241 lines
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241 lines
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from objects import score
from common.ripple import userUtils
from constants import rankedStatuses
from common.constants import mods as modsEnum
from common.constants import privileges
from objects import glob
class scoreboard:
def __init__(self, username, gameMode, beatmap, setScores = True, country = False, friends = False, mods = -1):
Initialize a leaderboard object
username -- username of who's requesting the scoreboard. None if not known
gameMode -- requested gameMode
beatmap -- beatmap objecy relative to this leaderboard
setScores -- if True, will get personal/top 50 scores automatically. Optional. Default: True
self.scores = [] # list containing all top 50 scores objects. First object is personal best
self.totalScores = 0
self.personalBestRank = -1 # our personal best rank, -1 if not found yet
self.username = username # username of who's requesting the scoreboard. None if not known
self.userID = userUtils.getID(self.username) # username's userID
self.gameMode = gameMode # requested gameMode
self.beatmap = beatmap # beatmap objecy relative to this leaderboard
self.country = country
self.friends = friends
self.mods = mods
if setScores:
def setScores(self):
Set scores list
isPremium = userUtils.getPrivileges(self.userID) & privileges.USER_PREMIUM
def buildQuery(params):
return "{select} {joins} {country} {mods} {friends} {order} {limit}".format(**params)
# Reset score list
self.scores = []
# Make sure the beatmap is ranked
if self.beatmap.rankedStatus < rankedStatuses.RANKED:
# Query parts
cdef str select = ""
cdef str joins = ""
cdef str country = ""
cdef str mods = ""
cdef str friends = ""
cdef str order = ""
cdef str limit = ""
# Find personal best score
if self.userID != 0:
# Query parts
select = "SELECT id FROM scores WHERE userid = %(userid)s AND beatmap_md5 = %(md5)s AND play_mode = %(mode)s AND completed = 3"
# Mods
if self.mods > -1:
mods = "AND mods = %(mods)s"
# Friends ranking
if self.friends:
friends = "AND (scores.userid IN (SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %(userid)s) OR scores.userid = %(userid)s)"
# Sort and limit at the end
order = "ORDER BY score DESC"
limit = "LIMIT 1"
# Build query, get params and run query
query = buildQuery(locals())
params = {"userid": self.userID, "md5": self.beatmap.fileMD5, "mode": self.gameMode, "mods": self.mods}
personalBestScore = glob.db.fetch(query, params)
personalBestScore = None
# Output our personal best if found
if personalBestScore is not None:
s = score.score(personalBestScore["id"])
self.scores[0] = s
# No personal best
self.scores[0] = -1
# Get top 50 scores
select = "SELECT *"
joins = "FROM scores STRAIGHT_JOIN users ON scores.userid = users.id STRAIGHT_JOIN users_stats ON users.id = users_stats.id WHERE scores.beatmap_md5 = %(beatmap_md5)s AND scores.play_mode = %(play_mode)s AND scores.completed = 3 AND (users.privileges & 1 > 0 OR users.id = %(userid)s)"
# Country ranking
if self.country:
""" Honestly this is more of a preference thing than something that should be premium only?
