on"` Privileges uint64 `json:"privileges"` LatestActivity common.UnixTimestamp `json:"latest_activity"` Country string `json:"country"` } // UsersGET is the API handler for GET /users func UsersGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { shouldRet, whereClause, param := whereClauseUser(md, "users") if shouldRet != nil { return *shouldRet } query := ` SELECT users.id, users.username, register_datetime, privileges, latest_activity, users_stats.username_aka, users_stats.country, users_stats.show_country FROM users LEFT JOIN users_stats ON users.id=users_stats.id WHERE ` + whereClause + ` AND users.privileges & 1 > 0 LIMIT 1` return userPuts(md, md.DB.QueryRow(query, param)) } type userPutsUserData struct { common.ResponseBase userData } func userPuts(md common.MethodData, row *sql.Row) common.CodeMessager { var err error var user userPutsUserData var showCountry bool err = row.Scan( &user.ID, &user.Username, &user.RegisteredOn, &user.Privileges, &user.LatestActivity, &user.UsernameAKA, &user.Country, &showCountry, ) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return common.SimpleResponse(404, "No such user was found!") case err != nil: md.Err(err) return Err500 } user.Country = genCountry(md, user.ID, showCountry, user.Country) user.Code = 200 return user } func badgesToArray(badges string) []int { var end []int badgesSl := strings.Split(badges, ",") for _, badge := range badgesSl { if badge != "" && badge != "0" { nb := common.Int(badge) if nb != 0 { end = append(end, nb) } } } return end } func genCountry(md common.MethodData, uid int, showCountry bool, country string) string { // If the user wants to stay anonymous, don't show their country. // This can be overriden if we have the ReadConfidential privilege and the user we are accessing is the token owner. if showCountry || (md.User.Privileges.HasPrivilegeReadConfidential() && uid == md.ID()) { return country } return "XX" } // UserSelfGET is a shortcut for /users/id/self. (/users/self) func UserSelfGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { md.C.Request.URL.RawQuery = "id=self&" + md.C.Request.URL.RawQuery return UsersGET(md) } type whatIDResponse struct { common.ResponseBase ID int `json:"id"` } // UserWhatsTheIDGET is an API request that only returns an user's ID. func UserWhatsTheIDGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { var ( r whatIDResponse privileges int ) err := md.DB.QueryRow("SELECT id, privileges FROM users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", md.C.Query("name")).Scan(&r.ID, &privileges) if err != nil || ((privileges&common.UserPrivilegePublic) == 0 && !md.User.Privileges.HasPrivilegeViewUserAdvanced()) { return common.SimpleResponse(404, "That user could not be found!") } r.Code = 200 return r } type modeData struct { RankedScore uint64 `json:"ranked_score"` TotalScore uint64 `json:"total_score"` PlayCount int `json:"playcount"` ReplaysWatched int `json:"replays_watched"` TotalHits int `json:"total_hits"` Level float64 `json:"level"` Accuracy float64 `json:"accuracy"` PP int `json:"pp"` GlobalLeaderboardRank int `json:"global_leaderboard_rank"` } type userFullResponse struct { common.ResponseBase userData STD modeData `json:"std"` Taiko modeData `json:"taiko"` CTB modeData `json:"ctb"` Mania modeData `json:"mania"` PlayStyle int `json:"play_style"` FavouriteMode int `json:"favourite_mode"` Badges []int `json:"badges"` } // UserFullGET gets all of an user's information, with one exception: their userpage. func UserFullGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { shouldRet, whereClause, param := whereClauseUser(md, "users") if shouldRet != nil { return *shouldRet } // Hellest query I've ever done. query := ` SELECT users.id, users.username, users.register_datetime, users.privileges, users.latest_activity, users_stats.username_aka, users_stats.badges_shown, users_stats.country, users_stats.show_country, users_stats.play_style, users_stats.favourite_mode, users_stats.ranked_score_std, users_stats.total_score_std, users_stats.playcount_std, users_stats.replays_watched_std, users_stats.total_hits_std, users_stats.avg_accuracy_std, users_stats.pp_std, leaderboard_std.position as std_position, users_stats.ranked_score_taiko, users_stats.total_score_taiko, users_stats.playcount_taiko, users_stats.replays_watched_taiko, users_stats.total_hits_taiko, users_stats.avg_accuracy_taiko, users_stats.pp_taiko, leaderboard_taiko.position as