remove ripple
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,24 @@
padding-bottom: 10px;
-webkit-animation: rainbow 2s infinite;
-ms-animation: rainbow 2s infinite;
animation: rainbow 2s infinite;
color: SpringGreen;
-1px -1px 0 #006400,
1px -1px 0 #006400,
-1px 1px 0 #006400,
1px 1px 0 #006400;
@media (min-width: 700px) {
.huge.heading {
height: 175px;
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
<div class="full-centered column">
<div class="ui vertical buttons">
<a href="osu://dl/{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}" class="ui pink labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i>{{ $.T "osu!direct" }}</a>
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}" class="ui green labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i>{{ $.T "download" }}</a>
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}" class="ui green labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i>{{ $.T "download" }}</a>
{{ if .Beatmapset.HasVideo }}
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}?novideo" class="ui gray labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i>{{ $.T "download (no video)" }}</a>
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}?novideo" class="ui gray labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i>{{ $.T "download (no video)" }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if has $.Context.User.Privileges 256 }}
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}" class="ui violet labeled icon button"><i class="thumbs up icon"></i>{{ $.T "Rank in RAP"}}</a>
<a href="{{ .Beatmapset.ID }}" class="ui violet labeled icon button"><i class="thumbs up icon"></i>{{ $.T "Rank in RAP"}}</a>
{{ end }}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MinPrivileges=2
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui raised segment center aligned">
{{ $f := ieForm .Gin }}
<h4>{{ .T "Want to play an unranked beatmap and get pp? You can submit beatmaps rank requests here!" }}</h4>
<h4>{{ .T "Want to play an unranked beatmap? You can submit beatmaps rank requests here!" }}</h4>
{{ with .Get "beatmaps/rank_requests/status" }}
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header">
<i class="wait icon"></i>
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ KyutGrill=changelog.jpg
{{ .T "This is the changelog. Changes are published here as soon as they hit the production status (as in, live on the website)." }}
{{ .T "For various reasons, some software of Ripple does not contribute to the changelog, to which this website is a part of. In case you want to see the changelog of Hanayo, you can do so by <a href=\"\">clicking here</a>." | html }}
{{ .T "For various reasons, some software of Yozora does not contribute to the changelog, to which this website is a part of. In case you want to see the changelog of Hanayo, you can do so by <a href=\"\">clicking here</a>." | html }}
<div class="ui segment">
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ HugeHeadingRight=true
<div class="twelve wide column">
<div class="ui segment">
From this page you can create, modify and delete your personal <a href="">API tokens</a>.<br>
{{ .T "The Ripple API is the system through which developers can create applications to interact with Ripple. <b>If you're asked to fill out an API token from this page, be wary and only actually create the token if you really trust the owner of the application.</b>" | html }}
{{ .T "The Yozora API is the system through which developers can create applications to interact with Yozora. <b>If you're asked to fill out an API token from this page, be wary and only actually create the token if you really trust the owner of the application.</b>" | html }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{ $csrf := csrfGenerate .Context.User.ID }}
{{ $page := or (atoint (.Gin.Query "p")) 1 }}
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ HugeHeadingRight=true
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ .T "Looks like there is no documentation on this ripple instance!" }}
{{ .T "Looks like there is no documentation on this Yozora instance!" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ KyutGrill=homepage2.jpg
{{ $ := . }}
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui center aligned segment">
<img src="/static/logos/logo-{{ randomLogoColour }}{{ if $ds }}-dark{{ end }}.svg">
<img src="/static/logos/circle.png">
{{ $set := systemSettings "website_home_alert" }}
{{ with $set.website_home_alert.String }}
@ -20,42 +20,22 @@ KyutGrill=homepage2.jpg
{{/* Not logged in block */}}
{{ if not .Context.User.ID }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h1 class="ui header">{{ .T "Welcome to Ripple." }}</h1>
<h1 class="ui header">{{ .T "Welcome to Yozora." }}</h1>
{{ .T "You look new here. Allow us to introduce you to what Ripple is." }}
{{ .T "You look new here. Allow us to introduce you to what Yozora is." }}
