import time from _mysql import ProgrammingError from common import generalUtils from common.constants import gameModes from common.constants import privileges from common.log import logUtils as log from common.ripple import passwordUtils, scoreUtils from objects import glob def getUserStats(userID, gameMode): """ Get all user stats relative to `gameMode` :param userID: :param gameMode: game mode number :return: dictionary with result """ modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode) # Get stats stats = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT ranked_score_{gm} AS rankedScore, avg_accuracy_{gm} AS accuracy, playcount_{gm} AS playcount, total_score_{gm} AS totalScore, pp_{gm} AS pp FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1""".format(gm=modeForDB), [userID]) # Get game rank stats["gameRank"] = getGameRank(userID, gameMode) # Return stats + game rank return stats def getUserStatsRx(userID, gameMode): """ Get all user stats relative to `gameMode` :param userID: :param gameMode: game mode number :return: dictionary with result """ modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode) # Get stats stats = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT ranked_score_{gm} AS rankedScore, avg_accuracy_{gm} AS accuracy, playcount_{gm} AS playcount, total_score_{gm} AS totalScore, pp_{gm}_rx AS pp FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1""".format(gm=modeForDB), [userID]) # Get game rank stats["gameRank"] = getGameRankRx(userID, gameMode) # Return stats + game rank return stats def getIDSafe(_safeUsername): """ Get user ID from a safe username :param _safeUsername: safe username :return: None if the user doesn't exist, else user id """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username_safe = %s LIMIT 1", [_safeUsername]) if result is not None: return result["id"] return None def getID(username): """ Get username's user ID from userID redis cache (if cache hit) or from db (and cache it for other requests) if cache miss :param username: user :return: user id or 0 if user doesn't exist """ # Get userID from redis usernameSafe = safeUsername(username) userID = glob.redis.get("ripple:userid_cache:{}".format(usernameSafe)) if userID is None: # If it's not in redis, get it from mysql userID = getIDSafe(usernameSafe) # If it's invalid, return 0 if userID is None: return 0 # Otherwise, save it in redis and return it glob.redis.set("ripple:userid_cache:{}".format(usernameSafe), userID, 3600) # expires in 1 hour return userID # Return userid from redis return int(userID) def getUsername(userID): """ Get userID's username :param userID: user id :return: username or None """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is None: return None return result["username"] def getSafeUsername(userID): """ Get userID's safe username :param userID: user id :return: username or None """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT username_safe FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is None: return None return result["username_safe"] def exists(userID): """ Check if given userID exists :param userID: user id to check :return: True if the user exists, else False """ return True if glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) is not None else False def checkLogin(userID, password, ip=""): """ Check userID's login with specified password :param userID: user id :param password: md5 password :param ip: request IP (used to check active bancho sessions). Optional. :return: True if user id and password combination is valid, else False """ # Check cached bancho session banchoSession = False if ip != "": banchoSession = checkBanchoSession(userID, ip) # Return True if there's a bancho session for this user from that ip if banchoSession: return True # Otherwise, check password # Get password data passwordData = glob.db.fetch("SELECT password_md5, salt, password_version FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) # Make sure the query returned something if passwordData is None: return False # Return valid/invalid based on the password version. if passwordData["password_version"] == 2: return passwordUtils.checkNewPassword(password, passwordData["password_md5"]) if passwordData["password_version"] == 1: ok = passwordUtils.checkOldPassword(password, passwordData["salt"], passwordData["password_md5"]) if not ok: return False newpass = passwordUtils.genBcrypt(password) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET password_md5=%s, salt='', password_version='2' WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [newpass, userID]) def getRequiredScoreForLevel(level): """ Return score required to reach a level :param level: level to reach :return: required score """ if level <= 100: if level >= 2: return 5000 / 3 * (4 * (level ** 3) - 3 * (level ** 2) - level) + 1.25 * (1.8 ** (level - 60)) elif level <= 0 or level == 1: return 1 # Should be 0, but we get division by 0 below so set to 1 elif level >= 101: return 26931190829 + 100000000000 * (level - 100) def getLevel(totalScore): """ Return level from totalScore :param totalScore: total score :return: level """ level = 1 while True: # if the level is > 8000, it's