• 2.1.0 401be3c977

    HorizonCode released this 2024-01-26 15:08:34 +00:00 | 43 commits to master since this release

    We're excited to announce the release of EZPPLauncher version 2.1.0, bringing a host of improvements to enhance your user experience. This update focuses on refining the launcher's performance, addressing issues related to launching the osu! client, and implementing better error handling for a smoother overall operation.

    Key Features:

    1. Launcher Optimization:

      • Experience smoother launches of the osu! client with enhanced performance optimizations.
    2. Update Fixes:

      • Several updates have been implemented to address and improve the updating process, ensuring a seamless experience when keeping your launcher up to date.
    3. Improved Error Handling:

      • Enjoy a more robust and reliable launcher with enhanced error handling mechanisms. The update introduces measures to provide clearer error messages and streamline issue resolution.

    We appreciate your continued support and feedback. Download EZPPLauncher 2.1.0 now to take advantage of these improvements and elevate your osu! gaming experience.
