Edited 'last' command to new beatmaps table structure
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,3 +80,6 @@ class userRestrictedException(Exception):
class haxException(Exception):
class forceUpdateException(Exception):
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def tillerinoAcc(fro, chan, message):
def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message):
data = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT beatmaps.song_name as sn, scores.*,
beatmaps.beatmap_id as bid, beatmaps.difficulty, beatmaps.max_combo as fc
beatmaps.beatmap_id as bid, beatmaps.difficulty_std, beatmaps.difficulty_taiko, beatmaps.difficulty_ctb, beatmaps.difficulty_mania, beatmaps.max_combo as fc
FROM scores
LEFT JOIN beatmaps ON beatmaps.beatmap_md5=scores.beatmap_md5
LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = scores.userid
@ -538,6 +538,7 @@ def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message):
if data == None:
return False
diffString = "difficulty_{}".format(gameModes.getGameModeForDB(data["play_mode"]))
rank = generalFunctions.getRank(data["play_mode"], data["mods"], data["accuracy"],\
data["300_count"], data["100_count"], data["50_count"], data["misses_count"])
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message):
msg += ifFc
msg += " | {0:.2f}%, {1}".format(data["accuracy"], rank.upper())
msg += " {{ {0} / {1} / {2} / {3} }}".format(data["300_count"], data["100_count"], data["50_count"], data["misses_count"])
msg += " | {0:.2f} stars".format(data["difficulty"])
msg += " | {0:.2f} stars".format(data[diffString])
return msg
msg = ifPlayer
@ -566,8 +567,8 @@ def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message):
msg += ifFc
msg += " | {0:.2f}pp".format(data["pp"])
stars = data["difficulty"]
if data["mods"]:
stars = data[diffString]
if data["mods"] and data["play_mode"] == gameModes.std:
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro)
if token == None:
return False
@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ ADMIN_MANAGE_PRIVILEGES = 2 << 15
ADMIN_CHAT_MOD = 2 << 17
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from helpers import requestHelper
from helpers import discordBotHelper
from helpers import logHelper as log
from helpers import chatHelper as chat
from constants import privileges
def handle(tornadoRequest):
# Data to return
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
# Get IP from tornado request
requestIP = tornadoRequest.getRequestIP()
# Avoid exceptions
clientData = ["unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown"]
osuVersion = "unknown"
# Split POST body so we can get username/password/hardware data
# 2:-3 thing is because requestData has some escape stuff that we don't need
loginData = str(tornadoRequest.request.body)[2:-3].split("\\n")
@ -34,6 +39,19 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
if len(loginData) < 3:
raise exceptions.haxException()
# Get HWID, MAC address and more
# Structure (new line = "|", already split)
# [0] osu! version
# [1] plain mac addressed, separated by "."
# [2] mac addresses hash set
# [3] unique ID
# [4] disk ID
splitData = loginData[2].split("|")
osuVersion = splitData[0]
clientData = splitData[3].split(":")[:5]
if len(clientData) < 4:
raise exceptions.forceUpdateException()
# Try to get the ID from username
username = str(loginData[0])
userID = userHelper.getID(username)
@ -46,7 +64,8 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
raise exceptions.loginFailedException()
# Make sure we are not banned
if userHelper.isBanned(userID) == True:
priv = userHelper.getPrivileges(userID)
if userHelper.isBanned(userID) == True and priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION == 0:
raise exceptions.loginBannedException()
# 2FA check
@ -55,6 +74,29 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
raise exceptions.need2FAException()
# No login errors!
# Verify this user (if pending activation)
firstLogin = False
if priv & privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION > 0 or userHelper.hasVerifiedHardware(userID) == False:
if userHelper.verifyUser(userID, clientData) == True:
# Valid account
log.info("Account {} verified successfully!".format(userID))
glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 1
firstLogin = True
# Multiaccount detected
log.info("Account {} NOT verified!".format(userID))
glob.verifiedCache[str(userID)] = 0
raise exceptions.loginBannedException()
# Save HWID in db
hwAllowed = userHelper.logHardware(userID, clientData, firstLogin)
# This is false only if HWID is empty
# if HWID is banned, we get restricted so there's no
# need to deny bancho access
if hwAllowed == False:
raise exceptions.haxException()
# Log user IP
userHelper.IPLog(userID, requestIP)
@ -185,6 +227,12 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
except exceptions.need2FAException:
# User tried to log in from unknown IP
responseData += serverPackets.needVerification()
except exceptions.haxException:
# Using oldoldold client, we can't check hw. Force update.
# (we don't use enqueue because we don't have a token since login has failed)
err = True
responseData += serverPackets.forceUpdate()
responseData += serverPackets.notification("Hory shitto, your client is TOO old! Nice preistoria! Please turn off the switcher and update it.")
