# SysBackup This branch is a rewrite of the [previous in Java Developed branch](https://git.ez-pp.farm/HorizonCode/SysBackup/src/branch/archived), rewritten in NodeJS. ## Setup ### Requirements - NodeJS >= 14 You can either: [Build a executeable](#build-a-executeable) or [Running from Source](#running-from-source) ### Build a executeable #### Extra Requirements - pkg #### Aquire SysBackup ```bash git clone https://git.ez-pp.farm/HorizonCode/SysBackup ``` #### Installing Dependencies ```bash cd /path/to/sysbackupclone/ # with NPM npm i # or with PNPM pnpm i # or with Yarn yarn install # Install pkg global npm i pkg -g ``` #### Building the executeable ```bash # with NPM npm run pkg # or with PNPM pnpm run pkg # or with Yarn yarn run pkg ``` Your builded binary executeable should be located in `bin/` ### Running from Source #### Aquire SysBackup ```bash git clone https://git.ez-pp.farm/HorizonCode/SysBackup ``` #### Running ```bash cd /path/to/sysbackupclone/ node index.js ``` ## Contributing Please read our [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://git.ez-pp.farm/HorizonCode/SysBackup/src/branch/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) to read how to contribute!