{{ .T "Ripple is a private osu! server, featuring multiplayer, PP, a very active community and a development team going strong implementing new features and squashing bugs. <a href='/about'>You can check out even more features here.</a> It has also a very friendly community, and it's <a href=''>open source!</a> Just so you know, <b>we currently have %s users online and %s registered users!</b>" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}
{{ .T "Yozora is a private osu! server, featuring multiplayer, PP for relax, autopilot and regular osu!, leaderboards for every (submitted) map, a very active community and a development team going strong implementing new features and squashing bugs. <a href='/about'>You can check out even more features here.</a> It has also a very friendly community, and it's <a href=''>open source!</a> Just so you know, <b>we currently have %s users online and %s registered users!</b>" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}
<h3 class="ui header center aligned">{{ .T "What are you waiting for? Join Ripple! It's risk-free: you won't get your account banned on the official server if you play on Ripple.<br>You can also switch anytime between the official osu! server and Ripple!" | html }}</h3>
<h3 class="ui header center aligned">{{ .T "What are you waiting for? Join Yozora! It's risk-free: you won't get your account banned on the official server if you play on Yozora.<br>You can also switch anytime between the official osu! server and Yozora!" | html }}</h3>
{{ else }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h1 class="ui header">{{ .T "Howdy, %s!" .Context.User.Username }}</h1>
{{ .T "Welcome back to Ripple. We currently have <b>%s online users and %s total registered users.</b> Nice day to farm a few maps, isn't it?" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}
{{ .T "Welcome back to Yozora. We currently have <b>%s online users and %s total registered users.</b> Nice day to farm PP, isn't it?" (rediget "ripple:online_users") (rediget "ripple:registered_users") | html }}
{{ end }}
{{ with (.Get "blog/posts?l=5") }}
<div class="ui raised segment">
<h1 class="ui center aligned header">
{{ $.T "Latest news from our <a href=''>blog</a>" | html }}
<div class="ui segments">
{{ range $i, $v := .posts }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h1 class="ui header no top margin">
<a href="{{ $v.unique_slug }}" class="inherit">{{ html $v.title }}</a>
<div class="sub header"><a href="{{ $v.creator.username }}">{{ $ }}</a>, {{ time $v.created_at }}</div>
{{ $v.snippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ MinPrivileges=2
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui segments">
<div class="ui segment">
{{ .T "Here you can generate a new IRC token. You can use it to connect to Ripple's chat using IRC. Remember that your IRC token is like a password, anyone who knows it, has access to your account. If you're interested knowing how to connect to Ripple's chat via IRC, you may want to check out <a href=\"/doc/11\">this</a>." | html }}
{{ .T "Here you can generate a new IRC token. You can use it to connect to Yozora's chat using IRC. Remember that your IRC token is like a password, anyone who knows it, has access to your account. If you're interested knowing how to connect to Yozora's chat via IRC, you may want to check out <a href=\"/doc/11\">this</a>." | html }}
<div class="ui right aligned segment">
<form action="/irc/generate" method="POST">
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
TitleBar=Log in with Ripple
TitleBar=Log in with Yozora
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ MinPrivileges=2
{{ if eq . "write" }}
<h3 class="ui header"><i class="pencil icon"></i><div class="content">{{ $.T "Write" }}</i></h3>
{{ $.T "This application will be able to make modifications to your Ripple account. This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that you trust." }}
{{ $.T "This application will be able to make modifications to your Yozora account. This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that you trust." }}
{{ end }}
<div class="ui section divider"></div>
@ -12,6 +12,18 @@
{{ if after .silence_info.end }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>silenced</b> for %s, expires %s." (.silence_info.reason | htmlescaper) (time .silence_info.end) | html }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ $sarag := has .id 1193 }}
{{ $alicia := has .id 1000 }}
{{ $catherine := has .id 999 }}
{{ $super := has .privileges 15728639 }}
{{ $dev := has .privileges 11534335 }}
{{ $donor := has .privileges 7 }}
{{ $admin := has .privileges 7262715 }}
{{ $chatmod := has .privileges 786499 }}
{{ $bn := has .privileges 267 }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
{{ $restr := not (has .privileges 1) }}
{{ $disab := not (has .privileges 2) }}
@ -50,7 +62,17 @@
<div class="table element">
<h1 class="ui header">
{{ .username }}
{{ if $super }}
<div class="owner">
{{ .username }}
{{else if $dev}}
<div class="dev">