log.error("Unknown error!\n```\n{}\n{}```".format(sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc()))
@ -192,8 +240,8 @@ def handle(tornadoRequest):
if len(loginData) < 3:
msg = "Invalid bancho login request from **{}** (insufficient POST data)".format(requestIP)
msg = "Bancho login request from **{}** for user **{}** ({}) **({})**".format(requestIP, loginData[0], loginData[2], "failed" if err == True else "success")
log.info(msg, True)
msg = "Bancho login request from **{}** for user **{}** _({})_\n_Version: {}\nosu!.exe hash: {}\nMAC: {}\nUID: {}\nHWID: {}_\n".format(requestIP, loginData[0], "failed" if err == True else "success", osuVersion, clientData[0], clientData[2], clientData[3], clientData[4])
log.info(msg, "bunker")
# Return token string and data
return (responseTokenString, responseData)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
from helpers import requestHelper
from helpers import logHelper as log
import json
from objects import glob
from constants import exceptions
class handler(requestHelper.asyncRequestHandler):
def asyncGet(self):
statusCode = 400
data = {"message": "unknown error"}
# Check arguments
if requestHelper.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["u"]) == False:
raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException()
# Get userID and its verified cache thing
# -1: Not in cache
# 0: Not verified (multiacc)
# 1: Verified
userID = self.get_argument("u")
data["result"] = -1 if userID not in glob.verifiedCache else glob.verifiedCache[userID]
# Status code and message
statusCode = 200
data["message"] = "ok"
except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException:
statusCode = 400
data["message"] = "missing required arguments"
# Add status code to data
data["status"] = statusCode
# Send response
self.add_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
self.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
# jquery meme
output = ""
if "callback" in self.request.arguments:
output += self.get_argument("callback")+"("
output += json.dumps(data)
if "callback" in self.request.arguments:
output += ")"
@ -59,3 +59,11 @@ def sendChatlog(message):
message -- message to send
sendDiscordMessage("chatlog", message, prefix="")
def sendCM(message):
Send a message to #communitymanagers
message -- message to send
sendDiscordMessage("cm", message)
@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
from constants import bcolors
from helpers import discordBotHelper
from helpers import generalFunctions
from helpers.systemHelper import runningUnderUnix
from objects import glob
from helpers import userHelper
import time
import os
ENDL = "\n" if os.name == "posix" else "\r\n"
ENDL = "\n" if runningUnderUnix() else "\r\n"
def logMessage(message, alertType = "INFO", messageColor = bcolors.ENDC, discord = False, alertDev = False, of = None, stdout = True):
def logMessage(message, alertType = "INFO", messageColor = bcolors.ENDC, discord = None, alertDev = False, of = None, stdout = True):
Logs a message to stdout/discord/file
message -- message to log
alertType -- can be any string. Standard types: INFO, WARNING and ERRORS. Defalt: INFO
messageColor -- message color (see constants.bcolors). Default = bcolots.ENDC (no color)
discord -- if True, the message will be logged on #bunker channel on discord. Default: False
discord -- discord channel (bunker/cm/staff/general). Optional. Default = None
alertDev -- if True, devs will receive an hl on discord. Default: False
of -- if not None but a string, log the message to that file (inside .data folder). Eg: "warnings.txt" Default: None (don't log to file)
stdout -- if True, print the message to stdout. Default: True
@ -52,8 +51,15 @@ def logMessage(message, alertType = "INFO", messageColor = bcolors.ENDC, discord
# Log to discord if needed
if discord == True:
discordBotHelper.sendConfidential(message, alertDev)
if discord != None:
if discord == "bunker":
discordBotHelper.sendConfidential(message, alertDev)
elif discord == "cm":
elif discord == "staff":
elif discord == "general":
# Log to file if needed
if of != None:
@ -64,32 +70,32 @@ def logMessage(message, alertType = "INFO", messageColor = bcolors.ENDC, discord
def warning(message, discord = False, alertDev = False):
def warning(message, discord = None, alertDev = False):
Log a warning to stdout, warnings.log (always) and discord (optional)
message -- warning message
discord -- if True, send warning to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
discord -- if not None, send message to that discord channel through schiavo. Optional. Default = None
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "WARNING", bcolors.YELLOW, discord, alertDev, "warnings.txt")
def error(message, discord = False, alertDev = True):
def error(message, discord = None, alertDev = True):
Log an error to stdout, errors.log (always) and discord (optional)
message -- error message
discord -- if True, send error to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
discord -- if not None, send message to that discord channel through schiavo. Optional. Default = None
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "ERROR", bcolors.RED, discord, alertDev, "errors.txt")
def info(message, discord = False, alertDev = False):
def info(message, discord = None, alertDev = False):
Log an error to stdout (and info.log)
message -- info message
discord -- if True, send error to #bunker. Optional. Default = False.
