Howl e858ed94bc Schiavo is like a son with a down syndrome.
You love him, like every child you have, but you have to accept the fact that he's fucking down, and so he's completely retarded and makes everything the wrong way.
Also, in this commit: set_status is now no more fucking retarded, as in it actually returns the beatmap it was requested, and some minor things.
2016-09-17 23:27:20 +02:00

247 lines
6.4 KiB

package v1
import (
type difficulty struct {
STD float64 `json:"std"`
Taiko float64 `json:"taiko"`
CTB float64 `json:"ctb"`
Mania float64 `json:"mania"`
type beatmap struct {
BeatmapID int `json:"beatmap_id"`
BeatmapsetID int `json:"beatmapset_id"`
BeatmapMD5 string `json:"beatmap_md5"`
SongName string `json:"song_name"`
AR float32 `json:"ar"`
OD float32 `json:"od"`
Difficulty float64 `json:"difficulty"`
Diff2 difficulty `json:"difficulty2"` // fuck nyo
MaxCombo int `json:"max_combo"`
HitLength int `json:"hit_length"`
Ranked int `json:"ranked"`
RankedStatusFrozen int `json:"ranked_status_frozen"`
LatestUpdate common.UnixTimestamp `json:"latest_update"`
type beatmapResponse struct {
type beatmapSetResponse struct {
Beatmaps []beatmap `json:"beatmaps"`
type beatmapSetStatusData struct {
BeatmapsetID int `json:"beatmapset_id"`
BeatmapID int `json:"beatmap_id"`
RankedStatus int `json:"ranked_status"`
Frozen int `json:"frozen"`
// BeatmapSetStatusPOST changes the ranked status of a beatmap, and whether
// the beatmap ranked status is frozen. Or freezed. Freezed best meme 2k16
func BeatmapSetStatusPOST(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
var req beatmapSetStatusData
var miss []string
if req.BeatmapsetID == 0 && req.BeatmapID == 0 {
miss = append(miss, "beatmapset_id or beatmap_id")
if len(miss) != 0 {
return ErrMissingField(miss...)
if req.Frozen != 0 && req.Frozen != 1 {
return common.SimpleResponse(400, "frozen status must be either 0 or 1")
if req.RankedStatus > 4 || -1 > req.RankedStatus {
return common.SimpleResponse(400, "ranked status must be 5 < x < -2")
param := req.BeatmapsetID
if req.BeatmapID != 0 {
err := md.DB.QueryRow("SELECT beatmapset_id FROM beatmaps WHERE beatmap_id = ? LIMIT 1", req.BeatmapID).Scan(&param)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return common.SimpleResponse(404, "That beatmap could not be found!")
case err != nil:
return Err500
md.DB.Exec(`UPDATE beatmaps
SET ranked = ?, ranked_status_freezed = ?
WHERE beatmapset_id = ?`, req.RankedStatus, req.Frozen, param)
var x = make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
if req.BeatmapID != 0 {
x["bb"] = req.BeatmapID
} else {
x["s"] = req.BeatmapsetID
md.C.Request.URL = genURL(x)
return getMultipleBeatmaps(md)
func genURL(d map[string]interface{}) *url.URL {
var s string
for k, v := range d {
if s != "" {
s += "&"
s += k + "=" + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
u := new(url.URL)
if len(d) == 0 {
return u
u.RawQuery = s
return u
// BeatmapGET retrieves a beatmap.
func BeatmapGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
beatmapID := common.Int(md.Query("b"))
if beatmapID != 0 {
return getBeatmapSingle(md, beatmapID)
return getMultipleBeatmaps(md)
const baseBeatmapSelect = `
beatmap_id, beatmapset_id, beatmap_md5,
song_name, ar, od, difficulty_std, difficulty_taiko,
difficulty_ctb, difficulty_mania, max_combo,
hit_length, ranked, ranked_status_freezed,
FROM beatmaps
func getMultipleBeatmaps(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
sort := common.Sort(md, common.SortConfiguration{
Allowed: []string{
Default: "id DESC",
Table: "beatmaps",
where := common.
Where("beatmap_id = ?", md.Query("bb")).
Where("beatmapset_id = ?", md.Query("s")).
Where("song_name = ?", md.Query("song_name")).
Where("ranked_status_freezed = ?", md.Query("ranked_status_frozen"), "0", "1")
rows, err := md.DB.Query(baseBeatmapSelect+
where.Clause+" "+sort+" "+
common.Paginate(md.Query("p"), md.Query("l"), 50), where.Params...)
if err != nil {
return Err500
var r beatmapSetResponse
for rows.Next() {
var b beatmap
err = rows.Scan(
&b.BeatmapID, &b.BeatmapsetID, &b.BeatmapMD5,
&b.SongName, &b.AR, &b.OD, &b.Diff2.STD, &b.Diff2.Taiko,
&b.Diff2.CTB, &b.Diff2.Mania, &b.MaxCombo,
&b.HitLength, &b.Ranked, &b.RankedStatusFrozen,
b.Difficulty = b.Diff2.STD
if err != nil {
r.Beatmaps = append(r.Beatmaps, b)
r.Code = 200
return r
func getBeatmapSingle(md common.MethodData, beatmapID int) common.CodeMessager {
var b beatmap
err := md.DB.QueryRow(baseBeatmapSelect+"WHERE beatmap_id = ? LIMIT 1", beatmapID).Scan(
&b.BeatmapID, &b.BeatmapsetID, &b.BeatmapMD5,
&b.SongName, &b.AR, &b.OD, &b.Diff2.STD, &b.Diff2.Taiko,
&b.Diff2.CTB, &b.Diff2.Mania, &b.MaxCombo,
&b.HitLength, &b.Ranked, &b.RankedStatusFrozen,
b.Difficulty = b.Diff2.STD
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return common.SimpleResponse(404, "That beatmap could not be found!")
case err != nil:
return Err500
var r beatmapResponse
r.Code = 200
r.beatmap = b
return r
type beatmapReduced struct {
BeatmapID int `json:"beatmap_id"`
BeatmapsetID int `json:"beatmapset_id"`
BeatmapMD5 string `json:"beatmap_md5"`
Ranked int `json:"ranked"`
RankedStatusFrozen int `json:"ranked_status_frozen"`
type beatmapRankedFrozenFullResponse struct {
Beatmaps []beatmapReduced `json:"beatmaps"`
// BeatmapRankedFrozenFullGET retrieves all beatmaps with a certain
// ranked_status_freezed
func BeatmapRankedFrozenFullGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
rows, err := md.DB.Query(`
SELECT beatmap_id, beatmapset_id, beatmap_md5, ranked, ranked_status_freezed
FROM beatmaps
WHERE ranked_status_freezed = '1'
if err != nil {
return Err500
var r beatmapRankedFrozenFullResponse
for rows.Next() {
var b beatmapReduced
err = rows.Scan(&b.BeatmapID, &b.BeatmapsetID, &b.BeatmapMD5, &b.Ranked, &b.RankedStatusFrozen)
if err != nil {
r.Beatmaps = append(r.Beatmaps, b)
r.Code = 200
return r