{{ .username }}
{{ else }}
{{ .username }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .username_aka }}
<div class="subtitle">
@ -83,7 +105,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
<a href="{{ $global.UserID }}"
<a href="{{ $global.UserID }}"
target="_blank" title="Quick edit" class="ui circular mini blue icon button">
<i class="folder open outline icon"></i>
@ -102,8 +124,35 @@
<div class="ui three column divided stackable grid">
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> is a Ripple player from <b>%s</b>." .username (country .country true) | html }}
<br>{{ $global.T "They signed up on Ripple %s." (time $user.registered_on) | html }}
{{if $super }}
{{ $global.T "<b >%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="pink code small icon"></i><b>Owner</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $dev}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue code small icon"></i><b>Developer</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $admin}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="red lightning small icon"></i><b>Administrator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $chatmod}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue star small icon"></i><b>Chat Mod</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $bn}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="orange universal access small icon"></i><b>Nominator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $donor }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="pink heart small icon"></i><b>Supporter</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{ else }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> is a player from <b>%s</b>." .username (country .country true) | html }}
{{ end }}
<br>{{ $global.T "They signed up on Yozora %s." (time $user.registered_on) | html }}
<br>{{ $global.T "Last seen: %s." (time $user.latest_activity) | html }}
<br>{{ with playstyle .play_style $global }}{{ $global.T "They play with %s." . }}{{ end }}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ TitleBar=Reset password
<div class="tiny container">
<div class="ui raised segments">
<div class="ui segment">
{{ .T "Forgot your password? Worry not! Here you can reset it. Just tell us your username or email address, and we'll take care of it. You will receive an email at the email address you used to sign up on Ripple. To continue the password reset procedure, click the link on that email." }}
{{ .T "Forgot your password? Worry not! Here you can reset it. Just tell us your username or email address, and we'll take care of it. You will receive an email at the email address you used to sign up on Yozora. To continue the password reset procedure, click the link on that email." }}
<div class="ui segment">
<form id="pw-reset-form" class="ui form" method="post" action="/pwreset">
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ HeadingOnRight=true
{{ .T "If you're %s, keep in mind that multiaccounting = ban." $username }}
{{ .T "If you're not %s, but you're using %s's computer, please sign up on Ripple from your own computer." $username $username }}
{{ .T "If you're not %s, but you're using %s's computer, please sign up on Yozora from your own computer." $username $username }}
{{ .T "If you live with %s and you don't have your own computer from which to sign up on Ripple, then please contact, and we'll deal with your specific case." $username }}
{{ .T "If you live with %s and you don't have your own computer from which to sign up on Yozora, then please contact, and we'll deal with your specific case." $username }}
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{{ define "tpl" }}
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui segment">
{{ .T "Your account has been created, however it still <b>needs to be verified!</b> Please log in into <b><u>osu! (the game)</u></b> using your account. <b>There is <u>no email confirmation</u> at the moment. All you need to do is connect to Ripple from the osu! client!</b> If you're having trouble, <a href='/doc/1'>follow this guide</a>." | html }}
{{ .T "Your account has been created, however it still <b>needs to be verified!</b> Please log in into <b><u>osu! (the game)</u></b> using your account. <b>There is <u>no email confirmation</u> at the moment. All you need to do is connect to Yozora from the osu! client!</b> If you're having trouble, <a href='/doc/1'>follow this guide</a>." | html }}
<div class="ui centered error message">
{{ .T "<b class='big text'>Do not let anyone except yourself log into your Ripple account!</b><br> Get on our <a href='%s'>Discord server's</a> #help channel instead (after following the steps on this page) so that we can help you out if you have trouble connecting." (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