discord -- if not None, send message to that discord channel through schiavo. Optional. Default = None
alertDev -- if True, send al hl to devs on discord. Optional. Default = False.
logMessage(message, "INFO", bcolors.ENDC, discord, alertDev, "info.txt")
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ def ban(userID):
userID -- id of user
banDateTime = int(time.time())
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s", [ ~(privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC) , banDateTime, userID])
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s, ban_datetime = %s WHERE id = %s", [ ~(privileges.USER_NORMAL | privileges.USER_PUBLIC | privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION) , banDateTime, userID])
def unban(userID):
@ -433,6 +433,15 @@ def getPrivileges(userID):
return 0
def setPrivileges(userID, priv):
Set userID's privileges in db
userID -- id of user
priv -- privileges number
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = %s WHERE id = %s", [priv, userID])
def isInPrivilegeGroup(userID, groupName):
groupPrivileges = glob.db.fetch("SELECT privileges FROM privileges_groups WHERE name = %s", [groupName])
if groupPrivileges == None:
@ -444,3 +453,168 @@ def isInPrivilegeGroup(userID, groupName):
userPrivileges = getPrivileges(userID)
return (userPrivileges == groupPrivileges) or (userPrivileges == (groupPrivileges | privileges.USER_DONOR))
def appendNotes(userID, notes, addNl = True):
Append "notes" to current userID's "notes for CM"
userID -- id of user
notes -- text to append
addNl -- if True, prepend \n to notes. Optional. Default: True.
if addNl == True:
notes = "\n"+notes
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET notes=CONCAT(COALESCE(notes, ''),%s) WHERE id = %s", [notes, userID])
def logHardware(userID, hashes, activation = False):
Hardware log
Peppy's botnet structure (new line = "|", already split)
[0] osu! version
[1] plain mac addressed, separated by "."
[2] mac addresses hash set
[3] unique ID
[4] disk ID
return -- True if hw is not banned, otherwise false
# Make sure the strings are not empty
for i in hashes:
if i == "":
log.warning("Invalid hash set ({}) for user {} in HWID check".format(hashes, userID), "bunk")
return False
# Run some HWID checks on that user if he is not restricted
if isRestricted(userID) == False:
# Get username
username = getUsername(userID)
# Get the list of banned or restricted users that have logged in from this or similar HWID hash set
banned = glob.db.fetchAll("""SELECT users.id as userid, hw_user.occurencies, users.username FROM hw_user
LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = hw_user.userid
WHERE hw_user.userid != %(userid)s
AND (IF(%(mac)s!='b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df', hw_user.mac = %(mac)s, 0) OR hw_user.unique_id = %(uid)s OR hw_user.disk_id = %(diskid)s)
AND (users.privileges & 3 != 3)""", {
"userid": userID,
"mac": hashes[2],
"uid": hashes[3],
"diskid": hashes[4],
for i in banned:
# Get the total numbers of logins
total = glob.db.fetch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM hw_user WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])
# and make sure it is valid
if total == None:
total = total["count"]
# Calculate 10% of total
perc = (total*10)/100
if i["occurencies"] >= perc:
# If the banned user has logged in more than 10% of the times from this user, restrict this user
appendNotes(userID, "-- Logged in from HWID ({hwid}) used more than 10% from user {banned} ({bannedUserID}), who is banned/restricted.".format(
log.warning("**{user}** ({userID}) has been restricted because he has logged in from HWID _({hwid})_ used more than 10% from banned/restricted user **{banned}** ({bannedUserID}), **possible multiaccount**.".format(
), "cm")
# Update hash set occurencies
INSERT INTO hw_user (id, userid, mac, unique_id, disk_id, occurencies) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, 1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE occurencies = occurencies + 1
""", [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]])
# Optionally, set this hash as 'used for activation'
if activation == True:
glob.db.execute("UPDATE hw_user SET activated = 1 WHERE userid = %s AND mac = %s AND unique_id = %s AND disk_id = %s", [userID, hashes[2], hashes[3], hashes[4]])