if isPremium:
country = "AND user_clans.clan = (SELECT clan FROM user_clans WHERE user = %(userid)s LIMIT 1)"
country = "AND users_stats.country = (SELECT country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %(userid)s LIMIT 1)"
country = ""
# Mods ranking (ignore auto, since we use it for pp sorting)
if self.mods > -1:
mods = "AND scores.mods = %(mods)s"
mods = ""
# Friends ranking
if self.friends:
friends = "AND (scores.userid IN (SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %(userid)s) OR scores.userid = %(userid)s)"
friends = ""
order = "ORDER BY score DESC"
if isPremium: # Premium members can see up to 100 scores on leaderboards
limit = "LIMIT 100"
limit = "LIMIT 50"
# Build query, get params and run query
query = buildQuery(locals())
params = {"beatmap_md5": self.beatmap.fileMD5, "play_mode": self.gameMode, "userid": self.userID, "mods": self.mods}
topScores = glob.db.fetchAll(query, params)
# Set data for all scores
cdef int c = 1
cdef dict topScore
if topScores is not None:
for topScore in topScores:
# Create score object
s = score.score(topScore["id"], setData=False)
# Set data and rank from topScores's row
# Check if this top 50 score is our personal best
if s.playerName == self.username:
self.personalBestRank = c
# Add this score to scores list and increment rank
'''# If we have more than 50 scores, run query to get scores count
if c >= 50:
# Count all scores on this map
select = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count"
limit = "LIMIT 1"
# Build query, get params and run query
query = buildQuery(locals())
count = glob.db.fetch(query, params)
if count == None:
self.totalScores = 0
self.totalScores = count["count"]
self.totalScores = c-1'''
# If personal best score was not in top 50, try to get it from cache
if personalBestScore is not None and self.personalBestRank < 1:
self.personalBestRank = glob.personalBestCache.get(self.userID, self.beatmap.fileMD5, self.country, self.friends, self.mods)
# It's not even in cache, get it from db
if personalBestScore is not None and self.personalBestRank < 1:
# Cache our personal best rank so we can eventually use it later as
# before personal best rank" in submit modular when building ranking panel
if self.personalBestRank >= 1:
glob.personalBestCache.set(self.userID, self.personalBestRank, self.beatmap.fileMD5)
def setPersonalBest(self):
Set personal best rank ONLY
Ikr, that query is HUGE but xd
# Before running the HUGE query, make sure we have a score on that map
cdef str query = "SELECT id FROM scores WHERE beatmap_md5 = %(md5)s AND userid = %(userid)s AND play_mode = %(mode)s AND completed = 3"
# Mods
if self.mods > -1:
query += " AND scores.mods = %(mods)s"
# Friends ranking
if self.friends:
query += " AND (scores.userid IN (SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %(userid)s) OR scores.userid = %(userid)s)"
# Sort and limit at the end
query += " LIMIT 1"
hasScore = glob.db.fetch(query, {"md5": self.beatmap.fileMD5, "userid": self.userID, "mode": self.gameMode, "mods": self.mods})
if hasScore is None:
# We have a score, run the huge query
# Base query
query = """SELECT COUNT(*) AS rank FROM scores STRAIGHT_JOIN users ON scores.userid = users.id STRAIGHT_JOIN users_stats ON users.id = users_stats.id WHERE scores.score >= (
SELECT score FROM scores WHERE beatmap_md5 = %(md5)s AND play_mode = %(mode)s AND completed = 3 AND userid = %(userid)s LIMIT 1
) AND scores.beatmap_md5 = %(md5)s AND scores.play_mode = %(mode)s AND scores.completed = 3 AND users.privileges & 1 > 0"""
# Country
if self.country:
query += " AND users_stats.country = (SELECT country FROM users_stats WHERE id = %(userid)s LIMIT 1)"
# Mods
if self.mods > -1:
query += " AND scores.mods = %(mods)s"
# Friends
if self.friends:
query += " AND (scores.userid IN (SELECT user2 FROM users_relationships WHERE user1 = %(userid)s) OR scores.userid = %(userid)s)"
# Sort and limit at the end
query += " ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 1"
result = glob.db.fetch(query, {"md5": self.beatmap.fileMD5, "userid": self.userID, "mode": self.gameMode, "mods": self.mods})
if result is not None:
self.personalBestRank = result["rank"]
def getScoresData(self):
Return scores data for getscores
return -- score data in getscores format
data = ""
# Output personal best
if self.scores[0] == -1:
# We don't have a personal best score
data += "\n"
# Set personal best score rank
self.setPersonalBest() # sets self.personalBestRank with the huge query
data += self.scores[0].getData()
# Output top 50 scores
for i in self.scores[1:]:
data += i.getData(pp=self.mods > -1 and self.mods & modsEnum.AUTOPLAY > 0)
return data