probably an endless loop. terminate it. if level > 8000: return level # Calculate required score reqScore = getRequiredScoreForLevel(level) # Check if this is our level if totalScore <= reqScore: # Our level, return it and break return level - 1 else: # Not our level, calculate score for next level level += 1 def updateLevel(userID, gameMode=0, totalScore=0): """ Update level in DB for userID relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :param totalScore: new total score :return: """ # Make sure the user exists # if not exists(userID): # return # Get total score from db if not passed mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) if totalScore == 0: totalScore = glob.db.fetch( "SELECT total_score_{m} as total_score FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode), [userID]) if totalScore: totalScore = totalScore["total_score"] # Calculate level from totalScore level = getLevel(totalScore) # Save new level glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET level_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode), [level, userID]) def calculateAccuracy(userID, gameMode): """ Calculate accuracy value for userID relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: new accuracy """ # Select what to sort by if gameMode == 0: sortby = "pp" else: sortby = "accuracy" # Get best accuracy scores bestAccScores = glob.db.fetchAll( "SELECT accuracy FROM scores WHERE userid = %s AND play_mode = %s AND completed = 3 ORDER BY " + sortby + " DESC LIMIT 500", [userID, gameMode]) v = 0 if bestAccScores is not None: # Calculate weighted accuracy totalAcc = 0 divideTotal = 0 k = 0 for i in bestAccScores: add = int((0.95 ** k) * 100) totalAcc += i["accuracy"] * add divideTotal += add k += 1 # echo "$add - $totalacc - $divideTotal\n" if divideTotal != 0: v = totalAcc / divideTotal else: v = 0 return v def calculatePP(userID, gameMode): """ Calculate userID's total PP for gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: total PP """ # Get best pp scores bestPPScores = glob.db.fetchAll( "SELECT pp FROM scores WHERE userid = %s AND play_mode = %s AND completed = 3 ORDER BY pp DESC LIMIT 500", [userID, gameMode]) # Calculate weighted PP totalPP = 0 if bestPPScores is not None: k = 0 for i in bestPPScores: new = round(round(i["pp"]) * 0.95 ** k) totalPP += new k += 1 return totalPP def calculatePPRelax(userID, gameMode): """ Calculate userID's total PP for gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: total PP """ # Get best pp scores bestPPScores = glob.db.fetchAll( "SELECT pp FROM scores_relax WHERE userid = %s AND play_mode = %s AND completed = 3 ORDER BY pp DESC LIMIT 500", [userID, gameMode]) # Calculate weighted PP totalPP = 0 if bestPPScores is not None: k = 0 for i in bestPPScores: new = round(round(i["pp"]) * 0.95 ** k) totalPP += new k += 1 return totalPP def updateAccuracy(userID, gameMode): """ Update accuracy value for userID relative to gameMode in DB :param userID: user id :param gameMode: gameMode number :return: """ newAcc = calculateAccuracy(userID, gameMode) mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET avg_accuracy_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode), [newAcc, userID]) def updatePP(userID, gameMode): """ Update userID's pp with new value :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number """ # Make sure the user exists # if not exists(userID): # return # Get new total PP and update db newPP = calculatePP(userID, gameMode) mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET pp_{}=%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [newPP, userID]) def updatePPRelax(userID, gameMode): """ Update userID's pp with new value :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number """ # Make sure the user exists # if not exists(userID): # return # Get new total PP and update db newPP = calculatePPRelax(userID, gameMode) mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET pp_{}_rx=%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [newPP, userID]) def updateStats(userID, __score): """ Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla) with data relative to a score object :param userID: :param __score: score object """ # Make sure the user exists if not exists(userID): log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID)) return # Get gamemode for db mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(__score.gameMode) # Update total score and playcount glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users_stats SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format( m=mode), [__score.score, userID]) # Calculate new level and update it updateLevel(userID, __score.gameMode) # Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song if __score.passed: # Update ranked score glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users_stats SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode), [__score.rankedScoreIncrease, userID]) # Update accuracy updateAccuracy(userID, __score.gameMode) # Update pp updatePP(userID, __score.gameMode) def updateStatsRx(userID, __score): """ Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla) with data relative to a score object :param