# Access granted, abbiamo impiegato 3 giorni
# We grant access even in case of login from banned HWID
# because we call restrict() above so there's no need to deny the access.
return True
def resetPendingFlag(userID, success=True):
Remove pending flag from an user.
userID -- ID of the user
success -- if True, set USER_PUBLIC and USER_NORMAL flags too
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges & %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [~privileges.USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION, userID])
if success == True:
glob.db.execute("UPDATE users SET privileges = privileges | %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1", [(privileges.USER_PUBLIC | privileges.USER_NORMAL), userID])
def verifyUser(userID, hashes):
# Check for valid hash set
for i in hashes:
if i == "":
log.warning("Invalid hash set ({}) for user {} while verifying the account".format(str(hashes), userID), "bunk")
return False
# Get username
username = getUsername(userID)
# Make sure there are no other accounts activated with this exact mac/unique id/hwid
match = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT userid FROM hw_user WHERE (IF(%(mac)s != 'b4ec3c4334a0249dae95c284ec5983df', mac = %(mac)s, 0) OR unique_id = %(uid)s OR disk_id = %(diskid)s) AND userid != %(userid)s AND activated = 1 LIMIT 1", {
"mac": hashes[2],
"uid": hashes[3],
"diskid": hashes[4],
"userid": userID
if match:
# This is a multiaccount, restrict other account and ban this account
# Get original userID and username (lowest ID)
originalUserID = match[0]["userid"]
originalUsername = getUsername(originalUserID)
# Ban this user and append notes
ban(userID) # this removes the USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION flag too
appendNotes(userID, "-- {}'s multiaccount ({}), found HWID match while verifying account ({})".format(originalUsername, originalUserID, hashes[2:5]))
appendNotes(originalUserID, "-- Has created multiaccount {} ({})".format(username, userID))
# Restrict the original
# Discord message
log.warning("User **{originalUsername}** ({originalUserID}) has been restricted because he has created multiaccount **{username}** ({userID}). The multiaccount has been banned.".format(
), "cm")
# Disallow login
return False
# No matches found, set USER_PUBLIC and USER_NORMAL flags and reset USER_PENDING_VERIFICATION flag
log.info("User **{}** ({}) has verified his account with hash set _{}_".format(username, userID, hashes[2:5]), "cm")
# Allow login
return True
def hasVerifiedHardware(userID):
userID -- id of the user
return -- True if hwid activation data is in db, otherwise false
data = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM hw_user WHERE userid = %s AND activated = 1 LIMIT 1", [userID])
if data != None:
return True
return False
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ matches = matchList.matchList()
restarting = False
pool = None
fLocks = fileLocks.fileLocks()
verifiedCache = {}
cloudflare = False
debug = False
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from handlers import apiIsOnlineHandler
from handlers import apiOnlineUsersHandler
from handlers import apiServerStatusHandler
from handlers import ciTriggerHandler
from handlers import apiVerifiedStatusHandler
from irc import ircserver
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def make_app():
(r"/api/v1/onlineUsers", apiOnlineUsersHandler.handler),
(r"/api/v1/serverStatus", apiServerStatusHandler.handler),
(r"/api/v1/ciTrigger", ciTriggerHandler.handler),
(r"/api/v1/verifiedStatus", apiVerifiedStatusHandler.handler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user