package v1 import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) // Score is a score done on Ripple. type Score struct { ID int `json:"id"` BeatmapMD5 string `json:"beatmap_md5"` Score int64 `json:"score"` MaxCombo int `json:"max_combo"` FullCombo bool `json:"full_combo"` Mods int `json:"mods"` Count300 int `json:"count_300"` Count100 int `json:"count_100"` Count50 int `json:"count_50"` CountGeki int `json:"count_geki"` CountKatu int `json:"count_katu"` CountMiss int `json:"count_miss"` Time common.UnixTimestamp `json:"time"` PlayMode int `json:"play_mode"` Accuracy float64 `json:"accuracy"` PP float32 `json:"pp"` Rank string `json:"rank"` Completed int `json:"completed"` } // beatmapScore is to differentiate from userScore, as beatmapScore contains // also an user, while userScore contains the beatmap. type beatmapScore struct { Score User userData `json:"user"` } type scoresResponse struct { common.ResponseBase Scores []beatmapScore `json:"scores"` } // ScoresGET retrieves the top scores for a certain beatmap. func ScoresGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { var ( where = new(common.WhereClause) r scoresResponse ) pm := md.Ctx.Request.URI().QueryArgs().PeekMulti switch { case md.Query("md5") != "": where.In("beatmap_md5", pm("md5")...) case md.Query("b") != "": var md5 string err := md.DB.Get(&md5, "SELECT beatmap_md5 FROM beatmaps WHERE beatmap_id = ? LIMIT 1", md.Query("b")) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: r.Code = 200 return r case err != nil: md.Err(err) return Err500 } where.Where("beatmap_md5 = ?", md5) } where.In("", pm("id")...) sort := common.Sort(md, common.SortConfiguration{ Default: "scores.pp DESC, scores.score DESC", Table: "scores", Allowed: []string{"pp", "score", "accuracy", "id"}, }) if where.Clause == "" { return ErrMissingField("must specify at least one queried item") } where.Where(` scores.completed = '3' AND `+md.User.OnlyUserPublic(false)+` `+ genModeClause(md)+` `+sort+common.Paginate(md.Query("p"), md.Query("l"), 100), "FIF") where.Params = where.Params[:len(where.Params)-1] rows, err := md.DB.Query(` SELECT, scores.beatmap_md5, scores.score, scores.max_combo, scores.full_combo, scores.mods, scores.300_count, scores.100_count, scores.50_count, scores.gekis_count, scores.katus_count, scores.misses_count, scores.time, scores.play_mode, scores.accuracy, scores.pp, scores.completed,, users.username, users.register_datetime, users.privileges, users.latest_activity, users_stats.username_aka, FROM scores INNER JOIN users ON = scores.userid INNER JOIN users_stats ON = scores.userid `+where.Clause, where.Params...) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } for rows.Next() { var ( s beatmapScore u userData ) err := rows.Scan( &s.ID, &s.BeatmapMD5, &s.Score.Score, &s.MaxCombo, &s.FullCombo, &s.Mods, &s.Count300, &s.Count100, &s.Count50, &s.CountGeki, &s.CountKatu, &s.CountMiss, &s.Time, &s.PlayMode, &s.Accuracy, &s.PP, &s.Completed, &u.ID, &u.Username, &u.RegisteredOn, &u.Privileges, &u.LatestActivity, &u.UsernameAKA, &u.Country, ) if err != nil { md.Err(err) continue } s.User = u s.Rank = strings.ToUpper(getrank.GetRank( osuapi.Mode(s.PlayMode), osuapi.Mods(s.Mods), s.Accuracy, s.Count300, s.Count100, s.Count50, s.CountMiss, )) r.Scores = append(r.Scores, s) } r.Code = 200 return r } type scoreReportData struct { ScoreID int `json:"score_id"` Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"` Anticheat string `json:"anticheat"` Severity float32 `json:"severity"` } type scoreReport struct { ID int `json:"id"` scoreReportData } type scoreReportResponse struct { common.ResponseBase scoreReport } // ScoreReportPOST creates a new report for a score func ScoreReportPOST(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager { var data scoreReportData err := md.Unmarshal(&data) if err != nil { return ErrBadJSON } // Check if there are any missing fields var missingFields []string if data.ScoreID == 0 { missingFields = append(missingFields, "score_id") } if data.Anticheat == "" { missingFields = append(missingFields, "anticheat") } if len(missingFields) > 0 { return ErrMissingField(missingFields...) } tx, err := md.DB.Beginx() if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } // Get anticheat ID var id int err = tx.Get(&id, "SELECT id FROM anticheats WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1", data.Anticheat) switch err { case nil: // carry on case sql.ErrNoRows: // Create anticheat! res, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO anticheats (name) VALUES (?);", data.Anticheat) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } lid, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } id = int(lid) default: md.Err(err) return Err500 } d := sql.NullString{String: string(data.Data), Valid: true} if d.String == "null" || d.String == `""` || d.String == "[]" || d.String == "{}" || d.String == "0" { d.Valid = false } res, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO anticheat_reports (score_id, anticheat_id, data, severity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", data.ScoreID, id, d, data.Severity) if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } lid, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { md.Err(err) return Err500 } if !d.Valid { data.Data = json.RawMessage("null") } repData := scoreReportResponse{ scoreReport: scoreReport{ ID: int(lid), scoreReportData: data, }, } repData.Code = 200 return repData } func getMode(m string) string { switch m { case "1": return "taiko" case "2": return "ctb" case "3": return "mania" default: return "std" } } func genModeClause(md common.MethodData) string { var modeClause string if md.Query("mode") != "" { m, err := strconv.Atoi(md.Query("mode")) if err == nil && m >= 0 && m <= 3 { modeClause = fmt.Sprintf("AND scores.play_mode = '%d'", m) } } return modeClause } func genModeClauseRx(md common.MethodData) string { var modeClause string if md.Query("mode") != "" { m, err := strconv.Atoi(md.Query("mode")) if err == nil && m >= 0 && m <= 3 { modeClause = fmt.Sprintf("AND scores_relax.play_mode = '%d'", m) } } return modeClause } func genModeClauseAp(md common.MethodData) string { var modeClause string if md.Query("mode") != "" { m, err := strconv.Atoi(md.Query("mode")) if err == nil && m >= 0 && m <= 3 { modeClause = fmt.Sprintf("AND scores_auto.play_mode = '%d'", m) } } return modeClause }