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2018-12-09 05:15:56 +00:00
from common.log import logUtils as log
from common.ripple import userUtils
from objects import glob
import json
class userStatsCache:
def get(self, userID, gameMode):
Get cached user stats from redis.
If user stats are not cached, they'll be read from db, cached and returned
:param userID: userID
:param gameMode: game mode number
:return: userStats dictionary (rankedScore, totalScore, pp, accuracy, playcount)
data = glob.redis.get("lets:user_stats_cache:{}:{}".format(gameMode, userID))
if data is None:
# If data is not cached, cache it and call get function again
log.debug("userStatsCache miss")
self.update(userID, gameMode)
return self.get(userID, gameMode)
log.debug("userStatsCache hit")
retData = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
return retData
def update(self, userID, gameMode, data = None):
Update cached user stats in redis with new values
:param userID: userID
:param gameMode: game mode number
:param data: data to cache. Optional. If not passed, will get from db
if data is None:
data = {}
if len(data) == 0:
data = userUtils.getUserStats(userID, gameMode)
log.debug("userStatsCache set {}".format(data))
glob.redis.set("lets:user_stats_cache:{}:{}".format(gameMode, userID), json.dumps(data), 1800)
def rxget(self, userID, gameMode):
Get cached user stats from redis.
If user stats are not cached, they'll be read from db, cached and returned
:param userID: userID
:param gameMode: game mode number
:return: userStats dictionary (rankedScore, totalScore, pp, accuracy, playcount)
data = glob.redis.get("lets:rx_user_stats_cache:{}:{}".format(gameMode, userID))
if data is None:
# If data is not cached, cache it and call get function again
log.debug("userStatsCache miss")
self.update(userID, gameMode)
return self.get(userID, gameMode)
log.debug("userStatsCache hit")
retData = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
return retData
def rxupdate(self, userID, gameMode, data = None):
Update cached user stats in redis with new values
:param userID: userID
:param gameMode: game mode number
:param data: data to cache. Optional. If not passed, will get from db
if data is None:
data = {}
if len(data) == 0:
data = userUtils.getUserStats(userID, gameMode)
log.debug("userStatsCache set {}".format(data))
glob.redis.set("lets:rx_user_stats_cache:{}:{}".format(gameMode, userID), json.dumps(data), 1800)