userID: :param __score: score object """ # Make sure the user exists if not exists(userID): log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID)) return # Get gamemode for db mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(__score.gameMode) # Update total score and playcount glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users_stats SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format( m=mode), [__score.score, userID]) # Calculate new level and update it updateLevel(userID, __score.gameMode) # Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song if __score.passed: # Update ranked score glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users_stats SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode), [__score.rankedScoreIncrease, userID]) # Update accuracy updateAccuracy(userID, __score.gameMode) # Update pp updatePPRelax(userID, __score.gameMode) def updateLatestActivity(userID): """ Update userID's latest activity to current UNIX time :param userID: user id :return: """ glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET latest_activity = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [int(time.time()), userID]) def getRankedScore(userID, gameMode): """ Get userID's ranked score relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: ranked score """ mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT ranked_score_{} FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID]) if result is not None: return result["ranked_score_{}".format(mode)] else: return 0 def getPP(userID, gameMode): """ Get userID's PP relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: pp """ mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT pp_{} FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID]) if result is not None: return result["pp_{}".format(mode)] else: return 0 def incrementReplaysWatched(userID, gameMode): """ Increment userID's replays watched by others relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: """ mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode) glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users_stats SET replays_watched_{mode}=replays_watched_{mode}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format( mode=mode), [userID]) def getAqn(userID): """ Check if AQN folder was detected for userID :param userID: user :return: True if hax, False if legit """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT aqn FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return True if int(result["aqn"]) == 1 else False else: return False def setAqn(userID, value=1): """ Set AQN folder status for userID :param userID: user :param value: new aqn value, default = 1 :return: """ glob.db.fetch("UPDATE users SET aqn = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [value, userID]) def IPLog(userID, ip): """ Log user IP :param userID: user id :param ip: IP address :return: """ glob.db.execute("""INSERT INTO ip_user (userid, ip, occurencies) VALUES (%s, %s, '1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1""", [userID, ip]) def checkBanchoSession(userID, ip=""): """ Return True if there is a bancho session for `userID` from `ip` If `ip` is an empty string, check if there's a bancho session for that user, from any IP. :param userID: user id :param ip: ip address. Optional. Default: empty string :return: True if there's an active bancho session, else False """ if ip != "": return glob.redis.sismember("peppy:sessions:{}".format(userID), ip) else: return glob.redis.exists("peppy:sessions:{}".format(userID)) def is2FAEnabled(userID): """ Returns True if 2FA/Google auth 2FA is enable for `userID` :userID: user ID :return: True if 2fa is enabled, else False """ return glob.db.fetch("SELECT 2fa_totp.userid FROM 2fa_totp WHERE userid = %(userid)s AND enabled = 1 LIMIT 1", { "userid": userID }) is not None def check2FA(userID, ip): """ Returns True if this IP is untrusted. Returns always False if 2fa is not enabled on `userID` :param userID: user id :param ip: IP address :return: True if untrusted, False if trusted or 2fa is disabled. """ if not is2FAEnabled(userID): return False result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM ip_user WHERE userid = %s AND ip = %s", [userID, ip]) return True if result is None else False def isAllowed(userID): """ Check if userID is not banned or restricted :param userID: user id :return: True if not banned or restricted, otherwise false. """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL) and (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC) else: return False def isRestricted(userID): """ Check if userID is restricted :param userID: user id :return: True if not restricted, otherwise false. """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL) and not (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC) else: return False def isBanned(userID): """ Check if userID is banned :param userID: user id :return: True if not banned, otherwise false. """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return not (result["privileges"] & 3 > 0) else: return True def isLocked(userID): """ Check if userID is locked :param userID: user id :return: True if