{{ .T "<b class='big text'>Do not let anyone except yourself log into your Yozora account!</b><br> Get on our <a href='%s'>Discord server's</a> #help channel instead (after following the steps on this page) so that we can help you out if you have trouble connecting." (config "DiscordServer") | html }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "The Guide (<a href='/doc/connection_guide' target='_blank'>Windows</a>, <a href='/doc/linux' target='_blank'>Linux</a>). TL;DR version below." | html }}</h1>
<ol class="ui list">
<li><a href=""><b>{{ .T "Download the server switcher" }}</b></a></li>
<li>{{ .T "Extract it, disable your antivirus, execute <i>RippleServerSwitcher.exe</i> <b>as administrator</b>" | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "Click on <b>Connect to Ripple</b>, then <b>Ok/Yes</b>" | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "Make sure the switcher says you're connected to <b>Ripple</b>" | html }}</li>
<li><a href="/static/switcher.exe"><b>{{ .T "Download the server switcher" }}</b></a></li>
<li>{{ .T "Disable your antivirus, execute <i>switcher.exe</i> <b>as administrator</b>" | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "Click on <b>Switch to Yozora!</b>, then <b>Ok/Yes</b>" | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "Make sure the switcher says you're connected to <b>Yozora</b>" | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "If it says something about read-only mode, go to <code>C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\etc</code>, open the hosts' file Properties and make sure it's not set to \"Read only\"." | html }}</li>
@ -7,25 +7,22 @@
{{ .T "Congratulations for not reading things!" }}
<div class="ui center aligned segment">
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Multiaccounts are not allowed on Ripple" }}</h1>
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Multiaccounts are not allowed on Yozora" }}</h1>
<div class="ui segment">
{{ .T "Your new account has been <b>banned</b> and your main account has been <b>restricted</b>. You can appeal in a month by sending an email to <b><a href=''></a></b>. You better read the rules next time." | html }}
{{ .T "Your new account has been <b>banned</b> and your main account has been <b>restricted</b>. You can appeal in a month by sending an email to <b><a href=''></a></b>. You better read the rules next time." | html }}
{{ else }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Welcome to Ripple" }}</h1>
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Welcome to Yozora" }}</h1>
<div class="ui segment">
<p>{{ .T "We're glad to have you here. <b>Your account is now active.</b> You can now play on Ripple and <a href='/login'>log in</a> on the website!" | html }}</p>
<p>{{ .T "We're glad to have you here. <b>Your account is now active.</b> You can now play on Yozora and <a href='/login'>log in</a> on the website!" | html }}</p>
<p>{{ .T "Here's a few things you might want to check out:" }}</p>
<ul class="ui list">
<li><b><a href="/login">{{ .T "Login" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case you don't know where to start" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="/doc/rules">{{ .T "Rules" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case you haven't already read them" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="/doc">{{ .T "Documentation" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case, well, you need help doing stuff" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="">{{ .T "Status" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case you believe Ripple is down" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="{{ .Conf.DiscordServer }}">{{ .T "Discord" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case you want to talk with people about Ripple" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="">{{ .T "Subreddit" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - just in case" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="{{ .Conf.DiscordServer }}">{{ .T "Discord" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - in case you want to talk with people about Yozora" }}</li>
<li><b><a href="">{{ .T "Subreddit" }}</a></b>{{ .T " - just in case" }}</li>
{{ end }}
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ MinPrivileges=2
{{ .T "Google Authenticator recovery keys" }}
{{ .T "These are the only thing that will let you get back into your Ripple account if you lose your device. Our suggestion is to paste them inside a document in your word processor (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer), print them and store them in a safe place." }}
{{ .T "These are the only thing that will let you get back into your Yozora account if you lose your device. Our suggestion is to paste them inside a document in your word processor (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer), print them and store them in a safe place." }}
<div class="ui four column grid">
{{ range getKeys .Context.User.ID }}
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ MinPrivileges=6
