how do we not have querying by score id???

This commit is contained in:
Morgan Bazalgette 2018-07-19 15:43:58 +02:00
parent 4470ca2e63
commit 21e3939b36

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@ -49,14 +49,16 @@ type scoresResponse struct {
// ScoresGET retrieves the top scores for a certain beatmap.
func ScoresGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
var (
beatmapMD5 string
r scoresResponse
where = new(common.WhereClause)
r scoresResponse
pm := md.Ctx.Request.URI().QueryArgs().PeekMulti
switch {
case md.Query("md5") != "":
beatmapMD5 = md.Query("md5")
where.In("beatmap_md5", pm("md5")...)
case md.Query("b") != "":
err := md.DB.Get(&beatmapMD5, "SELECT beatmap_md5 FROM beatmaps WHERE beatmap_id = ? LIMIT 1", md.Query("b"))
var md5 string
err := md.DB.Get(&md5, "SELECT beatmap_md5 FROM beatmaps WHERE beatmap_id = ? LIMIT 1", md.Query("b"))
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
r.Code = 200
@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ func ScoresGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
return Err500
return ErrMissingField("md5|b")
where.Where("beatmap_md5 = ?", md5)
where.In("", pm("id")...)
sort := common.Sort(md, common.SortConfiguration{
Default: "scores.pp DESC, scores.score DESC",
@ -75,6 +77,10 @@ func ScoresGET(md common.MethodData) common.CodeMessager {
Allowed: []string{"pp", "score", "accuracy", "id"},
where.Where(` scores.completed = '3' AND `+md.User.OnlyUserPublic(false)+` `+
genModeClause(md)+` `+sort+common.Paginate(md.Query("p"), md.Query("l"), 100), "")
where.Params = where.Params[:len(where.Params)-1]
rows, err := md.DB.Query(`
SELECT, scores.beatmap_md5, scores.score,
@ -89,9 +95,7 @@ SELECT
FROM scores
INNER JOIN users ON = scores.userid
INNER JOIN users_stats ON = scores.userid
WHERE scores.beatmap_md5 = ? AND scores.completed = '3' AND `+md.User.OnlyUserPublic(false)+
` `+genModeClause(md)+`
`+sort+common.Paginate(md.Query("p"), md.Query("l"), 100), beatmapMD5)
`+where.Clause, where.Params...)
if err != nil {
return Err500