not locked, otherwise false. """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return ( (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_PUBLIC > 0) and (result["privileges"] & privileges.USER_NORMAL == 0)) else: return True def ban(userID): """ Ban userID :param userID: user id :return: """ # Set user as banned in db banDateTime = int(time.time()) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [~(privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC), banDateTime, userID]) # Notify bancho about the ban glob.redis.publish("peppy:ban", userID) # Remove the user from global and country leaderboards removeFromLeaderboard(userID) def unban(userID): """ Unban userID :param userID: user id :return: """ glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges | %s, ban_datetime = 0 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [(privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC), userID]) glob.redis.publish("peppy:ban", userID) def restrict(userID): """ Restrict userID :param userID: user id :return: """ if not isRestricted(userID): # Set user as restricted in db banDateTime = int(time.time()) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [~privileges.USER_PUBLIC, banDateTime, userID]) # Notify bancho about this ban glob.redis.publish("peppy:ban", userID) # Remove the user from global and country leaderboards removeFromLeaderboard(userID) def unrestrict(userID): """ Unrestrict userID. Same as unban(). :param userID: user id :return: """ unban(userID) def appendNotes(userID, notes, addNl=True, trackDate=True): """ Append `notes` to `userID`'s "notes for CM" :param userID: user id :param notes: text to append :param addNl: if True, prepend \n to notes. Default: True. :param trackDate: if True, prepend date and hour to the note. Default: True. :return: """ if trackDate: notes = "[{}] {}".format(generalUtils.getTimestamp(), notes) if addNl: notes = "\n{}".format(notes) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET notes=CONCAT(COALESCE(notes, ''),%s) WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [notes, userID]) def getPrivileges(userID): """ Return `userID`'s privileges :param userID: user id :return: privileges number """ result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is not None: return result["privileges"] else: return 0 def getSilenceEnd(userID): """ Get userID's **ABSOLUTE** silence end UNIX time Remember to subtract time.time() if you want to get the actual silence time :param userID: user id :return: UNIX time """ return glob.db.fetch("SELECT silence_end FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])["silence_end"] def silence(userID, seconds, silenceReason, author = 999): """ Silence someone :param userID: user id :param seconds: silence length in seconds :param silenceReason: silence reason shown on website :param author: userID of who silenced the user. Default: 999 :return: """ # db qurey silenceEndTime = int(time.time())+seconds glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET silence_end = %s, silence_reason = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [silenceEndTime, silenceReason, userID]) # Log targetUsername = getUsername(userID) # TODO: exists check im drunk rn i need to sleep (stampa piede ubriaco confirmed) if seconds > 0: log.rap(author, "has silenced {} for {} seconds for the following reason: \"{}\"".format(targetUsername, seconds, silenceReason), True) else: log.rap(author, "has removed {}'s silence".format(targetUsername), True) def getTotalScore(userID, gameMode): """ Get `userID`'s total score relative to `gameMode` :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: total score """ modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode) return glob.db.fetch("SELECT total_score_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])["total_score_"+modeForDB] def getAccuracy(userID, gameMode): """ Get `userID`'s average accuracy relative to `gameMode` :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: accuracy """ modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode) return glob.db.fetch("SELECT avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])["avg_accuracy_"+modeForDB] def getGameRank(userID, gameMode): """ Get `userID`'s **in-game rank** (eg: #1337) relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: game rank """ position = glob.redis.zrevrank("ripple:leaderboard:{}".format(gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)), userID) if position is None: return 0 else: return int(position) + 1 def getGameRankRx(userID, gameMode): """ Get `userID`'s **in-game rank** (eg: #1337) relative to gameMode :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: game rank """ position = glob.redis.zrevrank("ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}".format(gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode)), userID) if position is None: return 0 else: return int(position) + 1 def getPlaycount(userID, gameMode): """ Get `userID`'s playcount relative to `gameMode` :param userID: user id :param gameMode: game mode number :return: playcount """ modeForDB = gameModes.getGameModeForDB(gameMode) return glob.db.fetch("SELECT