{{ $q := qb "SELECT discordid FROM discord_roles WHERE userid = ? LIMIT 1" .Context.User.ID }}
{{ if $q.discordid }}
{{ .T "Your discord account has been linked to this Ripple account. <b>Welcome to the donors club and thank you for supporting us!</b> You have now access to the #donators text and voice channels on our official Discord server! You can also set a custom role name and username colour and change your nickname on Discord. If you want to change your nickname, you can use the <code>/nick</code> command. To set or edit your <b>custom role</b> name and colour, use the command <code>!role HEX_COLOUR ROLE_NAME</code>. You can pick your HEX colour <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>, it's the one that starts with '#'. You can change your role name and colour <b>whenever you want!</b>" | html }}
{{ .T "Your discord account has been linked to this Yozora account. <b>Welcome to the donors club and thank you for supporting us!</b> You have now access to the #donators text and voice channels on our official Discord server! You can also set a custom role name and username colour and change your nickname on Discord. If you want to change your nickname, you can use the <code>/nick</code> command. To set or edit your <b>custom role</b> name and colour, use the command <code>!role HEX_COLOUR ROLE_NAME</code>. You can pick your HEX colour <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>, it's the one that starts with '#'. You can change your role name and colour <b>whenever you want!</b>" | html }}
<h2 class="ui centered header">{{ .T "Thank you for supporting us and have fun on Ripple!" }}</h2>
<h2 class="ui centered header">{{ .T "Thank you for supporting us and have fun on Yozora!" }}</h2>
{{ else }}
<p><b>{{ .T "Donors get special privileges on our Discord server too!" }}</b></p>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
TitleBar=Support Ripple
TitleBar=Support Yozora
@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ AdditionalJS=
<div class="ui segment">
<h3 class="ui header no top margin">
<i class="money icon"></i><div class="content">{{ $.T "Ripple is not cheap to run." }}</div>
<i class="money icon"></i><div class="content">{{ $.T "Yozora is not cheap to run." }}</div>
{{ $.T "While we provide this service for free, we still have to pay for it, and if we always took the money out of our own pockets, 1. we would be broke, 2. we wouldn't be able to upgrade our hardware to accomodate our users. While we do have loads of software optimisations that allow us to have Ripple run crazy fast while still being on not so high-end hardware, the more users we have, the higher-end our hardware needs to be. So we are asking you for help on this :)." }}
{{ $.T "While we provide this service for free, we still have to pay for it, and if we always took the money out of our own pockets, 1. we would be broke, 2. we wouldn't be able to upgrade our hardware to accomodate our users. While we do have loads of software optimisations that allow us to have Yozora run crazy fast while still being on not so high-end hardware, the more users we have, the higher-end our hardware needs to be. So we are asking you for help on this :)." }}
<h3 class="ui header">
<i class="book icon"></i><div class="content">{{ $.T "We are still students." }}</div>
{{ $.T "Ripple developers, and most of the Ripple staff, do not have a day job. This means that we get most of our income as students from doing small jobs as \"freelancers\" every so often, or, you know, allowance." }}
{{ $.T "Yozora developers, and most of the Yozora staff, do not have a day job. This means that we get most of our income as students from doing small jobs as \"freelancers\" every so often, or, you know, allowance." }}
<h3 class="ui header">
<i class="mouse pointer icon"></i><div class="content">{{ $.T "We do not have ads. And never will." }}</div>
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ AdditionalJS=
<div class="four wide column">
<h3 class="ui header">{{ $.T "Account wipe" }}</h3>
{{ $.T "Want to start over one more time? With donor you can! Normally you can only <a href='' target='_blank'>request an account wipe</a> once, but having donated you'll be able to do it once again." | html }}
{{ $.T "Want to start over one more time? With donor you can! Normally you can only <a href='' target='_blank'>request an account wipe</a> once, but having donated you'll be able to do it once again." | html }}
<div class="four wide column">
<h3 class="ui header">{{ $.T "More to come!" }}</h3>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ AdditionalJS=
<input type="hidden" name="option_select{{ . }}" value="{{ $months }} month{{ if . }}s{{ end }}">
<input type="hidden" name="option_amount{{ . }}" value="{{ calculateDonorPrice $months }}">
{{ end }}
<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Ripple user to give donor">
<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Yozora user to give donor">
