2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

package fasthttp
import (
func TestURICopyToQueryArgs(t *testing.T) {
var u URI
a := u.QueryArgs()
a.Set("foo", "bar")
var u1 URI
a1 := u1.QueryArgs()
if string(a1.Peek("foo")) != "bar" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected query args value %q. Expecting %q", a1.Peek("foo"), "bar")
func TestURIAcquireReleaseSequential(t *testing.T) {
func TestURIAcquireReleaseConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
ch := make(chan struct{}, 10)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
ch <- struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
select {
case <-ch:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
func testURIAcquireRelease(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
u := AcquireURI()
host := fmt.Sprintf("host.%d.com", i*23)
path := fmt.Sprintf("/foo/%d/bar", i*17)
queryArgs := "?foo=bar&baz=aass"
u.Parse([]byte(host), []byte(path+queryArgs))
if string(u.Host()) != host {
t.Fatalf("unexpected host %q. Expecting %q", u.Host(), host)
if string(u.Path()) != path {
t.Fatalf("unexpected path %q. Expecting %q", u.Path(), path)
func TestURILastPathSegment(t *testing.T) {
testURILastPathSegment(t, "", "")
testURILastPathSegment(t, "/", "")
testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foo/bar/", "")
testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foobar.js", "foobar.js")
testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foo/bar/baz.html", "baz.html")
func testURILastPathSegment(t *testing.T, path, expectedSegment string) {
var u URI
segment := u.LastPathSegment()
if string(segment) != expectedSegment {
t.Fatalf("unexpected last path segment for path %q: %q. Expecting %q", path, segment, expectedSegment)
func TestURIPathEscape(t *testing.T) {
testURIPathEscape(t, "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar")
testURIPathEscape(t, "/f_o-o=b:ar,b.c&q", "/f_o-o=b:ar,b.c&q")
testURIPathEscape(t, "/aa?bb.тест~qq", "/aa%3Fbb.%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82~qq")
func testURIPathEscape(t *testing.T, path, expectedRequestURI string) {
var u URI
requestURI := u.RequestURI()
if string(requestURI) != expectedRequestURI {
t.Fatalf("unexpected requestURI %q. Expecting %q. path %q", requestURI, expectedRequestURI, path)
func TestURIUpdate(t *testing.T) {
// full uri
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foo.bar/baz?aaa=22#aaa", "https://aa.com/bb", "https://aa.com/bb")
// empty uri
testURIUpdate(t, "http://aaa.com/aaa.html?234=234#add", "", "http://aaa.com/aaa.html?234=234#add")
// request uri
testURIUpdate(t, "ftp://aaa/xxx/yyy?aaa=bb#aa", "/boo/bar?xx", "ftp://aaa/boo/bar?xx")
// relative uri
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foo.bar/baz/xxx.html?aaa=22#aaa", "bb.html?xx=12#pp", "http://foo.bar/baz/bb.html?xx=12#pp")
testURIUpdate(t, "http://xx/a/b/c/d", "../qwe/p?zx=34", "http://xx/a/b/qwe/p?zx=34")
testURIUpdate(t, "https://qqq/aaa.html?foo=bar", "?baz=434&aaa#xcv", "https://qqq/aaa.html?baz=434&aaa#xcv")
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foo.bar/baz", "~a/%20b=c,тест?йцу=ке", "http://foo.bar/~a/%20b=c,%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82?йцу=ке")
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foo.bar/baz", "/qwe#fragment", "http://foo.bar/qwe#fragment")
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foobar/baz/xxx", "aaa.html#bb?cc=dd&ee=dfd", "http://foobar/baz/aaa.html#bb?cc=dd&ee=dfd")
// hash
testURIUpdate(t, "http://foo.bar/baz#aaa", "#fragment", "http://foo.bar/baz#fragment")
func testURIUpdate(t *testing.T, base, update, result string) {
var u URI
u.Parse(nil, []byte(base))
s := u.String()
if s != result {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result %q. Expecting %q. base=%q, update=%q", s, result, base, update)
func TestURIPathNormalize(t *testing.T) {
var u URI
// double slash
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aa//bb", "/aa/bb")
// triple slash
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/x///y/", "/x/y/")
// multi slashes
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/abc//de///fg////", "/abc/de/fg/")
// encoded slashes
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/xxxx%2fyyy%2f%2F%2F", "/xxxx/yyy/")
// dotdot
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/..", "/")
// dotdot with trailing slash
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/xxx/yyy/../", "/xxx/")
// multi dotdots
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/bbb/ccc/../../ddd", "/aaa/ddd")
// dotdots separated by other data
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/a/b/../c/d/../e/..", "/a/c/")
// too many dotdots
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/../../../../xxx", "/xxx")
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/../../../../../..", "/")
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/../../../../../../", "/")
// encoded dotdots
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa%2Fbbb%2F%2E.%2Fxxx", "/aaa/xxx")
// double slash with dotdots
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa////..//b", "/b")
// fake dotdot
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/..bbb/ccc/..", "/aaa/..bbb/")
// single dot
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/a/./b/././c/./d.html", "/a/b/c/d.html")
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./foo/", "/foo/")
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./../.././../../aaa/bbb/../../../././../", "/")
testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./a/./.././../b/./foo.html", "/b/foo.html")
func testURIPathNormalize(t *testing.T, u *URI, requestURI, expectedPath string) {
u.Parse(nil, []byte(requestURI))
if string(u.Path()) != expectedPath {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected path %q. Expected %q. requestURI=%q", u.Path(), expectedPath, requestURI)
func TestURIFullURI(t *testing.T) {
var args Args
// empty scheme, path and hash
testURIFullURI(t, "", "foobar.com", "", "", &args, "http://foobar.com/")
// empty scheme and hash
testURIFullURI(t, "", "aa.com", "/foo/bar", "", &args, "http://aa.com/foo/bar")
// empty hash
testURIFullURI(t, "fTP", "XXx.com", "/foo", "", &args, "ftp://xxx.com/foo")
// empty args
testURIFullURI(t, "https", "xx.com", "/", "aaa", &args, "https://xx.com/#aaa")
// non-empty args and non-ASCII path
args.Set("foo", "bar")
args.Set("xxx", "йух")
testURIFullURI(t, "", "xxx.com", "/тест123", "2er", &args, "http://xxx.com/%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82123?foo=bar&xxx=%D0%B9%D1%83%D1%85#2er")
// test with empty args and non-empty query string
var u URI
u.Parse([]byte("google.com"), []byte("/foo?bar=baz&baraz#qqqq"))
uri := u.FullURI()
expectedURI := "http://google.com/foo?bar=baz&baraz#qqqq"
if string(uri) != expectedURI {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected URI: %q. Expected %q", uri, expectedURI)
func testURIFullURI(t *testing.T, scheme, host, path, hash string, args *Args, expectedURI string) {
var u URI
uri := u.FullURI()
if string(uri) != expectedURI {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected URI: %q. Expected %q", uri, expectedURI)
func TestURIParseNilHost(t *testing.T) {
testURIParseScheme(t, "http://google.com/foo?bar#baz", "http")
testURIParseScheme(t, "HTtP://google.com/", "http")
testURIParseScheme(t, "://google.com/", "http")
testURIParseScheme(t, "fTP://aaa.com", "ftp")
testURIParseScheme(t, "httPS://aaa.com", "https")
func testURIParseScheme(t *testing.T, uri, expectedScheme string) {
var u URI
u.Parse(nil, []byte(uri))
if string(u.Scheme()) != expectedScheme {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected scheme %q. Expected %q for uri %q", u.Scheme(), expectedScheme, uri)
func TestURIParse(t *testing.T) {
var u URI
// no args
testURIParse(t, &u, "aaa", "sdfdsf",
"http://aaa/sdfdsf", "aaa", "/sdfdsf", "sdfdsf", "", "")
// args
testURIParse(t, &u, "xx", "/aa?ss",
"http://xx/aa?ss", "xx", "/aa", "/aa", "ss", "")
// args and hash
testURIParse(t, &u, "foobar.com", "/a.b.c?def=gkl#mnop",
"http://foobar.com/a.b.c?def=gkl#mnop", "foobar.com", "/a.b.c", "/a.b.c", "def=gkl", "mnop")
// '?' and '#' in hash
testURIParse(t, &u, "aaa.com", "/foo#bar?baz=aaa#bbb",
"http://aaa.com/foo#bar?baz=aaa#bbb", "aaa.com", "/foo", "/foo", "", "bar?baz=aaa#bbb")
// encoded path
testURIParse(t, &u, "aa.com", "/Test%20+%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8?asdf=%20%20&s=12#sdf",
"http://aa.com/Test%20%2B%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8?asdf=%20%20&s=12#sdf", "aa.com", "/Test + при", "/Test%20+%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8", "asdf=%20%20&s=12", "sdf")
// host in uppercase
testURIParse(t, &u, "FOObar.COM", "/bC?De=F#Gh",
"http://foobar.com/bC?De=F#Gh", "foobar.com", "/bC", "/bC", "De=F", "Gh")
// uri with hostname
testURIParse(t, &u, "xxx.com", "http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=aaa#ddd",
"http://aaa.com/foo/bar?baz=aaa#ddd", "aaa.com", "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar", "baz=aaa", "ddd")
testURIParse(t, &u, "xxx.com", "https://ab.com/f/b%20r?baz=aaa#ddd",
"https://ab.com/f/b%20r?baz=aaa#ddd", "ab.com", "/f/b r", "/f/b%20r", "baz=aaa", "ddd")
// no slash after hostname in uri
testURIParse(t, &u, "aaa.com", "http://google.com",
"http://google.com/", "google.com", "/", "/", "", "")
// uppercase hostname in uri
testURIParse(t, &u, "abc.com", "http://GoGLE.com/aaa",
"http://gogle.com/aaa", "gogle.com", "/aaa", "/aaa", "", "")
// http:// in query params
testURIParse(t, &u, "aaa.com", "/foo?bar=http://google.com",
"http://aaa.com/foo?bar=http://google.com", "aaa.com", "/foo", "/foo", "bar=http://google.com", "")
func testURIParse(t *testing.T, u *URI, host, uri,
expectedURI, expectedHost, expectedPath, expectedPathOriginal, expectedArgs, expectedHash string) {
u.Parse([]byte(host), []byte(uri))
if !bytes.Equal(u.FullURI(), []byte(expectedURI)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected uri %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.FullURI(), expectedURI, host, uri)
if !bytes.Equal(u.Host(), []byte(expectedHost)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected host %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Host(), expectedHost, host, uri)
if !bytes.Equal(u.PathOriginal(), []byte(expectedPathOriginal)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected original path %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.PathOriginal(), expectedPathOriginal, host, uri)
if !bytes.Equal(u.Path(), []byte(expectedPath)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected path %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Path(), expectedPath, host, uri)
if !bytes.Equal(u.QueryString(), []byte(expectedArgs)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected args %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.QueryString(), expectedArgs, host, uri)
if !bytes.Equal(u.Hash(), []byte(expectedHash)) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected hash %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Hash(), expectedHash, host, uri)