taiko_position, users_stats.ranked_score_ctb, users_stats.total_score_ctb, users_stats.playcount_ctb, users_stats.replays_watched_ctb, users_stats.total_hits_ctb, users_stats.avg_accuracy_ctb, users_stats.pp_ctb, leaderboard_ctb.position as ctb_position, users_stats.ranked_score_mania, users_stats.total_score_mania, users_stats.playcount_mania, users_stats.replays_watched_mania, users_stats.total_hits_mania, users_stats.avg_accuracy_mania, users_stats.pp_mania, leaderboard_mania.position as mania_position FROM users LEFT JOIN users_stats ON users.id=users_stats.id LEFT JOIN leaderboard_std ON users.id=leaderboard_std.user LEFT JOIN leaderboard_taiko ON users.id=leaderboard_taiko.user LEFT JOIN leaderboard_ctb ON users.id=leaderboard_ctb.user LEFT JOIN leaderboard_mania ON users.id=leaderboard_mania.user WHERE ` + whereClause + ` AND users.privileges & 1 > 0 LIMIT 1 ` // Fuck. r := userFullResponse{} var ( badges string country string showCountry bool ) err := md.DB.QueryRow(query, param).Scan( &r.ID, &r.Username, &r.RegisteredOn, &r.Privileges, &r.LatestActivity, &r.UsernameAKA, &badges, &country, &showCountry, &r.PlayStyle, &r.FavouriteMode, &r.STD.RankedScore, &r.STD.TotalScore, &r.STD.PlayCount, &r.STD.ReplaysWatched, &r.STD.TotalHits, &r.STD.Accuracy, &r.STD.PP, &r.STD.GlobalLeaderboardRank, &r.Taiko.RankedScore, &r.Taiko.TotalScore, &r.Taiko.PlayCount, &r.Taiko.ReplaysWatched, &r.Taiko.TotalHits, &r.Taiko.Accuracy, &r.Taiko.PP, &r.Taiko.GlobalLeaderboardRank, &r.CTB.RankedScore, &r.CTB.TotalScore, &r.CTB.PlayCount, &r.CTB.ReplaysWatched, &r.CTB.TotalHits, &r.CTB.Accuracy, &r.CTB.PP, &r.CTB.GlobalLeaderboardRank, &r.Mania.RankedScore, &r.Mania.TotalScore, &r.Mania.PlayCount, &r.Mania.ReplaysWatched, &r.Mania.TotalHits, &r.Mania.Accuracy, &r.Mania.PP, &r.Mania.GlobalLeaderboardRank, ) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return common.SimpleResponse(404, "That user could not be found!") case err != nil: md.Err(err) return Err500 } r.Country = genCountry(md, r.ID, showCountry, country) r.Badges = badgesToArray(badges) for _, m := range []*modeData{&r.STD, &r.Taiko, &r.CTB, &r.Mania} { m.Level = ocl.GetLevelPrecise(int64(m.TotalScore)) } r.Code = 200 return r } type userpageResponse struct { common.ResponseBase Userpage string `json:"userpage"` } // UserUserpageGET gets an user's userpage, as in the customisable thing. func UserUserpageGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { shouldRet, whereClause, param := whereClauseUser(md, "users_stats") if shouldRet != nil { return *shouldRet } var r userpageResponse err := md.DB.QueryRow("SELECT userpage_content FROM users_stats WHERE "+whereClause+" LIMIT 1", param).Scan(&r.Userpage) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return common.SimpleResponse(404, "No such user!") case err != nil: md.Err(err) return Err500 } r.Code = 200 return r } func whereClauseUser(md common.MethodData, tableName string) (*common.CodeMessager, string, interface{}) { switch { case md.C.Query("id") == "self": return nil, tableName + ".id = ?", md.ID() case md.C.Query("id") != "": id, err := strconv.Atoi(md.C.Query("id")) if err != nil { a := common.SimpleResponse(400, "please pass a valid user ID") return &a, "", nil } return nil, tableName + ".id = ?", id case md.C.Query("name") != "": return nil, tableName + ".username = ?", md.C.Query("name") } a := common.SimpleResponse(400, "you need to pass either querystring parameters name or id") return &a, "", nil } type userLookupResponse struct { common.ResponseBase Users []lookupUser `json:"users"` } type lookupUser struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` } // UserLookupGET does a quick lookup of users beginning with the passed // querystring value name. func UserLookupGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { name := strings.NewReplacer( "%", "\\%", "_", "\\_", "\\", "\\\\", ).Replace(md.C.Query("name")) if name == "" { return common.SimpleResponse(400, "please provide an username to start searching") } name = "%" + name + "%" rows, err := md.DB.Query("SELECT users.id, users.username FROM users WHERE username LIKE ? AND privileges & 1 > 0 LIMIT 25", name) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } var r userLookupResponse for rows.Next() { var l lookupUser err := rows.Scan(&l.ID, &l.Username) if err != nil { continue // can't be bothered to handle properly } r.Users = append(r.Users, l) } r.Code = 200 return r }