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="username={{ $global.User.Username }}" id="ipn-username">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="{{ calculateDonorPrice 1 }}" id="paypal-amt">
<div class="ui fluid labeled action input">
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ AdditionalJS=
{{ $ief }}
<input type="hidden"
name="business" value="">
name="business" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0">
@ -147,20 +147,11 @@ name="business" value="">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<div class="column">
<h2 class="ui header">
<i class="bitcoin icon"></i>
{{ $.T "Bitcoin" }}
<p><b>{{ $.T "Send %s BTC to this Bitcoin address:" "<span id=\"bitcoin-amt\"></span>" | html }}</b></p>
<p><code>{{ getBitcoinAddress }}</code></p>
<p>{{ $.T "Afterwards, <b>please send an email to <a href=\"\"></a></b> containing the transaction hash!" | html }}</p>
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header">
{{ $.T "I've donated, now what?" }}
{{ $.T "You'll have to wait until we verify and process your payment. It can take up to <b>12 hours</b>. If 12 hours have passed and you still haven't received your Donor tag, contact a <b>Dev/Community Manager</b> in our Discord server or send an email to <b><a href=\"\"></a></b>. Once we have processed your payment, you'll receive an <b>email</b> to the address you've used to sign up and you'll get <b>all the donor privileges, except the Discord ones</b>. To get the Discord donor privileges, go <a href=\"/settings/discord\">here</a>." | html }}
{{ $.T "You'll have to wait until we verify and process your payment. It can take up to <b>12 hours</b>. If 12 hours have passed and you still haven't received your Donor tag, contact a <b>Dev/Community Manager</b> in our Discord server or send an email to <b><a href=\"\"></a></b>. Once we have processed your payment, you'll receive an <b>email</b> to the address you've used to sign up and you'll get <b>all the donor privileges, except the Discord ones</b>. To get the Discord donor privileges, go <a href=\"/settings/discord\">here</a>." | html }}
{{ else }}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<h1 class="ui center aligned header">{{ $.T "Please log in to get supporter" }}</h1>
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ KyutGrill=team2.jpg
<div class="ui container">
<div class="ui segments">
<div class="ui center aligned segment">
<h3>{{ .T "This is a list of the wonderful people who keep Ripple up and running and deal with its community." }}</h3>
<h3>{{ .T "This is a list of the wonderful people who keep Yozora up and running and deal with its community." }}</h3>
<div class="ui center aligned segment">
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Community Managers" }}</h1>
{{ .T "Community Managers deal with bans, silences, name changes and pretty much everything that has to do with the community." }}<br>
{{ .T "They take care of our Discord server and reply to emails sent to the support services (email and Community Managers have a red name in the in-game chat." | html }}
{{ .T "They take care of our Discord server and reply to emails sent to the support services (email and Community Managers have a red name in the in-game chat." | html }}
{{ template "userGroup" (.Get "badges/members?id=%d" 4) }}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ KyutGrill=team2.jpg
<div class="ui segments">
<div class="ui center aligned segment">
<h1 class="ui heading">{{ .T "Special thanks" }}</h1>
<p>{{ .T "Here's a list of people who helped with Ripple." }}</p>
<p>{{ .T "Here's a list of people who helped with Yozora." }}</p>
<div class="ui segment">
<ul class="ui list">
@ -64,14 +64,13 @@ KyutGrill=team2.jpg
{{ .T "<b>jrosdahl</b>, for <a href=''>miniircd</a>, used as a base for our IRC server." | html }}<br>
miniircd is licensed under GPL v2. Our implementation can be found <a href="">here</a>.
<li>{{ .T "<b>Avail</b>, for having hosted Ripple on his server." | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "<b>Angela Guerra</b>, for designing the Ripple logo." | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "<b><a id='everyone' class='clickable'>Everyone</a></b> who has supported the Ripple project by donating or inviting other people." | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "<b>Jacksonisiah</b>, for designing the Yozora logo." | html }}</li>
<li>{{ .T "<b><a id='everyone' class='clickable'>Everyone</a></b> who has supported the Yozora project by donating or inviting other people." | html }}</li>
{{ $ := . }}
{{ .T "Looking for how you should contact our team? Check out <a href=''>this page</a>." | html }}
{{ .T "Looking for how you should contact our team? Check out <a href=''>this email</a>." | html }}
<div class="ui modal">
<div class="header"><h2 class="ui header">{{ .T "They told me these are very cool people." }}</h2></div>
{{ with .Get "users?sort=donor_expire,desc&l=52" }}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user