playcount_"+modeForDB+" FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])["playcount_"+modeForDB] def getFriendList(userID): """ Get `userID`'s friendlist :param userID: user id :return: list with friends userIDs. [0] if no friends. """ # Get friends from db friends = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s", [userID]) if friends is None or len(friends) == 0: # We have no friends, return 0 list return [0] else: # Get only friends friends = [i["user2"] for i in friends] # Return friend IDs return friends def addFriend(userID, friendID): """ Add `friendID` to `userID`'s friend list :param userID: user id :param friendID: new friend :return: """ # Make sure we aren't adding us to our friends if userID == friendID: return # check user isn't already a friend of ours if glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s LIMIT 1", [userID, friendID]) is not None: return # Set new value glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_relationships (user1, user2) VALUES (%s, %s)", [userID, friendID]) def removeFriend(userID, friendID): """ Remove `friendID` from `userID`'s friend list :param userID: user id :param friendID: old friend :return: """ # Delete user relationship. We don't need to check if the relationship was there, because who gives a shit, # if they were not friends and they don't want to be anymore, be it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ # TODO: LIMIT 1 glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %s AND user2 = %s", [userID, friendID]) def getCountry(userID): """ Get `userID`'s country **(two letters)**. :param userID: user id :return: country code (two letters) """ return glob.db.fetch("SELECT country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])["country"] def setCountry(userID, country): """ Set userID's country :param userID: user id :param country: country letters :return: """ glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET country = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [country, userID]) def logIP(userID, ip): """ User IP log USED FOR MULTIACCOUNT DETECTION :param userID: user id :param ip: IP address :return: """ glob.db.execute("""INSERT INTO ip_user (userid, ip, occurencies) VALUES (%s, %s, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1""", [userID, ip]) def saveBanchoSession(userID, ip): """ Save userid and ip of this token in redis Used to cache logins on LETS requests :param userID: user ID :param ip: IP address :return: """ glob.redis.sadd("peppy:sessions:{}".format(userID), ip) def deleteBanchoSessions(userID, ip): """ Delete this bancho session from redis :param userID: user id :param ip: IP address :return: """ glob.redis.srem("peppy:sessions:{}".format(userID), ip) def setPrivileges(userID, priv): """ Set userID's privileges in db :param userID: user id :param priv: privileges number :return: """ glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [priv, userID]) def getGroupPrivileges(groupName): """ Returns the privileges number of a group, by its name :param groupName: name of the group :return: privilege integer or `None` if the group doesn't exist """ groupPrivileges = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM privileges_groups WHERE name = %s LIMIT 1", [groupName]) if groupPrivileges is None: return None return groupPrivileges["privileges"] def isInPrivilegeGroup(userID, groupName): """ Check if `userID` is in a privilege group. Donor privilege is ignored while checking for groups. :param userID: user id :param groupName: privilege group name :return: True if `userID` is in `groupName`, else False """ groupPrivileges = getGroupPrivileges(groupName) if groupPrivileges is None: return False try: userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID) except AttributeError: # LETS compatibility userToken = None if userToken is not None: userPrivileges = userToken.privileges else: userPrivileges = getPrivileges(userID) return userPrivileges & groupPrivileges == groupPrivileges def isInAnyPrivilegeGroup(userID, groups): """ Checks if a user is in at least one of the specified groups :param userID: id of the user :param groups: groups list or tuple :return: `True` if `userID` is in at least one of the specified groups, otherwise `False` """ userPrivileges = getPrivileges(userID) return any( userPrivileges & x == x for x in ( getGroupPrivileges(y) for y in groups ) if x is not None ) def logHardware(userID, hashes, activation = False): """ Hardware log USED FOR MULTIACCOUNT DETECTION :param userID: user id :param hashes: Peppy's botnet (client data) structure (new line = "|", already split) [0] osu! version [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "." [2] mac addresses hash set [3] unique ID [4] disk ID :param activation: if True, set this hash as used for activation. Default: False. :return: True if hw is not banned, otherwise false """ # Make sure the strings are not empty for i in hashes[2:5]: if i == "": log.warning("Invalid hash set ({}) for user {} in HWID check".format(hashes, userID), "bunk") return False # Run some HWID checks on that user if he is not restricted if not isRestricted(userID): # Get username username = getUsername(userID) # Get the list of