{{ .T "Your account has been created, however it still <b>needs to be verified!</b> Please log in into <b><u>osu! (the game)</u></b> using your account. <b>There is <u>no email confirmation</u> at the moment. All you need to do is connect to Yozora from the osu! client!</b> If you're having trouble, <ahref='/doc/1'>follow this guide</a>." | html }}
{{ .T "<bclass='big text'>Do not let anyone except yourself log into your Yozora account!</b><br> Get on our <ahref='%s'>Discord server's</a> #help channel instead (after following the steps on this page) so that we can help you out if you have trouble connecting." (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
<h1class="ui heading">{{ .T "The Guide (<ahref='/doc/connection_guide'target='_blank'>Windows</a>, <ahref='/doc/linux'target='_blank'>Linux</a>). TL;DR version below." | html }}</h1>
<li>{{ .T "If it says something about read-only mode, go to <code>C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\etc</code>, open the hosts' file Properties and make sure it's not set to \"Read only\"." | html }}</li>
{{ .T "If you're still having trouble, then again, get on our <ahref='%s'>Discord server's</a> #help channel. To have a better chance to be answered, say \"strawberry\" anywhere in your messages so that we know you have actually read this." (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
<divclass="ui center aligned segment">
<h1class="ui heading">{{ .T "Waiting for verification" }}</h1>