package v1 import ( "crypto/md5" "database/sql" "fmt" "" "" "" ) type tokenNewInData struct { // either username or userid must be given in the request. // if none is given, the request is trashed. Username string `json:"username"` UserID int `json:"id"` Password string `json:"password"` Privileges int `json:"privileges"` Description string `json:"description"` } type tokenNewResponse struct { common.ResponseBase Username string `json:"username"` ID int `json:"id"` Privileges int `json:"privileges"` Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` Banned bool `json:"banned"` } // TokenNewPOST is the handler for POST /token/new. func TokenNewPOST(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { var r tokenNewResponse data := tokenNewInData{} err := md.RequestData.Unmarshal(&data) if err != nil { return ErrBadJSON } var miss []string if data.Username == "" && data.UserID == 0 { miss = append(miss, "username|id") } if data.Password == "" { miss = append(miss, "password") } if len(miss) != 0 { return ErrMissingField(miss...) } var q *sql.Row const base = "SELECT id, username, privileges, password_md5, password_version, privileges FROM users " if data.UserID != 0 { q = md.DB.QueryRow(base+"WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", data.UserID) } else { q = md.DB.QueryRow(base+"WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", data.Username) } var ( rank int pw string pwVersion int privileges int ) err = q.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Username, &rank, &pw, &pwVersion, &privileges) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: return common.SimpleResponse(404, "No user with that username/id was found.") case err != nil: md.Err(err) return Err500 } if nFailedAttempts(r.ID) > 20 { return common.SimpleResponse(429, "You've made too many login attempts. Try again later.") } if pwVersion == 1 { return common.SimpleResponse(418, "That user still has a password in version 1. Unfortunately, in order for the API to check for the password to be OK, the user has to first log in through the website.") } if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(pw), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(data.Password))))); err != nil { if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { go addFailedAttempt(r.ID) return common.SimpleResponse(403, "That password doesn't match!") } md.Err(err) return Err500 } const want = (common.UserPrivilegePublic | common.UserPrivilegeNormal) if (privileges & want) != want { r.Code = 200 r.Message = "That user is banned." r.Banned = true return r } r.Privileges = int(common.Privileges(data.Privileges).CanOnly(privileges)) var ( tokenStr string tokenMD5 string ) for { tokenStr = common.RandomString(32) tokenMD5 = fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(tokenStr))) r.Token = tokenStr var id int err := md.DB.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM tokens WHERE token=? LIMIT 1", tokenMD5).Scan(&id) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { break } if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } } _, err = md.DB.Exec("INSERT INTO tokens(user, privileges, description, token, private) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, '0')", r.ID, r.Privileges, data.Description, tokenMD5) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } r.Code = 200 return r } // TokenSelfDeleteGET deletes the token the user is connecting with. func TokenSelfDeleteGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { if md.ID() == 0 { return common.SimpleResponse(400, "How should we delete your token if you haven't even given us one?!") } _, err := md.DB.Exec("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE token = ? LIMIT 1", fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(md.User.Value)))) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } return common.SimpleResponse(200, "Bye!") } type token struct { ID int `json:"id"` Privileges uint64 `json:"privileges"` Description string `json:"description"` } type tokenResponse struct { common.ResponseBase Tokens []token `json:"token"` } // TokenGET retrieves a list listing all the user's public tokens. func TokenGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { rows, err := md.DB.Query("SELECT id, privileges, description FROM tokens WHERE user = ? AND private = '0'", md.ID()) if err != nil { return Err500 } var r tokenResponse for rows.Next() { var t token err = rows.Scan(&t.ID, &t.Privileges, &t.Description) if err != nil { md.Err(err) continue } r.Tokens = append(r.Tokens, t) } r.Code = 200 return r } type tokenSingleResponse struct { common.ResponseBase token } // TokenSelfGET retrieves information about the token the user is connecting with. func TokenSelfGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { var r tokenSingleResponse // md.User.ID = token id, userid would have been md.User.UserID. what a clusterfuck err := md.DB.QueryRow("SELECT id, privileges, description FROM tokens WHERE id = ?", md.User.ID).Scan( &r.ID, &r.Privileges, &r.Description, ) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } r.Code = 200 return r } // TokenFixPrivilegesGET fixes the privileges on the token of the given user, // or of all the users if no user is given. func TokenFixPrivilegesGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { id := common.Int(md.C.Query("id")) if md.C.Query("id") == "self" { id = md.ID() } go fixPrivileges(id, md.DB) return common.SimpleResponse(200, "Privilege fixing started!") } func fixPrivileges(user int, db *sql.DB) { var wc string var params = make([]interface{}, 0, 1) if user != 0 { // dirty, but who gives a shit wc = "WHERE user = ?" params = append(params, user) } rows, err := db.Query(` SELECT, tokens.privileges, users.privileges FROM tokens LEFT JOIN users ON = tokens.user `+wc, params...) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) schiavo.Bunker.Send(err.Error()) return } for rows.Next() { var ( id int privsRaw uint64 privs common.Privileges newPrivs common.Privileges privileges int ) rows.Scan(&id, &privsRaw, &privileges) privs = common.Privileges(privsRaw) newPrivs = privs.CanOnly(privileges) if newPrivs != privs { _, err := db.Exec("UPDATE tokens SET privileges = ? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", uint64(newPrivs), id) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) schiavo.Bunker.Send(err.Error()) continue } } } }