banned or restricted users that have logged in from this or similar HWID hash set if hashes[2] == "b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df": # Running under wine, check by unique id log.debug("Logging Linux/Mac hardware") banned = glob.db.fetchAll("""SELECT as userid, hw_user.occurencies, users.username FROM hw_user LEFT JOIN users ON = hw_user.userid WHERE hw_user.userid != %(userid)s AND hw_user.unique_id = %(uid)s AND (users.privileges & 3 != 3)""", { "userid": userID, "uid": hashes[3], }) else: # Running under windows, do all checks log.debug("Logging Windows hardware") banned = glob.db.fetchAll("""SELECT as userid, hw_user.occurencies, users.username FROM hw_user LEFT JOIN users ON = hw_user.userid WHERE hw_user.userid != %(userid)s AND hw_user.mac = %(mac)s AND hw_user.unique_id = %(uid)s AND hw_user.disk_id = %(diskid)s AND (users.privileges & 3 != 3)""", { "userid": userID, "mac": hashes[2], "uid": hashes[3], "diskid": hashes[4], }) for i in banned: # Get the total numbers of logins total = glob.db.fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM hw_user WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) # and make sure it is valid if total is None: continue total = total["count"] # Calculate 10% of total perc = (total*10)/100 if i["occurencies"] >= perc: # If the banned user has logged in more than 10% of the times from this user, restrict this user restrict(userID) appendNotes(userID, "Logged in from HWID ({hwid}) used more than 10% from user {banned} ({bannedUserID}), who is banned/restricted.".format( hwid=hashes[2:5], banned=i["username"], bannedUserID=i["userid"] )) log.warning("**{user}** ({userID}) has been restricted because he has logged in from HWID _({hwid})_ used more than 10% from banned/restricted user **{banned}** ({bannedUserID}), **possible multiaccount**.".format( user=username, userID=userID, hwid=hashes[2:5], banned=i["username"], bannedUserID=i["userid"] ), "cm") # Update hash set occurencies glob.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO hw_user (id, userid, mac, unique_id, disk_id, occurencies) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1 """, [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]]) # Optionally, set this hash as 'used for activation' if activation: glob.db.execute("UPDATE hw_user SET activated = 1 WHERE userid = %s AND mac = %s AND unique_id = %s AND disk_id = %s", [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]]) # Access granted, abbiamo impiegato 3 giorni # We grant access even in case of login from banned HWID # because we call restrict() above so there's no need to deny the access. return True def resetPendingFlag(userID, success=True): """ Remove pending flag from an user. :param userID: user id :param success: if True, set USER_PUBLIC and USER_NORMAL flags too """ glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [~privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION, userID]) if success: glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges | %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [(privileges.USER_PUBLIC | privileges.USER_NORMAL), userID]) def verifyUser(userID, hashes): """ Activate `userID`'s account. :param userID: user id :param hashes: Peppy's botnet (client data) structure (new line = "|", already split) [0] osu! version [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "." [2] mac addresses hash set [3] unique ID [4] disk ID :return: True if verified successfully, else False (multiaccount) """ # Check for valid hash set for i in hashes[2:5]: if i == "": log.warning("Invalid hash set ({}) for user {} while verifying the account".format(str(hashes), userID), "bunk") return False # Get username username = getUsername(userID) # Make sure there are no other accounts activated with this exact mac/unique id/hwid if hashes[2] == "b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df" or hashes[4] == "ffae06fb022871fe9beb58b005c5e21d": # Running under wine, check only by uniqueid"{user} ({userID}) ha triggerato Sannino:\n**Full data:** {hashes}\n**Usual wine mac address hash:** b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df\n**Usual wine disk id:** ffae06fb022871fe9beb58b005c5e21d".format(user=username, userID=userID, hashes=hashes), "bunker") log.debug("Veryfing with Linux/Mac hardware") match = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT userid FROM hw_user WHERE unique_id = %(uid)s AND userid != %(userid)s AND activated = 1 LIMIT 1", { "uid": hashes[3], "userid": userID }) else: # Running under windows, full check log.debug("Veryfing with Windows hardware") match = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT userid FROM hw_user WHERE mac = %(mac)s AND unique_id = %(uid)s AND disk_id = %(diskid)s AND userid != %(userid)s AND activated = 1 LIMIT 1", { "mac": hashes[2], "uid": hashes[3], "diskid": hashes[4], "userid": userID }) if match: # This is a multiaccount, restrict other account and ban this account # Get original userID and username (lowest ID) originalUserID = match[0]["userid"] originalUsername = getUsername(originalUserID) # Ban this user and append notes ban(userID) # this removes the USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION flag too appendNotes(userID, "{}'s multiaccount ({}), found HWID match while verifying account ({})".format(originalUsername, originalUserID, hashes[2:5])) appendNotes(originalUserID, "Has created multiaccount {} ({})".format(username, userID)) # Restrict the original restrict(originalUserID) # Discord message log.warning("User **{originalUsername}** ({originalUserID}) has been restricted because he has created multiaccount **{username}** ({userID}). The multiaccount has been banned.".format( originalUsername=originalUsername, originalUserID=originalUserID, username=username, userID=userID ), "cm") # Disallow login return False else: # No matches found, set USER_PUBLIC and USER_NORMAL flags and reset USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION flag resetPendingFlag(userID)"User **{}** ({}) has verified his account with hash set _{}_".format(username, userID, hashes[2:5]), "cm") # Allow login return True def hasVerifiedHardware(userID): """ Checks if `userID` has activated his account through HWID :param userID: user id :return: True if hwid activation data is in db, otherwise False """ data = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM hw_user WHERE userid = %s AND activated = 1 LIMIT 1", [userID]) if data is not None: return True return False def getDonorExpire(userID): """ Return `userID`'s donor expiration UNIX timestamp :param userID: user id :return: donor expiration UNIX timestamp """ data = glob.db.fetch("SELECT donor_expire FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if data is not None: return data["donor_expire"] return 0 class invalidUsernameError(Exception): pass class usernameAlreadyInUseError(Exception): pass def safeUsername(username): """ Return `username`'s safe username (all lowercase and underscores instead of spaces) :param username: unsafe username :return: safe username """ return username.lower().strip().replace(" ", "_") def changeUsername(userID=0, oldUsername="", newUsername=""): """ Change `userID`'s username to `newUsername` in database :param userID: user id. Required only if `oldUsername` is not passed. :param oldUsername: username. Required only if `userID` is not passed. :param newUsername: new username. Can't contain spaces and underscores at the same time. :raise: invalidUsernameError(), usernameAlreadyInUseError() :return: """ # Make sure new username doesn't have mixed spaces and underscores if " " in newUsername and "_" in newUsername: raise invalidUsernameError() # Get safe username newUsernameSafe = safeUsername(newUsername) # Make sure this username is not already in use if getIDSafe(newUsernameSafe) is not None: raise usernameAlreadyInUseError() # Get userID or oldUsername if userID == 0: userID = getID(oldUsername) else: oldUsername = getUsername(userID) # Change username glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET username = %s, username_safe = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [newUsername, newUsernameSafe, userID]) glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET username = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [newUsername, userID]) # Empty redis username cache # TODO: Le pipe woo woo glob.redis.delete("ripple:userid_cache:{}".format(safeUsername(oldUsername))) glob.redis.delete("ripple:change_username_pending:{}".format(userID)) def removeFromLeaderboard(userID): """ Removes userID from global and country leaderboards. :param userID: :return: """ # Remove the user from global and country leaderboards, for every mode country = getCountry(userID).lower() for mode in ["std", "taiko", "ctb", "mania"]: glob.redis.zrem("ripple:leaderboard:{}".format(mode), str(userID)) if country is not None and len(country) > 0 and country != "xx": glob.redis.zrem("ripple:leaderboard:{}:{}".format(mode, country), str(userID)) def deprecateTelegram2Fa(userID): """ Checks whether the user has enabled telegram 2fa on his account. If so, disables 2fa and returns True. If not, return False. :param userID: id of the user :return: True if 2fa has been disabled from the account otherwise False """ try: telegram2Fa = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM 2fa_telegram WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", (userID,)) except ProgrammingError: # The table doesnt exist return False if telegram2Fa is not None: glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM 2fa_telegram WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", (userID,)) return True return False def unlockAchievement(userID, achievementID): glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_achievements (user_id, achievement_id, `time`) VALUES" "(%s, %s, %s)", [userID, achievementID, int(time.time())]) def getAchievementsVersion(userID): result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT achievements_version FROM users WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [userID]) if result is None: return None return result["achievements_version"] def updateAchievementsVersion(userID): glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET achievements_version = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [ glob.ACHIEVEMENTS_VERSION, userID ])