This commit is contained in:
depreciate 2019-01-05 06:38:43 +10:30
parent 8caa92fc91
commit fa878bb92a
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ from common.log import logUtils as log
from common.ripple import passwordUtils, scoreUtils
from objects import glob
def logUserLog(log,fileMd5,userID, gameMode):
glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_logs (user, log, time, game_mode, beatmap_md5) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",[userID, log, int(time.time()), gameMode, fileMd5])
return True
def getBeatmapTime(beatmapID):
p = 0
r = requests.get("{}".format(beatmapID)).text