32 lines
772 B

from objects import glob
from constants import serverPackets, clientPackets
def handle(userToken, packetData):
# Get usertoken data
userID = userToken.userID
# Get match ID and match object
matchID = userToken.matchID
# Make sure we are in a match
if matchID == -1:
# Make sure the match exists
if matchID not in glob.matches.matches:
# The match exists, get object
match = glob.matches.matches[matchID]
# Change slot id in packetData
slotID = match.getUserSlotID(userID)
# Parse the data
data = clientPackets.matchFrames(packetData)
# Update the score
match.updateScore(slotID, data["totalScore"])
# Enqueue frames to who's playing
glob.streams.broadcast(match.playingStreamName, serverPackets.matchFrames(slotID, packetData))