2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00

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# gin-gonic/contrib
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Here you'll find middleware ready to use with [Gin Framework](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin). Submit your pull request, either with the package in a folder, or by adding a link to this `README.md`.
If adding a package directly, don't forget to create a `README.md` inside with author name.
If adding a link to your own repository, please follow this example:
+ nameOfMiddleware (https://github.com/yourusername/yourrepo)
Each author is responsible of maintaining his own code, although if you submit as a package, you allow the community to fix it. You can also submit a pull request to fix an existing package.
## List of external middleware
+ [RestGate](https://github.com/pjebs/restgate) - Secure authentication for REST API endpoints
+ [staticbin](https://github.com/olebedev/staticbin) - middleware/handler for serving static files from binary data
+ [gin-cors](https://github.com/gin-contrib/cors) - Official CORS gin's middleware
+ [gin-csrf](https://github.com/utrack/gin-csrf) - CSRF protection
+ [gin-health](https://github.com/utrack/gin-health) - middleware that simplifies stat reporting via [gocraft/health](https://github.com/gocraft/health)
+ [gin-merry](https://github.com/utrack/gin-merry) - middleware for pretty-printing [merry](https://github.com/ansel1/merry) errors with context
+ [gin-revision](https://github.com/appleboy/gin-revision-middleware) - Revision middleware for Gin framework
+ [gin-jwt](https://github.com/appleboy/gin-jwt) - JWT Middleware for Gin Framework
+ [gin-sessions](https://github.com/kimiazhu/ginweb-contrib/tree/master/sessions) - session middleware based on mongodb and mysql
+ [gin-location](https://github.com/drone/gin-location) - middleware for exposing the server's hostname and scheme
+ [gin-nice-recovery](https://github.com/ekyoung/gin-nice-recovery) - panic recovery middleware that let's you build a nicer user experience
+ [gin-limit](https://github.com/aviddiviner/gin-limit) - limits simultaneous requests; can help with high traffic load
+ [ez-gin-template](https://github.com/michelloworld/ez-gin-template) - easy template wrap for gin
+ [gin-hydra](https://github.com/janekolszak/gin-hydra) - [Hydra](https://github.com/ory-am/hydra) middleware for Gin
+ [gin-glog](https://github.com/zalando/gin-glog) - meant as drop-in replacement for Gin's default logger
+ [gin-gomonitor](https://github.com/zalando/gin-gomonitor) - for exposing metrics with Go-Monitor
+ [gin-oauth2](https://github.com/zalando/gin-oauth2) - for working with OAuth2
+ [static](https://github.com/hyperboloide/static) An alternative static assets handler for the gin framework.
+ [xss-mw](https://github.com/dvwright/xss-mw) - XssMw is a middleware designed to "auto remove XSS" from user submitted input
+ [gin-helmet](https://github.com/danielkov/gin-helmet) - Collection of simple security middleware.
+ [gin-jwt-session](https://github.com/ScottHuangZL/gin-jwt-session) - middleware to provide JWT/Session/Flashes, easy to use while also provide options for adjust if necessary. Provide sample too.
+ [gin-template](https://github.com/foolin/gin-template) - Easy and simple to use html/template for gin framework.